The Doctor's Office

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Also delicious.

Can someone come murder my dorm neighbors for me? They've blocked the toilet AGAIN, without asking the cleaning lady for a plunger. AGAIN. It's always me and my roommate to clean up after those lazy assholes. and they play their music way too loudly. Ugh.
When I lived in a dorm with shared bathroom facilities we designated two stalls specifically for pooping. That way, people wouldn't A) piss all over the seat and B) clog one because then there would only be one poop stall left. Unfortunately, someone in the dorm had some terrible bowel issues because one of them was always full of vile, disgusting crap.
Well, this bathroom is only shared by four people and it's just a regular old bathroom. I might just have to put my day clothes back on (I'm in my pajamas) and head back to the college.

I'm seriously angry about this though. They never unlock the bathroom door after they use it and now this bullshit. Oh and they play their music way too loud.
I had a roommate that would take the showers that would seemingly last for fucking ever, and would lock the door when doing so, problem was we only had one bathroom, well one mornign I wake up and have to shit, and he's locked himself in the bathroom for his daily 4 hr. shower session, and I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally had to shit, so I said fuck this, went into his room where grabbed the small waste basket next to his bed and took a massive dump in it, when he finally emerged from the shower I told him he may want to empty his garbage, he was pissed to say the least, however he never took a long shower when I was home again after that

So the moral if this story, if you have roommates who are causing problems with the bathroom, just shit in their room, if nothing else it will certainly get their attention
:lmao: Great advice Justin. And JGlass is right.

JGlass! Did you see my new Action Saxton adventure? Link is a few posts back.
I'd say Captain America just because he had one of the biggest parts in the Civil War book, which was awesome. Glad you finally got to read it.
I plan on picking up Secret War after I'm done with all the Civil War stuff I want to read also, after hearing you gush about it I'm curious to see if it's really as good as you make it sound
Be warned, I have no idea if it is. I just know that the art is absolutely gorgeous. I do remember enjoying the story, though. I'll probably be giving it a reread this weekend.

Be sure it's this one, and not Secret Wars:
Yeah they had a few different Secret War books, and that was one of them, I remember looking to see who the artist was because i remember you saying you loved the the work Gabrielle Dell'Otto did on it
Hopefully the quality of the story matches the quality of the art. Like I say I remember loving it but I am a really visual guy. Can't wait 'til I get the chance to read it again. Maybe I'll go home tomorrow just to work on my English paper and get the book.
Apparently Deadpool #33.1 comes out this week, so looks like I'll be getting that with my next Civil War book this weekend, also prolly gonna pick this up too...


Anything that pays homage to the awesomeness that was "The Killing Joke" with ducks (especially Ducks as awesome as Darkwing) has got to be a fun read
I can't help but feel like Marvel was trying to capitalize on Secret Wars' legendary status by naming a storyline that they were iffy on Secret War. It just seems so sneaky.
Dell'Otto did the art for the entire graphic novel, at least the one whose picture I posted up there.

Here's a picture of Batman he drew:
DirtyJosé;2902545 said:
Uh, Doc...
Yes, I know, Batman is DC. But apparently he does fanart or something? :shrug:

Or is there something else you wanted to say...
That was some bad ass motha suckin action, Doc. I can't wait til Action Saxton inevitably has a space adventure.
Haha thanks. I have lots of ideas, but I have to save them for when I face certain opponents.

Sneak-peek: If I ever face Constantine, the episode will be called "President Evil".

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