All righty, FunKay. Sorry about that.
I wish he hit the old greeter man. That would have been hilarious.
Nah, Dr. Alhazred attacked the greeter man shortly after. It's in his RP, and mine takes place just a few seconds behind his.
And watermelon Doc?! I'm surprised you went for a race joke that blatant! Obviously it could have been worse, and I'd be lying if I didn't get a quick haha out of it.
Hey man, who doesn't love watermelon? Watermelon is just a funny fruit because it's so big, and the mental image of several rolling around in a small basket carried by a large angry man amuses me greatly.
I loved the ending though. But it was a perfect opportunity for OH HELLLL NAW, but I dug it anyway. A good read, had me smiling from beginning to end.
Haha, I was considering it, but I didn't want it to seem like I was denying his request.
As for my not really talking about my opponents, I never intended the RPs to be anything like traditional RPs (Run down opponents, talk about partners and PPVs, etc.). However once I actually feud with Alhazred one-on-one should it happen, there definitely will be more talking about him in my RPs.
Sorry, Constantine, but I have a new favorite character in WZCW. Alhazred is just great.