The Doctor's Office

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I'd be down with that. Don't know if he'd want to do it, though.

Holy fucking shit!!!, Uncanny X-Force Apocolypse Solution #1 (issues 1-3 of Uncanny X-Force) hits selves tomorrow!!!! and it's only $4.99


Oh and Raw last night was fucking excellent, so glad I was able to get home from work early and see 90 mins. of it as opposed to the just the usual second hour

If it wasn't for my dick head co-assnt. supervisor I prolly would've been able to see the whole fucking show, but no he had to go tell the one machine operator to slow done so he could milk the clock, well guess what motherfucker today I run the ship, and not only am I going to do everything to get out of their early tonight, but I'm going to do everything I can to make sure we get a loooooooooooooong lunch just so I can nullify any milking of the clock that was done yesterday:evil3:

Also found it funny that our he tried bitching about me to our dept. manger and supervisor, and they just told to to mind his own business, he has no authority over me:lmao:
I work for a mail presort business, basically we pick up mail form companies and presort it for them at a discounted rate before sending it off to the post office, I am one of two asst. supervisors in my dept. (which only has 8 fucking people total), I worked my up to that position or 5 yrs., the other guy was simply given it when he started because he's buddies with the CEO, and they needed to give him a job where they could justify paying him what he wanted to pay him, nobody else wants him in that job, cause he sucks at it, and really has done nothing to deserve it

Politics in the work place they suck as much as they do in wrestling:disappointed:
Yeah man, that blows. At least if you run the department your way for a day and everyone likes you more, maybe they'll put pressure on the higher ups to give you more power.
Yeah, he's noticed he can't get me fired I think, so instead he's going and trying to get the people I like working with fired, problem is those are our best employees, so in an attempt to get rid of me he';s just dragging the the dept. into the shitter, both my Manger and Supervisor have already noticed, however as I said he's butt buddies with the CEO, I have a feeling things are gonna change within the next year though, as he's running out of people to get rid of, adn now they've told him that since we're so shorthanded that he has to fill in and do the work those people were doing:lmao:
You can come pee on my substitute speech teacher, if you want.

My speech was fucking awesome, that's what the class thinks. I was supposed to have a 10 minute time limit but for some reason (being a sub) she thought it was five. So I'm getting into the flow of my speech, building to a dramatic conclusion, and she keeps fucking interrupting me, and I basically tell her I have until ten and to stop interrupting me (I was the last speech of the day, too, and the class was really into it), and she starts scribbling all these notes. I probably failed the most important grade of the wuarter because of her dickfuckery.

It was a great speech, though. Everyone after class was telling me how much they loved it. I'll have to email the real professor and explain the situation. But really, what the FUCK kind of professor schedules final speeches on the week she'll be out, and doesn't give the sub instructions of what's expected of us?!
Why the fuck is a substitute teacher grading you on a final project, that sounds like something the actual teacher should be doing, since they assigned the assignment n'all!?

Heard any good tunes lately Doc?

And, yeah, actually. I've been listening to some darker stuff. Here are two songs I've really been digging:

I've also been listening to a lot of Lordi.

Did you see that there's a new Cut Copy album out? I haven't listened to it yet, but it's supposed to be good.
Nice, good stuff. First track definitely had some progressive psy-trance sounds and a heavier techno sounds as well. The second track was super chilled, enjoyed them both. I got something you might like, kind of similar to the first track. I'll upload to youtube and post em in this thread later today.

Cut-Copy album, I was disappoint. I've only given it one good listen (I pre ordered it too) and didn't really want to listen again after that. It was much "softer" less electronic sounding, and more "Americanized" which in most cases is not a good thing for music, especially electronic music. It was way more of an artsy album, kind of like the most recent MGMT album, except MGMT actually executed, Cut-Copy should have stuck with their previous formula.

First time I've heard Lordi before, I've been listening to something kinda similar, basically the same progressive metal/rock as Lordi, just less vocals.

Try this track out, great guitar riffs, heavy sounds, but also very emotional. Great track, giver a listen.

I think I might work on my next showcase tonight, right now I'm leaning to doing Batman: Knightfall, though that could change, if I do do Knightfall, then the aftermath portion of the thread is gonna be pretty light on info, because DC immediately jumped into another arc (Knightquest) I want to save for later
Haha, I saw that, Misson. Too funny.

I enjoyed that track you posted, SSC.

Also, Daffney accepted my Facebook friend request. I may have marked out just a bit.

Also also, I have a blog now, linked in my profile. It's basically me getting things off my mind that I want to write about. No theme, no goal, just me. So if you ever wanted to know more about me than anyone should ever know, go there.
Doc do you watch any sports?
Nah, I can't get into them for some reason. I've tried, but it's not my thing. Same with MMA.

Then again, I really enjoyed wrestling in 11th grade. I'd definitely wrestle again if it were for fun and not taken too seriously.

Jesus I feel miserable for some reason. I'm going to listen to wimpy music and read Secret War. Or at least I would if my bed wasn't covered with clothes and I felt like putting them away. Jeesh.
I was just curious

I think I'm gonna watch a couple episodes of Darkwing Duck (maybe switch it up with some Talespin later), while eating my Lasagna and working on my next comic showcase
Heck yeah I used to love Darkwing Duck.

You know what cartoon is awesome, and everyone who likes cartoons should see? DangerMouse. Best show evah

Man now I want to go to Netflix and watch random stuff until I pass out. TALLY HO!!!!
What's crackin, Doctor?

Jesus I feel miserable for some reason. I'm going to listen to wimpy music and read Secret War. Or at least I would if my bed wasn't covered with clothes and I felt like putting them away. Jeesh.
You need to master the art of piling clothes on your desk chair, then throwing them on the bed when you need said chair, repeat. I'd literally be able to do that for days until the weekend, when I'd finally relent and throw the stuff in drawers/closet.
Finished the new comics event spotlight, link is in my sig, and now that I'm finished with that I'm going to visit the land of sweet slumber:zzzz:

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