The Doctor's Office

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Justin, that shit looks AMAZING! And as Doc said, what a cast! Ellen Page is my favorite actress, bar none, and it doesn't hurt that she's definitely my celebrity crush... along with Emma Watson.
Oh shit, I missed a Deadpool discussion! I love Deadpool, though I refuse to include him in my internal debate for who my favorite comic book characters are because he's almost too perfect.

Read Deadpool and Cable during the Civil War, it is Deadpool at his finest. Our hero... or bounty hunter anyway, finds himself at odds with Earth's greatest heroes; such legends as Captain America, Luke Cage, and Squirrel Girl.
Oh shit, I missed a Deadpool discussion! I love Deadpool, though I refuse to include him in my internal debate for who my favorite comic book characters are because he's almost too perfect.

Read Deadpool and Cable during the Civil War, it is Deadpool at his finest. Our hero... or bounty hunter anyway, finds himself at odds with Earth's greatest heroes; such legends as Captain America, Luke Cage, and Squirrel Girl.
Definitely going to pick that up should I see it. I only have one Deadpool graphic novel :( and that's because I found it lying around and no one claimed it.
I'm starting to work under the theory that Doc is really Alucard as a young man.
Haha, why?
It doesn't matter! Ultimate wins! Sorry. I just hate the regular one.
I like the art in the series a little more, and I like how expanded some arcs are, especially near the beginning (For example the one with the two wannabe-rebel-vampires. Really made them twisted and pathetic). However, I like the story and characterization in Ultimate WAY more, especially Seras Victoria's. She's so badass in Ultimate. I just wish she always had red eyes in it.

Comparing Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate is a lot like comparing the Marvel comics and Ultimate Marvel.

(Speaking of, comic fans who don't normally watch anime, I again implore you to watch Hellsing Ultimate. At least the first episode. Violence, awesome art and characters, great English voice acting, and all around amazingness).
I looked for it on Amazon, but I didn't find it. I'll check later. You may have to buy the comics individually, which would suuuuuuck.

By the way, read Justin's new thread, it's fucking awesome.
I did and am looking forward to the rest in the series. I need to brush up on my comic book history.

I have a really old book full of information about what was happening in the X-Men 'verse at the time. Still a great read, even though it's like twenty years old. Did that thing with "La Beau" killing the X-Men ever come to pass?
OK, I must have given away the X-Men book but apparently someone either had a vision of the future, or was sent back in time from the future to warn the X-Men that aomeone calling himself "La Beau" betrayed the X-Men and killed them all, or something. The details are foggy.

Probably an abandoned arc.
Ah... that would be Bishop, and by La Beau you must be referring to Lebeau, aka Remy Lebeau, aka Gambit. Bishop thought there was a traitor within the X-Men and he was convinced it was Gambit. I don't know the specifics but eventually they ironed things out. Bishop is still mega-paranoid that the future he came from is going to come about though. He even tried killing Hope (the only mutant born since M-Day occurred) because he thinks that she'll eventually kill a lot of people which would make the government stick all mutants in concentration camps (which is where Bishop got the M over his eye). That's also why Bishop sided with Iron Man in the Civil War.
Bishop, that's right! I remember now. So Bishop's future hasn't happened yet, but they are still referencing it? That's some cool continuity.
If it was anything like the TV series, the Gambit who was going to cause Bishop's future to exist was Mistique in disguise.

On the subject of X-Men cartoons, Evolution > the rest.
Evolution is by far my least favorite Marvel cartoon, though the new Wolverine and the X-Men cartoon is pretty shitty too. They just fuck up continuity so badly in Evolution, and Kitty Pryde is made to be the most annoying bitch in the history of television. They really dumb her down and turn her into a valley girl when in the real Marvel Universe she was very smart.

And yeah, Doc. Bishop has slowly grown more and more obsessed with preventing the future he came from. You know that Deadpool clip Justin posted earlier? That's actually from a storyline where Wolverine and X-Force are chasing down Bishop because he's trying to kill Cable and Hope (the mutant girl who may or may not be the mutant messiah). He had been chasing them throughout time, and they incidentally ended up in the future that Cable came from, and Bishop sides with Stryfe (Cable's evil clone brother) so that he can track down Cable and Hope and kill them. He then proceeds to follow them into space and tries to blow himself and Hope up with a nuclear bomb he implanted into his bionic arm. He becomes so obsessed with preventing his own future that he is willing to kill himself in order to accomplish his goal. It's fantastic writing, I suggest you read that series too, I believe it's part of the Messiah Complex series, but I'm not entirely sure.
I wish I had a billion dollars to spend on comics, cartoons, anime, etc. There's so much I want to read and watch, but so little time or resources.
Hey man, if you win the lottery you can buy a kick ass house and have an entire room dedicated to that type of stuff.
Either of you guys wanna send me your comics that you don't want?

I love comics. I just don't love them enough to spend the meager amounts of money I receive from my parents on them.
Evolution is by far my least favorite Marvel cartoon, though the new Wolverine and the X-Men cartoon is pretty shitty too. They just fuck up continuity so badly in Evolution,

Fuck continuity to the 616verse if it gets in the way of making the show entertaining, which it was. Do I care if Gambit's a sociopath in Evolution? Hell no, it's a vast improvement over what I saw in the original show. Emo/Goth Rouge? See Gambit. The Brotherhood of misfit mutants? Excellent characters once they got past they actually got some screentime. Fuck the characterisation in the comics outside the context of them.

and Kitty Pryde is made to be the most annoying bitch in the history of television.

Apparently you missed Jean Grey in the same series. And the bitchiness and valley girl characteristics was toned down a LOT later on in the series.

They really dumb her down and turn her into a valley girl when in the real Marvel Universe she was very smart.

She wasn't exacty dumb in Evolution either. Sure she's not a super genius, but she was taking classes intended for people older than her.
90's X-Men series destroys Evolution in every way.

If by "destroys" you mean "is shit in comparason to". I watched the original X-Men cartoon back when I was a kid, and it's really not that good. Jean's annoying and borderline useless outside of creating tension and rigidly applying bits from the comic book that make no fucking sence is not a good idea. Did Cyclops' dad REALLY need to be a space pirate, for example.

Nostalgia makes people overrate shows that really weren't that good, and X-Men is one of them.
If by "destroys" you mean "is shit in comparason to".

This ought to be good.

I watched the original X-Men cartoon back when I was a kid, and it's really not that good. Jean's annoying and borderline useless outside of creating tension and rigidly applying bits from the comic book that make no fucking sence is not a good idea.

Cyclops and Wolverine don't get on. It creates tension within the team and using Jean is the best way to get along.

Did Cyclops' dad REALLY need to be a space pirate, for example.

No, but it was a nice touch top see them acknowledge comics. Besides, he appears in like 5 episodes in a series that went on for 76 episodes.

Nostalgia makes people overrate shows that really weren't that good, and X-Men is one of them.

No that would be Evolution.
Uh, in the comic books Cyclops' dad IS a space pirate, why change it for the sake of the cartoon?

Rearrance these words to form a sentence: sense it makes no. Why keep it if you're making your own fricking universe and can discard shit that makes no sence and/or doesn't need to be there.

This ought to be good.

Especially since I'm right.

Cyclops and Wolverine don't get on. It creates tension within the team and using Jean is the best way to get along.

And what was the justification for making her faint regularly so that Cyclops and Wolverine could fight over who gets to varry her to safety?

No, but it was a nice touch top see them acknowledge comics. Besides, he appears in like 5 episodes in a series that went on for 76 episodes.

Acknowledging comics? Like Kitty having a dragon cuddley toy, the Gems of Cytorak having the ability to awaken hidden powers, Scott being nicknamed "slim", pretty much all of Gambit and Rouge's interractions, Kitty and Kurt's initial interactions, Kurt's hell dimension when he teleports, Bobby reffering to the original Xmen team as "the cool team" and Kitty and Collossus' interactions when they were separated from everyone else in the last episide of season 3.

No that would be Evolution.

Nice try, but I thought Evolution was better the first time around. No rose tinted spectacles needed.

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