The Dragon Saga!

With an ass like that, there's hope we'll all get to touch him. Dramatic curves for the win.

is an awesome poster that not so much flies, but soars under the radar.

Enough e-gushing, Dragon Saga's from Ireland which is a plus, Coco writes hilarious posts, I have to admit I'm torn on this.

Dragon Saga was called out (in the prison?) for some neg rep he gave to Hoho. Not the first or last time this will happen, but Dragon answered back with some criticism of Hoho's threads of scantily clad women wrestlers, which he was entitled to do.

Coco stood up for a new poster and is a fan of The Wire and Deadwood. Like I said, I'm torn on this. Is a truce out of the question?
I believe I tried to do that with Saga yesterday, pages ago..but it seemed to go from the problem Saga and I were having to Coco vs Saga.I must admit I dont hate the guy but their are certain words you don't say to people and he went over the line, opinion it's his right, but he abused it a little.I know others took shots at me in this thread, which were friends of Saga which I wasn't surprised to see, Coco stepped up..Like I told Coco I felt like a Seel in a Shark Tank, don't get me in a corner, I will fight back.Honestly, I'm shocked this thread is still open at this point..
Who is discrediting Rob Van Dam? The nerve.

I rather have uniqueness than someone like JackHammer who I have nothing against. At least he's not Ferbian or recent Dagger. Pick your spots.
Zrise and Insano = Round 2 of Ireland V America.

To think that pictures of lovely women kicked all this off just reminds me of a South Park tale
Seing as the irish are in the minority here im going to assume the role of token in that picture :p

That's fair enough, as a Scot I'm presuming the role of the purple confused looking penguin who just loiters in the background :D

Would that make Coco - Cartman, Dragon Saga - Kyle (another minority) and Hoho - blonde kid? (Tweak?)
"You come across as such an idiot in this comment and the one previous. It is called human decency, I called him out on it and he threw a bitch fit. He basically proved I was right."
No, no, no! You called him out for posting pictures of Divas form a website then posting them in here. You also said he is a pervert for posting them since he has no life and needs to go outside. Then talked about how he needs a life and a girl friend and what not. For one, the pictures have no nudity in them, two, some of us men like to look at divas and that’s why divas do photo shoots. Does that make any sense? So he took them from a site and places them on here to make it easier for people to look at them. What is wrong with that? It only bother you not anyone else. You called him for only posting spam, and pictures right? Don’t we have sections in the forums for these types of things? Yes, yes we do so again he isn’t doing anything wrong. So since the guy doesn’t post serious post it is also an issue to you right? Are you a MOD? NOPE, so nothing you can do besides sit behind your monitor and wish that you were since he isn’t a serious poster. You have nothing to say to him besides it creeps you lol. Weak really weak along with that you’ll never touch, see or meet them either. Damn, so no one in the world of the Dragon Saga Saga should have Hollywood crushes right? You come across like your reasoning is so right because YOU have an issue with it. Fact is dude, if anyone was to have an issue with it should and would be the MODS not some hardcore serious internet kid like you. Get over it as this is a wrestling site where we can post spam and non spam post. Deal with it.

How so, because I actually took back the fact that I said 99% of men would enjoy looking at pics of divas? Your issue is that you think you are always right about everything when in reality you're not. You basically got on someone for posting spam pictures because he has no life? Are you that afraid of women? Have you ever been with one? How old are you really? You just try to reverse psychology everyone into thinking they are wrong which isn't going to work. You're the idiot kid so realize it. You must hate women and take this wrestlezone forum way, way, to serious. If you don't like half naked chicks of chicks in general then post pictures of your favorite half naked wrestlers.

HoHo has done nothing wrong but been trolled by an insecure 19 year old want to be mister fucking right. Not right and nothing you have said has proved to be right at all. You lose whether you use your stupid sigs of people kissing your ass or not, you're wrong.

You want to do the right thing which must be hard for you do to, stay out of threads you don't like and leave it be. But you're and inconsiderate know it all so that is hard for you. "I'm always right blah blah blah" well idiot you're wrong for hating on him for like the women of wrestling and posting them in a wrestling forum. Maybe you have insecurities’ and what not and hell maybe you rather stare at D Bry instead of the divas that’s your choice. But for you, you are wrong and idiot and maybe need to take a look at the college women around you and try to touch them. If and I mean if that will ever happen.
Bill Lesnar just said nothing has changed in the past week. 'Dragon Saga' still contributes zilch to WZ. Bill Lesnar is sick of all these pompous losers. It puts Bill Lesnar off the site. Bill is a fucking superstar.

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