The Doctor's Office

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It better be.

See, I bet next week is what they really wanted to do for Hard Justice but since we just HAD to have HARDCORE JUSTICE we put it on TV for free!

Wasn't Dreamer supposed to be on as well? Because when that rumor was flying around TNA seemed to be getting better. Has he been kicked off?

Lacey von Erich was one of the best things about the show. Think about that.
I've thought about it and I can see any reason other than she's hot but even in that category I would put Velvet and even Miss whats-her-name ahead of Lacey.
I really like her. Not in the ring, but she's quite charming.

OK, I lied; The MCMG/Beer money match was amazing.
I'm glad you admitted b/c I was about to question your feelings for Lacey seeing how you made that pee thread about her a while back which was quite amusing imo.
That was a troll thread. I was totally joking around with it. couldn't you tell? I'm surprised no one picked up on Tenta's abrupt change of heart.
That thread certainly drove discussion.

Sad. At least it became a place for a lot of laughs and provided the inspiration for SCW.
Well when you put idea in the TNA section, you know that the die hard fans are gonna jump on it. So that's where you got SCW from? I thought it would be something more inspirational than that.
Well it kind of is. I was texting Scotty, making fun of TNA's dumber decisions together, and then we started making terrible gimmicks, and I actually wondered if it ere possible to take those gimmicks and make them work well, making a product everyone would want to watch. I added in a load of good but wacky gimmicks to the roster, and some of my own creation.

Thus, SCW was born.
I know. Drew McIntyre has fans, including apparently you. I still see nothing in him, except for his entrance and the fact that he's unique. I feel like I WANT to like him but he's so mediocre I just can't.

But hey, at least he's no Kaz.
True, but I understand if you don't like him but you sure made him more interesting in SCW than WWE that's for sure and especially Kaz.
Lacey von Erich was one of the best things about the show. Think about that.

I was about to question your feelings for Lacey seeing how you made that pee thread about her a while back which was quite amusing imo.

That was a troll thread. I was totally joking around with it. couldn't you tell? I'm surprised no one picked up on Tenta's abrupt change of heart.

There were like 6 people who were kinda "in on it", and then a few figured it out... the rest were ******ed.

1. I didn't realize it was a troll thread right away. I figured it would when you told people it was a troll thread, and I was somewhat disappointed.
2. I thought it was hysterical, and it could work to an extent (make her a comedy wrestler, not a dominant champion).
3. I'm not ******ed.
4. It would make me watch TNA, which is saying something, since I think TNA is utter shit, and I refuse to watch it until they get guys who could barely get over outside a bingo hall 12 years ago off my damn TV.
Oh I think it could work, but not to the extent that I said (making her the dominant champion). I actually think it would be hilarious. The trolling part was saying that she should bury the entire KO division.

There is a place for comedy in wrestling, which is what I used to defend the gimmick if you recall. I can't defend things I don't believe in, even just a little. So I had to think the gimmick could work in some form. And I do. Hence its presence in SCW. YEAH

and I'm sure Crock didn't mean you. Because you're awesome. <3

(And TNA WAS utter shit today)
Agreed on the most part except for what we already said (The BP and MCMG/Beer Money), I really want to know if HardCORE Justice was just part of a deal to get Tommy Dreamer to come to TNA.
Hence its presence in SCW. YEAH
It's presense in SCW is what made me read SCW, which is my first BT I'm reading.

and I'm sure Crock didn't mean you. Because you're awesome. <3
I would sig this if I didn't have a better Doc quote for my sig already.

(And TNA WAS utter shit today)
I don't remember the spoilers, and I didn't see the show, and I could have told you it would be shit. The main storyline is a copycat of the main storyline WWE is doing, except with guys who never got over outside of a Bingo Hall, and haven't been relevant for a decade. The only ECW guys who belong in TNA right now are RVD, Team 3D, Dreamer, maybe Rhino, and maybe Raven. They got over outside of a Bingo Hall. 99% of the others didn't.

HardCORE Justice is going to be absolutely rubbish. I don't see why they wanted Dreamer, unless he's going to really be on the booking team. I loved the guy in WWECW, but he should have just retired.

They could have put this mega free show they're having next week on as the actual Hard Justice PPV. In fact, I have a feeling that was their original plan, and this HardCORE Justice fucked shit up. So instead of having a good PPV, they have a train wreck and a good free show when they could have actually made money for once.

I find it funny that TNA die-hards like shattered dreams and redannihilation can actually defend the idea and expect the PPV to be decent.
shattered dreams is so fucking horrible it's embarrassing. I hate him for bringing shame to the name of something associated with one of my favorite wrestlers.

There's no point in being a die-hard to that extent for either company. One needs to admit when something is good and when something is bad. And HardCORE Justice is going to be baaaaad.

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