The Doctor's Office

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I'm a fan of both but I will be the first to admit something is wrong with both promotions and I will watch HardCORE Justice on a live Internet feed probably just so I can be on the LD and laugh when the show sucks in the end.
Good for you man. I am a fan of wrestling (though since WWE is consistently better I prefer it).

Haha, yeah, Ech. It just feels like a less-than-average week for wrestling all around. RAW was a weird this week due to it being taped, and NXT ha the kissing contest which I found funny but I'm sure some hated.

At least Superstars was good.
I couldn't watch Superstars b/c I was at work but can you give a quick run-down? Hopefully Smackdown will be able to deliver tomorrow for me as it has been for the past few months.
Layla defeated Tiffany after Michelle McCool kicked Tiffany in the head.

Hawkins and Archer beat the Dudebusters after a really good match.

Evan Bourne beat Zack Ryder with the SSP after a competitive fight between the two.

Highly enjoyable hour of wrestling.
Damn, I missed watching Layla in action SON OF A BITCH! I'm glad to see Bourne picking up a win even if it was against Ryder (I see a future in this guy). So who was the face team in the Hawkins/Archer and Dudebusters match?
HardCORE Justice is going to be absolutely rubbish. I don't see why they wanted Dreamer, unless he's going to really be on the booking team. I loved the guy in WWECW, but he should have just retired.
I actually like the Dreamer signing as a wrestler/booker. He should, however, be like a lower-card guy though, maybe he could elevate some of the young'uns.
They could have put this mega free show they're having next week on as the actual Hard Justice PPV. In fact, I have a feeling that was their original plan, and this HardCORE Justice fucked shit up. So instead of having a good PPV, they have a train wreck and a good free show when they could have actually made money for once.
That's too logical for TNA. Give the good shit away for free, and charge for the overrated Bingo Hall guys from a decade ago.

I will watch HardCORE Justice on a live Internet feed
I'm not even doing that for this ECW crap. I'm that much against them that I'm not even watching the PPV on a stream. I may be sitting at my comp doing nothing, but there's no way I'll watch that, and make people thing I'm even remotely interested in that crap.

Hawkins and Archer beat the Dudebusters after a really good match.
Not surprised. Hawkins is a Long Island guy, so he's gotta be good.
Evan Bourne beat Zack Ryder with the SSP after a competitive fight between the two.
I don't want LayCool to break up. :( They're the most entertaining things in women's wrestling on the Big Two today in my opinion.

Damn, I missed watching Layla in action SON OF A BITCH! I'm glad to see Bourne picking up a win even if it was against Ryder (I see a future in this guy). So who was the face team in the Hawkins/Archer and Dudebusters match?



:lmao: Come on man, Evan Bourne is good and they're giving him a big push. It was a really competitive match and I thought Ryder had it a few times. I know you're a Ryder mark, but hey...I'm a Goldust mark and I defended that squash on Monday. ;)
Orlando Jordan's gimmick is terrible, and it ended when Eric Young came out and started shoving money in his own pants, then a million other people like Matt Morgan came out and it was a giant clusterfuck of what-the-hell-just-happened.
:lmao: Come on man, Evan Bourne is good and they're giving him a big push. It was a really competitive match and I thought Ryder had it a few times. I know you're a Ryder mark, but hey...I'm a Goldust mark and I defended that squash on Monday. ;)
That had nothing to do with Evan Bourne. It was more about the fact that I can't recall the last time Zack Ryder had a meaningful win, and he needs a few of them, since he's fucking awesome.

Oh, and Layla is a GODDESS.
fixed. I hope she's not a god. God=masculine, and Layla=/=masculine.
I may be one of the few who sees something in the Dudebusters. I hope they don't go the Hawkins/Ryder way although I thought they were a decent tag team too but I think the Dudebusters can actually suceed. The OJ/Pope match just had me feel a lot of sympathy for the Pope to even be associated with that clusterfuck and what is with the security guards getting in Anderson face.
Orlando Jordan's gimmick is terrible, and it ended when Eric Young came out and started shoving money in his own pants, then a million other people like Matt Morgan came out and it was a giant clusterfuck of what-the-hell-just-happened.

Damn, Pope could be doing so much more.

fixed. I hope she's not a god. God=masculine, and Layla=/=masculine.

Nice catch, she's fucking beatiful is what I was getting at.
Sly thinks Layla is "hideous".

I may be one of the few who sees something in the Dudebusters.

I love The Dudebusters. They're extremely entertaining in the ring and on the mic and I feel that they should have been the next number one contenders for the tag titles. A long feud with lots of promo time would be awesome...
Sly thinks Layla is "hideous".

Sly needs new glasses.

I love The Dudebusters. They're extremely entertaining in the ring and on the mic and I feel that they should have been the next number one contenders for the tag titles. A long feud with lots of promo time would be awesome...

hmm, not so sure about that. I mean who among the Hart Dynasty has charisma and/or a personality? Aside from Nattie.
I meant promo time for the Dudebusters. I'd love to hear more about their characters from their own mouths. They could even go face to feud with the Gatecrashers/Usos, whichever heel team gets the belts next. A face Dudebuster team would be goofy-but-cool-videogame-lovers and could work pretty well.

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