The Doctor's Office

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Dudes, glad I'm not in this tourney,I mostly base my decisions of good wrestlers on who would look the best wrestling me in hot oil... :lmao: So hormones totally do not make the case....debate team would not have been for me in high school...
I wish he hit the old greeter man. That would have been hilarious.

And watermelon Doc?! I'm surprised you went for a race joke that blatant! Obviously it could have been worse, and I'd be lying if I didn't get a quick haha out of it.

I loved the ending though. But it was a perfect opportunity for OH HELLLL NAW, but I dug it anyway. A good read, had me smiling from beginning to end.
Not enough about you opponents, but otherwise pitch perfect. Action Saxton is my kind of cat and already a prominent midcard force in my book.
All righty, FunKay. Sorry about that.

I wish he hit the old greeter man. That would have been hilarious.
Nah, Dr. Alhazred attacked the greeter man shortly after. It's in his RP, and mine takes place just a few seconds behind his.

And watermelon Doc?! I'm surprised you went for a race joke that blatant! Obviously it could have been worse, and I'd be lying if I didn't get a quick haha out of it.

Hey man, who doesn't love watermelon? Watermelon is just a funny fruit because it's so big, and the mental image of several rolling around in a small basket carried by a large angry man amuses me greatly.

I loved the ending though. But it was a perfect opportunity for OH HELLLL NAW, but I dug it anyway. A good read, had me smiling from beginning to end.

Haha, I was considering it, but I didn't want it to seem like I was denying his request.

As for my not really talking about my opponents, I never intended the RPs to be anything like traditional RPs (Run down opponents, talk about partners and PPVs, etc.). However once I actually feud with Alhazred one-on-one should it happen, there definitely will be more talking about him in my RPs.

Sorry, Constantine, but I have a new favorite character in WZCW. Alhazred is just great.
Yeah, seems there are lots of linked RPs this round. And here was me thinking I was being all clever with making mine take place seconds behind Alhazred's. :(
We're making things to hype up our own movies in my Film Studies class, and for some weird reason, when I was writing a fictional review for it, I filled in the director as JBL, so I've run with's quite entertaining actually.
When I first saw that video on the Best of SD! DVD, I about pissed myself laughing. That, and his thing in the brush about no illegals.
I'd be watching but my roommate and his friends are currently listening to and singing along with some fucking awful rap music loudly while I'm lying here and feeling sorry for myself.

Well, I feel better than I have. Apparently I have had pneumonia for the past few weeks and I've gotten some antibiotics for it and I feel pretty all right. Not perfect, though.

And of course Dave would log off right when I PMed him.

I got Jericho's new book, so far so good.
You better believe it!!! He's the black private dick that's a sex machine to allllll the chicks.

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