The Doctor's Office

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Your friend has a massive crush on you? I always wondered what the dynamic between two friends would be if one was gay and had a crush on the other one. How does that work out?
How do I always end up jumping into conversations at this point? What the fuck is wrong with you people?!

(All you gotta do is punch him and tell him to be gentle. 2 Words... "No Vaseline!"
Seeing The Rock return last one was my first mark out moment in YEARS.

I truly felt like a little kid again getting caught in the moment and excitement of the program.

I wish I wasn't spoiled on the returns of Booker T & Nash at the Rumble.
I haven't marked out that hard since the Royal Rumble. Santino's big moment was on par for Rock's return for me.

Yeah. I went there.
When Santino reentered the ring at the Rumble, I was excited at the thought but couldn't shake the 'No way will he win...right?' feeling.

There have been moments that have made me really appreciate wrestling once again and have been excited for the product, but nothing like last night. And when he called out Cena, my excitement went through the roof.

I'll take Rock v Cena over Sting v Undertaker.
You should change your name to "The Doc".
I considered it, but as FunKay says, I have the Mania bet.
Seeing The Rock return last one was my first mark out moment in YEARS.

I truly felt like a little kid again getting caught in the moment and excitement of the program.

I wish I wasn't spoiled on the returns of Booker T & Nash at the Rumble.
Hey, I marked out when Booker and Nash returned anyway. Don't believe it until you see it.
Your friend has a massive crush on you? I always wondered what the dynamic between two friends would be if one was gay and had a crush on the other one. How does that work out?
It's not a big deal if you don't let it be :shrug:
I haven't marked out that hard since the Royal Rumble. Santino's big moment was on par for Rock's return for me.

Yeah. I went there.

I agree, actually. Well, OK, The Rock was a bit more, but I was marking hard for Santino nearly winning, and Del Rio really winning. I love wrestling.
I was taking a quick glimpse at the live chat on for RAW and the subsequent chat with the Rock. It looks like the Fink would fit right in here. He seems to speak his mind pretty openly.
My WZCW RP is posted, if anyone is interested. Feedback will be repped, possibly returned.

Also, thank you Jesus I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I've had just enough of this damn cough/whatever the hell it is. It's killing me, my side hurts like hell and I can't walk anywhere without coughing every ten steps. Uggggh.

I'm hungry.
I do admit, I did have a bit of a spaz attack seeing Booker T return at Royal Rumble, and seeing 5 drunk guys do a spin-a-roonie on the bar-room floor. But then last night, I was trying to play off Rock's return, but I was more waiting for my chance to get Chris Jericho's new book before I judged the Rock bit on my Raw tape. After reviewing the footage, I have come to the conclusion after watching the jabroni beating, pie eating... ((shudders at the thought of that tongue again))...:p Rock...I did mark out a little bit... I wouldn't mind seeing his chest all greased up.

I would've spazzed out more if he would've actually shoved that computer up Cole's rectal region...I wonder how many times the facebook page for 'DwayneJohnson' crashed in hopes of seeing some kind of picture...LOL

John 'Bradshaw' Layfield: 2011 WrestleZone Tournament Participant and Uncrowned Winner.
you guys should explain to me what the whole tournament hubbub is about

I would make a thread or something but I don't want to look that new
It's a tournament where we vote and argue over who the greatest wrestler of all time is. The two wrestlers compete in kayfabe matches and we decide who would win in kayfabe, but we can really use whatever criteria we wish.

Also, JGlass! New Action Saxton RP, if you're interested. I think he's a shoo-in to win the tournament this year.

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