The direction of Randy Orton's career.

Jeff Deliverer of Mail

Money for nothin, chicks for free
Randy Orton has had a really successful career in the WWE , he's considered a veteran of the business even though he is still fairly young. I believe Orton still has a lot to offer to the company and is a long way from retiring.

Currently, Orton is in a grey area in his career. You know if he is part of a WWE Championship match that he's just not going to win. He's already had healthy runs with the belt in recent years. The purgatory that he's in now is - what can creative do with Orton that hasn't been done with the rest of the roster already ? He's lost to Kane recently. :blush:

He doesn't seem interested in secondary titles, he's already been a part of a couple of factions ( if you count The Authority ). World Title is out .....what is left for this guy ?

An idea, using an old angle..... Orton saves Ziggler from an attack. Ziggler and Orton join forces and become a popular tag team. Possibly winning the titles. Lana kisses Orton, Ziggler turns heel....both have a great PPV match down the road.


Orton announces retirement , lost his interest in WWE. He returns six months later with a beard and long hair to screw Brock Lesnar out of a title shot. Big PPV match happens later.
Orton ENDS Brock Lesnars WWE career with post match assault. Orton RKO's everyone in the following final two matches getting Vince McMahon's attention. Orton starts a Vince \HHH Orton feud of some kind. ( OK this last idea was a bit nuts )
The absolute best thing would probably for him to take a bit of time off, rather than try crowbar him into midcard feuds right now. A few months out and he becomes a bit fresher again for WM season
I'm not adverse to Orton tagging for a while. It's something he hasn't done much of, Rated RKO was nearly 10 years ago now.

I am against tag teams that are put together for the express purpose of breaking up. Personally I'd rather see him in a team that's meant to mean something. What about Orton and Cena forming a team for a spell after Cena's done with the US title? There's no way it leads to Orton vs Cena XXXIII but it could give the two vets an interesting angle.

Your singles idea is basically what Mark Henry did last year. I don't think that's the direction he needs, like any wrestling vet, I think the best option is to reinvent who Randy Orton is.

I think of Sting or Triple H when I think of the reinvention. Sting went from surfer to crow, to a bit of both (and joker if you like your TNA). Triple H went from blue blood to degenerate to Ric Flair jr to a bit of all the above. Randy went from bland, to legend killer, to generic face/heel to the Viper. I think it's time they find an interesting way to tweak his character and breathe some freshness his way.

Orton's feud with Sheamus isn't getting either guy anywhere as neither have much momentum heading in (Sheamus' MITB win notwithstanding considering Wyatt basically gave it to him).

Orton has some fairly big feuds coming his way in the future. He hasn't tangled with Rusev, Wyatt, Sting, or the big one, Lesnar. My belief is a reinvention is needed, some change to the character to keep him fresh going into the later years of his career.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure exactly what that tweak should be. Anything I throw out there likely won't be what they wind up doing. Whatever happens should feel like a natural evolution of the character, not shoehorning some other completely different character onto an established star. What comes out needs to say Randy Orton, but at the same time say the New Randy Orton.
I guess the lack of story line depth for Randy Orton these months is due to the reason that he had changed his contract into some kind of Part-time schedule. I've read this months back in the Main Page that Orton won't work full-time schedule with WWE and he has opted for a special contract that makes him work a few house shows and few episodes of RAW and SmackDown! apart from the PPVs.

That's the reason why he hasn't been utilized properly after the Wrestlemania 31. He wasn't even in the match card in the Elimination Chamber and all of a sudden advertised as a participant for Money in the Bank PPV. If WWE creatives are completely aware about the contract schedules of Randy Orton they should book him properly appropriate to his schedule just like how well they're doing for Brock Lesnar and how well they had booked for RVD and Chris Jericho in the past.

Tag team action for Orton is far from inevitable. With his schedule they can't properly book him in a tag team story line, I'm afraid so. And moreover there are already a hell lot of tag teams right now.

If Orton is on a reduced schedule then he wont be used as much....pretty simple.

meanwhile some fans get way too worked up over things. The IWC screams at WWE two years ago for constantly shoving vets like Orton & Cena into every World Title Match without ever letting any fresh faces have a strong showing at the top of the card. Now that guys like Rollins, Ambrose, & Reigns are actually getting those strong showings (and in Rollins case a World Title Run) people as contemplating the end of Orton's career ? What is wrong with you people ?!?!?!

Orton is doing some mid card work right now, he isn't being jobbed out nor is he being embarrassed weekly. He is still one of the 3 or 4 biggest stars on the roster and could legit main event at any time (no one working a regular schedule other than Cena can say that in today's WWE). If he keeps working less, losing more, and has nothing of note for WM 32 then maybe I'll be worried. Right now things are just fine.

Keep in mind, with Lesnar returning, Orton is the one major star he hasn't faced, and oen of the few guys outside of Cena & HHH that is portrayed as being good enough to legit beat him outright as well. Don't be surprised if some point this year Orton headlines again....vs Lesnar
I think the best option is to reinvent who Randy Orton is.

Orton has some fairly big feuds coming his way in the future. He hasn't tangled with Rusev, Wyatt, Sting, or the big one, Lesnar. My belief is a reinvention is needed, some change to the character to keep him fresh going into the later years of his career.

Not everyone needs a major change.....when HHH changed from his Blue Blood gimmick (the same gimmick he used in WCW by the way) it wasn't a progression, it was because the gimmick never got over, kind of like Kevin Nash didn't gradually progress from OZ to Vinnie Vegas to Kevin Nash, those first gimmicks were failures that never got over. HHH did change a bit when DX ended which made sense given his age (he was already way too old to play the DX character to begin with, it was becoming a parody). Orton's character has never been rooted in age or appearance as much as it was substance, he's highly skilled assassin, and selfish, always has been. Much like HHH really hasn't changed much since DX was folding in 1999, playing "The Game" ever since.

Orton doesn't need a change, his character is just fine as it is. He just needs a better storyline.
I wouldn't mind if somehow he ends up mentoring Dean Ambrose. Now that Dean's lost his feud with Rollins, he may get lost in the shuffle. Have Dean lose a few matches, kind of like when he first went single because he's 'unstable' and gets himself disqualified. Orton kind of takes him under his wing because he was the same way not too long ago. They eventually start teaming up and working together for awhile, only for Dean to turn on him and become a heel.
Orton can still be a top draw and unlike kane who's there just to lose orton can still carry on some feuds. Keeping him off tv is a bad move.

I personally have lost all interest in tag title. If orton teams up with someone like cena. It will give both of them the much needed cool off without keeping them away from tv. It'll be like DX or team hell no and tag titles can again be important. A year run in the tag division wwe won't lose any money and people would probably want both of them back in singles by the end of the year.
I don't see why he would randomly save Dolph Ziggler and the love triangle thing sounds pretty lame to me as I don't even see the Ziggler/Lana relationship extending past SummerSlam.

My idea stems from the original posters idea where you give Orton some time off. Lets face it, the roster is pretty filled up in regards to main event talent (Cena, Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, Sheamus, Brock, Kevin Owens) to really inject him into a feud that wouldn't make sense.

The mid card could use some freshening up but not by giving it Randy Orton. He doesn't really intrigue me much when it comes to facing off against guys like Ziggler or Barrett no matter how good of a match they may put on. Those stories wouldn't hold my attention.

He obviously won't be facing Heath Slater on Main Event either so what does Orton do right now until the Roster has some new feuds stored for him?

He goes home. Orton looks a bit beat and tired and his matches haven't been as good as they used to be. I think give Orton some time off or give him a movie to take him away from TV for a year or so.

He can still make appearances in the media but 3 months before his return just have him go away from the publics eyes.

The night after WM next year have Orton return looking completely different. I'm not saying give him a pony tail and huge beard make over like Daniel Bryan got or something hilarious like Sheamus got but let him look different. Maybe he could sport a new hair style and a 5 O'clock shadow.

He comes out and attacks Kevin Owens or another relatively new guy. The feud would be simple, the new guys are taking my spot and I'm tired of sitting by while they do so. I think there is a space on the roster for the jealous or insecure veteran who will do anything to make sure he is still a star. I think Orton could easily pull off this character.
It's ironic, isn't it? A guy works his tail off for years and achieves such a degree of excellence at his chosen profession that he's done just about everything he can do.....and done it as well or better than anyone.........yet people get bored with him for it. Go figure.

Call it "Cena Fever?" I don't see any 'boos' for Randy on my TV closed-captioning, but they're coming. As with Cena, doing what you've been doing for so long and so well often ends up turning around and biting you in the ass. It's not fair, but it sure is show business.

I see Orton as a consummate professional. He's so adept at what he does .....wanting every move to be executed perfectly.....and demanding the same from his opponent (ask Kofi) that he operates as an efficient machine.

The thing is, there's only so much you can do with a machine. I think the guy needs a personality injection. Yes, he's displayed a bit more than he used to, but he's still no John Cena when it comes to addressing the fans or his opponent and letting 'em have it verbally.

There's nothing I would add to Randy's performing repertoire, but advancing his own storylines with some human drama might freshen up his act.
I wouldn't mind seeing Orton involved in a tag team situation, though one of the keys is finding someone that he genuinely gels with. Just putting Orton in a tag team just for the sake of him being in the tag team picture would probably work, but it'd go over better if he's got some genuine chemistry with his partner.

While I think he & Ziggler would make an interesting team, they just seem like polar opposites in terms of personas. However, that worked just fine for Kane and Daniel Bryan; what I think may have just been thought of as a comedy act got so over that WWE management couldn't ignore the potential there. A comedy dynamic between Orton and Ziggler, at least in my eyes, would probably fall flat; Ziggler tries to be funny sometimes, but it usually doesn't get over all that well. Of course, that might well be due to the restrictions placed on him by Vince as he's said to be pretty funny during his stand up routine.

I wouldn't mind Orton teaming with someone who has a ruthless streak, one that hasn't been fully tapped. Off the top of my head, one guy that springs to mind that might be interesting to see team with Orton is Wade Barrett. Barrett's someone that I think has had a lot of potential that's had some significant career setbacks due to lousy booking and injury, of which I'd probably put lousy booking at 70 and injury at 30. It just seems like whenever Barrett has an opportunity or has some steam going, Vince and his whacky booking decisions come out of left field and completely derail the poor guy. I could see Barrett and Orton as a ruthless tag team with Orton as a stone cold sociopath and Barrett just a genuine tough guy.

I also wouldn't mind seeing Orton go after the IC title at some point, it'd feel fresh and it'd elevate the title all the more. Also, frankly, I don't think a whole helluva lot of people are anxious to see Orton back in the WWE Championship picture.
This guy should be more over than pretty much anyone else, maybe excepting Lesnar and Cena. It's pretty amazing that the guy who has been the best heel for about 10 years is coming out to so-so reactions as a face. This is the way wrestling is supposed to work, if your a heel for a decade, then you are good, and the fans should be willing and wanting to cheer for you. It seems right now, you can't be a top heel if your not aligned with the Authority, and that bridge has been burned.

As mentioned above he has always done excellent work as part of a faction, whether it be Rated RKO or Legacy, he did well and made his partners better too.

I think something that could draw some interest is a partnership with him and Rollins. Rollins has been on shaky ground with the Authority for a couple months now, and a loss to Lesnar could catalyze this partnership. They could be heel or fight the Authority as faces.
Randy Orton has had a really successful career in the WWE , he's considered a veteran of the business even though he is still fairly young. I believe Orton still has a lot to offer to the company and is a long way from retiring.

And I think it's right there in a nutshell. He achieved a lot of accolades while he was very young and between him and Cena, they kept the company going when most of the main event picture left. Fans became bored seeing both of them fighting endlessly for the title, and that's a natural thing.

So what to do with Orton is a good question. I could see him in a tag team for awhile. It's not something he usually does, and it would be a change of pace for him. We'd still see him but he would only be in the ring for small portions. Ziggler would be as JH said a good partner for him. Orton is very controlled, and Ziggler is well in a word "frantic". It would make for an interesting dynamic, and give them both something to do. They could also help elevate the tag team division a bit.

Other than that, really have no idea. There are lot's of new faces hovering around the main event scene, and that's who the crowd wants to see now. Not that they don't like Orton anymore, but you know what I mean.

I would also like maybe to see him take some time off here and there and go down and work with the NXT guys. He has a wealth of knowledge and he could be a huge help to them. He still has a few years left in the tank, and might have one more title shot run left in him. But please WWE, get him away from Sheamus. This feud has absolutely no life in it and is boring as hell.
Randy is a part-timer at best and I agree with that it's a smart move and it keeps him from fading to Kane/Henry/Show territory of legends who stayed too long and there was nothing left for trying to be full-time.

IF he does want to be more full-time it will need to be in a feud for the IC Title. What I would have is Randy take time off after Battleground. Meanwhile, Bray Wyatt beats Ryback for the IC Title at Survivor Series or TLC. Wyatt would challenge anybody to fight him for the title at Mania and Randy Orton returns. Wyatt wins at Mania, and at ER. Orton take more time off and ultimately returns and wins the title at SummerSlam. He would drop it to the next person at RR 2017 before moving on to feud with Lesnar at WrestleMania 33.

But I think Orton is the type of guy who paid his dues and earned his reduced schedule. He should only wrestle at RR(if he wants to),WM,ER,MITB (if he wants to),SS,SSeries
randy orton v brock lesnar would be interesting. but if thats in the plans, theyre gonna have to make orton start being more relevant on tv and in a couple strong feuds leading to the big clash with brock
I wouldn't mind seeing Orton involved in a tag team situation, though one of the keys is finding someone that he genuinely gels with. Just putting Orton in a tag team just for the sake of him being in the tag team picture would probably work, but it'd go over better if he's got some genuine chemistry with his partner.

While I think he & Ziggler would make an interesting team, they just seem like polar opposites in terms of personas. However, that worked just fine for Kane and Daniel Bryan; what I think may have just been thought of as a comedy act got so over that WWE management couldn't ignore the potential there. A comedy dynamic between Orton and Ziggler, at least in my eyes, would probably fall flat; Ziggler tries to be funny sometimes, but it usually doesn't get over all that well. Of course, that might well be due to the restrictions placed on him by Vince as he's said to be pretty funny during his stand up routine.

I wouldn't mind Orton teaming with someone who has a ruthless streak, one that hasn't been fully tapped. Off the top of my head, one guy that springs to mind that might be interesting to see team with Orton is Wade Barrett. Barrett's someone that I think has had a lot of potential that's had some significant career setbacks due to lousy booking and injury, of which I'd probably put lousy booking at 70 and injury at 30. It just seems like whenever Barrett has an opportunity or has some steam going, Vince and his whacky booking decisions come out of left field and completely derail the poor guy. I could see Barrett and Orton as a ruthless tag team with Orton as a stone cold sociopath and Barrett just a genuine tough guy.

I also wouldn't mind seeing Orton go after the IC title at some point, it'd feel fresh and it'd elevate the title all the more. Also, frankly, I don't think a whole helluva lot of people are anxious to see Orton back in the WWE Championship picture.

Given the Tag suggestions for Orton, how about teaming Orton with Bo Dallas? Like T H NO! I'd say their similar yet different characters would be mighty interesting and would be a great way to take Orton out of the spotlight and possibly help him with a character change of sorts.
When it all boils down...the problem with Randy Orton is that he has NEVER been over as a viable face. Sure he comes out to pops here and there because he's an incredible performer and has been given the "face" label once again.

The best point of his career was as the Legend Killer and Sadistic heel in Legacy and than just post Legacy. He was a PERFECT foil for early John Cena. Without Randy Orton....Cena's career has no definition and he has very few big wins that aren't token victories over part timers.

Someone brought up Sting in this thread and it's relevant to my idea. When Sting went "Crow" he was still a huge face! Just because he was dark, daunting, and vicious did not turn him heel. This is what I'd like to see from Orton. Monster-face qualities.

The biggest hurdle is that the person I am describing is already in the WWE. BROCK LESNAR. After his face run is when Orton should be put into a similar program. Just decimating people who deserve it..
Randy Orton's perfect role for the next few years is enhancement talent to the young stars in my opinion. It may not be a popular opinion, but for somebody who's done everything there is to do in the industry, and somebody who is now working a part-time schedule, the best thing Orton can do is give back by helping create some new superstars. Most recently, he's done it with Seth Rollins and look how that's turned out? Rollins is now WWEWHC. Orton is not a John Cena type, where you basically HAVE to put him in the title picture eventually, because of his drawing power... while Orton gets a respectable reaction from the crowd and is one of the best (if not the best) ring-workers in the game, it seems like we've seen all there is to see from him in terms of character.

My suggestion is to put him up against guys like Wyatt, Cesaro, Rusev, etc. for the foreseeable future and let him mold them into the next crop of legitimate main eventers. Every now and than he can jump into the main event with guys like Lesnar and Cena or even mentor somebody in a tag team similar to his Legacy days. There is still a lot that can be done with Orton, I just think his days as one of the faces of the company have come to an end.
Currently, Randy Orton is really invisible. I wish he'd get involved in a good feud, anyone instead of nothing at all. Where the heck is he ?
Randy Orton is an incredible in-ring perfomer, 11-12 times World Champ, Intercontinental Champ, Royal Rumble winner and Money In The Bank winner. He's done everything there is to be done and he also achieved the maximum popularity he could get.

Now he's working part-time. Which makes me think that this fact really reminds me of HBK from 2003-2010. He was also a living legend working part-time schedule, putting over young talent but still being put in big matches at Wrestlemania or Summerslam. That's the way Orton needs to be booked, as the new HBK of this generation. Being in the upper-mid card and away from the world championships.
Randy Orton is an incredible in-ring perfomer, 11-12 times World Champ, Intercontinental Champ, Royal Rumble winner and Money In The Bank winner. He's done everything there is to be done and he also achieved the maximum popularity he could get.

Now he's working part-time. Which makes me think that this fact really reminds me of HBK from 2003-2010. He was also a living legend working part-time schedule, putting over young talent but still being put in big matches at Wrestlemania or Summerslam. That's the way Orton needs to be booked, as the new HBK of this generation. Being in the upper-mid card and away from the world championships.

Yeah he's a legit Hall of Famer if he was to retire today. I'm surprised WWE had him film a movie at the peak of his popularity last fall when #RKOuttaNowhere was trending.

You're right he should be like HBK. I'd love to see him feud with Owens through the fall after he finishes with Cena. Then, try to get back in the WWE title hunt but he gets stopped by Bray which leads to a possible WM match where Bray finally gets his first WrestleMania win. Then continue the cycle. I wouldn't mind seeing him in some dream matches like him facing Brock, Samoa Joe etc.
First things first, will he ever grow out his hair? The guy has been sporting the same boring buzz cut for years.

Second, Orton is an amazing performer. Entertaining matches, decent feuds and one of the best all-round wrestlers on the roster. It's too bad his heel turn was so weak and we didn't see the Orton from 2007 when he was a maniacal monster. Now he's kinda floating around with no real purpose. He's supposed to get his rematch for the WWE championship but is playing with Sheamus for now. I'm interested if he'll ever get that rematch.

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