The Curious Case of John Morrison


Absolutely Legendary <7>
I was watching the link that WWE put up about one of The Rocks great matches and someone in the comment thread mentioned something about how he felt the WWE "dropped the ball" and "misused" John Morrison. So I started thinking about it and decided to make a little discussion about Morrison.

When Morrison first showed up in WWE I believe he started out as Eric Bischoff's side kick as Johnny Nitro and pretty much did Eric's dirty work from time to time then later on became a singles wrestler. After that he joined up with Joey Mercury and Melina and they became MNM and had a pretty good run has a tag team/mini stable until Mercury got his face busted open during the match with the Hardy's at Armageddon. Morrison would then go back into the singles scene while still having Melina by his side. From there he would kinda break away from her and go on to either become ECW champion or part of the tag team with The Miz ( can't exactly remember which came first). Towards the end of his run in WWE he started to see a slide in being on tv and having lots of matches.

Then he got the chance to be a part of the Wrestle Mania angle with Trish, Snookie, Vickie, Laycool and Dolph Ziggler. Once that time came stories started coming out that his actual girlfriend and then WWE Diva Melina was causing issues backstage in the ways of having an attitude towards other divas and pretty much being a pain in the ass. Her main issue was that she wasn't involved in the Mania match along side Morrison and was passed over for Trish and Snookie. Now obviously if it's the biggest event of the year you want people in the match who are going to bring in lots of fans and publicity which is why Vince and WWE went with Trish and Snookie. Melina didn't like that and caused issues over it which would lead to her being released and in doing so it was rumored that she pretty much dragged Morrison out the door with her.

So my question is, if Melina had just bit the bullet and not complained and been such and actual diva and didn't drag Morrison out with her Where do you think Morrison could've ended up in the WWE and if he was still here where do you think he would be right now if he didn't leave? Also I've heard and seen people say on here that he didn't leave on bad terms and the door is still open for him to come back so If he did/does come back where would you place him in the WWE now?
I think there's room for him to back. I just think he need a good angle to work from. His rockstar character didn't really work all that well and the prince of parcour thing hardly got off the ground. I don't think that Melina was the only reason he got out of the WWE anyway.

He is rumoured for a comeback for a long time now so i wouldn't be surprised. And he's a great in-ring competitor so i'd love to see him show his face in WWE again as long as he gets a little push and some good promo's to give some depth to his persona.
Where do you think Morrison could've ended up in the WWE and if he was still here where do you think he would be right now if he didn't leave?

I saw him as a white version of Kofi Kingston and think his career path would have followed the same lines. Both are athletic and well-conditioned performers, a bit undersized to deal with the elite guys.....and a step or two below main event level. I used these words in discussing Morrison with a member of this forum and his response was: "You're saying Morrison is no good?"

And that's the point: I wasn't saying "no good" .....I was saying he wasn't a top of the list performer and might never be.....which is a lot different than saying he's bad. People often tend to think in extremes; there's a lot of room in between, and I think John Morrison belongs there.

Like Kofi, Morrison would get mini-pushes toward minor championships, with perhaps an occasional ascension to competing for one of the two big prizes..... but they'd never quite win a world title because neither has the charismatic presence necessary to get there.

But, like Kofi, I felt Morrison was an asset to the company and I enjoyed watching him do his Spiderman routine in (and out) of the ring.
I usually enjoyed watching Morrison in the ring. He was athletic, had a lot of energy and had some fun moves. His matches against Sheamus were, in my opinion, some of the best of either man's career. Morrison was given several pretty big pushes in WWE, such as when he was going up against Sheamus and he was even in the WWE Championship picture for a while too.

I think the problem with Morrison is that he just never truly connected with people as a character. People liked watching him wrestle but I don't think a whole bunch really clicked with his Hollywood, Parkour ultimate metrosexual bit. Even when Morrison debuted with the character in ECW calling himself "The Guru of Greatness" and "The Shaman of Sexy", it all came off as extremely forced to me and very tongue-in-cheek. The fact that Morrison was also pretty lousy on the mic overall didn't help things either.

There are also rumors, and mind me I'm saying rumors, about Morrison backstage. For instance, Morrison is someone who was sort of viewed as something of a joke because he knowingly allowed Melina to have a sexual relationship with Batista. I've even read pretty outlandish rumors in which JoMo allowed it to happen in the hopes that Batista would put in a good word for him. That one is too out there for me to believe but I suppose it's possible. JoMo pretty much blew his career in WWE when he reacted negatively to Trish Stratus taking Melina's spot at WrestleMania. On one hand, I understand why Morrison stood by his gal. I think anyone can relate to that. At the same time though, that's part of the pitfalls of dating someone you work with. Business is business and the show must go on.

If Morrison made his return to WWE, I don't see him heading into the main event scene. I mostly see him hanging around the mid & upper mid-card scene, quite possibly in the tag team scene, with perhaps an occasional foray into a World Championship picture. But yeah, if JoMo came back tomorrow, then I could see him as a solid opponent for Dean Ambrose or Curtis Axel. I could also see him reform his team with The Miz to go after the tag titles, especially since Miz doesn't seem to be doing much of anything these days.
Had it not been for Melina and the drama she caused, I think Morrison would have made it further in WWE and very well might still be in the federation today. He had a couple of WWE and World Heavyweight Championship shots and each of those matches were enjoyable, as his matches often were. Morrison may not have been the best on the mic as a face, but as an arrogant heel he did very well and he was excellent in the ring. A World Heavyweight Championship run would not have been out of the question by now. I hope he comes back some day to restart his feud with The Miz and possibly win a world title, he deserves it and would provide great title defenses. I blame the entirety of his failure to make it to the top and the events leading up to his release on Melina. Give him another chance, WWE! If he came back I would have him in the midcard for a bit to build him back up, but the eventual goal is the World Heavyweight Championship. Had he stayed and Melina's drama never happened, I believe he would have won it at least once. He had what it takes to make it to the top and he still would if he ever got the chance to come back to WWE.
He's a classic example of a guy the IWC was obsessed with but it wasn't enough to get him over.

He was good in the ring, had a good look but stunk on the mic and wasn't that entertaining outside of the ring.

With the overcrowded mid-card i can't see Morrison coming back and I can't see a reason to bring him back. He's not going to be a main eventer and if you slap the IC belt or US title on him, it's going to get an immediate buzz maybe but then it will die out.

He's a guy that didn't suck but wasn't that great either.
I saw him as a white version of Kofi Kingston and think his career path would have followed the same lines. Both are athletic and well-conditioned performers, a bit undersized to deal with the elite guys.....and a step or two below main event level.

I wouldn't call him undersized for the main event. He might be about Kofi's height, but he's way more muscular. I mean, Miz was champion and JoMo looks way more realistic in that spot than Miz.

JoMo's biggest problem was his mic skills. He was pretty awful at speaking. It's a shame because the crowd really loved his matches (myself included). A lot of people around here had a problem with his finisher, Starship Pain, but stuff like that can be tweaked and worked on. My hope is that he comes back and while he was away he worked on his mic skills. Those were really holding him back. Though I will say he did better on the mic as a heel. That's why he hardly spoke as a face.

Did Melina have anything to do with his departure? Maybe. Probably. Who knows for sure? It's too speculative to say anything specific in that nature. Supposedly he left on good terms so I do hope he comes back. He's got a very unique style.
My biggest issue with John Morrison is that he was never able to stir emotion in the fans.

Like, Jack Hammer said, he as never able to connect. But that can be said about 75% of the roster.

His moves were fresh, exciting, and inventive. But he never told a great story in a match. He was never able to make the crowd feel drama, or make the audience swoon up and down. The closest he came was his Falls-Count-Anywhere World title match with the Miz on Raw.

For those that discredited his Mic work, I cite the "Dirt Sheet" which him and Miz did for a year or so. The segments were extremely entertaining and showed his personality.

The hardest thing for a wrestler to do is make the audience care if you win or lose, and he really never accomplished that.
What i'm wondering though; He was a potential big hit for the WWE. Why didn't impact pick him up? They do that with a lot of talent and with the X-division and all you'd suspect they'd at least show interest...
Morrison was good in the ring, had the look, but he was more about going through the motions and maybe doing a couple cool moves during the match.

I didn't think he was all that good outside of these things. His character was beyond stale. And even after, supposedly, taking acting lessons, he was still bad on the mic.

It didn't help that he had no spine and literally became Melina's bitch during his tenure. He should have kept his nose out of his girlfriend's affairs when it came to the Stratus complaints.

And I think that's why he won't come back. Because he won't come back without her.
For those that discredited his Mic work, I cite the "Dirt Sheet" which him and Miz did for a year or so. The segments were extremely entertaining and showed his personality.

I agree to an extent on what you said, except this. Yes they were good. I'll give you that. That's one reason I said his mic work was better as a heel. However, you're neglecting to mention a very key point in this quote. Most of those were taped. That makes a VERY big difference. You can redo those over and over until it comes out right. Doesn't work when it's live in front of a crowd.
I, like many others, was on the John Morrison bandwagon. I still think there was money in a proper feud between him and The Miz for the WWE title. He was capable of some very good matches but wasn't the strongest on the mic. The WWE could have addressed that and given him a mouthpiece but it wasn't meant to be. Melina may have damaged his career forever but Morrison and the WWE had plenty time. Moreover, if they really wanted they could have kept him on the roster. He was never going to be a great of all-time but he was dependable and perhaps giving him a world title may have helped him get over.

At the end of the day; the WWE didn't lose out on someone who was going to make them tons of money (he had the potential to make some for the company) and John Morrison was probably going to have one or two great years then messed around in the upper mid-card.
From what I read a while back, a huge reason why Morrison hasn't popped up in TNA, or went back to WWE, is the fact that he wants to work with Melina. There was a article involving Morrison talking to both WWE and if I remember right TNA about a year or two ago, but a speculated reason on why he wasn't hired was the fact that he wouldn't go to a company without Melina, which honestly, is quite the shame if true.
It's hard to say whether he would come back without Melina as I am sure, ultimately she'd drag him back if they were a pair... but the problem he had was that she supplied that little bit of charisma he lacked on his own. Even at his peak teaming with Miz, Miz was carrying the ball in terms of the mic.

The parkour stuff was a really good idea and if he comes back I am sure they'd revisit it, indeed I can see him returning for a spot at this Rumble for a battle with Kofi for "most ridiculous survival" or even a crazy ass double survival spot...

I never hated his "rockstar stuff", as a 60's fan I liked the references and felt it was a look and gimmick not "just for the kids" but he needed a spokesperson.... I took the point on acting lessons, but the best guys on the mic are themselves, just turned up... if you need acting lessons you've already got a problem...

Now personally, I think his way back is to be "a Paul Heyman guy" and feud with Van Dam and later guys like Adrian Neville. He's a classic case of someone who shouldn't really be a World Champion, but there is nothing to say he can't be a top 10 talent again in the 'E and main event some shows challenging.
Christ, talking about lacking a spine if that was the case. There's been a lot of cross-promotion dating and stuff so it's a little childish on both their part if this was the case. That makes me instantly not wanting him as WWE or TNA star anymore, cause if he's not that ambitious, how would he ever come over...

From what I read a while back, a huge reason why Morrison hasn't popped up in TNA, or went back to WWE, is the fact that he wants to work with Melina. There was a article involving Morrison talking to both WWE and if I remember right TNA about a year or two ago, but a speculated reason on why he wasn't hired was the fact that he wouldn't go to a company without Melina, which honestly, is quite the shame if true.
The problem with John Morrison was a lack of patience on the part of the WWE, a situation whereby he was effective as a heel, he started to get a better response from the fans, so WWE gave him an ill advised face turn, at which point things ground to a halt. This killed his WWE experience, just like it ruined MVP and is ruining the Miz.

When Morrison was an arrogant heel, he was effective. This was especially the case when he was part of MNM and when he was teaming with the Miz. The Dirt Sheet was great, albeit taped. Melina (who also received an ill advised face turn) drew heat. I thought Morrison was an effective mid card heel and could have continued to enjoy success had he stayed there. As I've stated before, there's a common misperception on the part of the IWC in that if a guy is not a holder of a major title, he's a failure. John Morrison did not need to be a face. He did not need to be the next Shawn Michaels as so many people incorrectly stated. He was doing just fine where he was had he stayed there, a brash, arrogant, cocky, better than you mid card heel who could and should have prospered in WWE. Just ask Drew McIntyre, or Heath Slater, or Jack Swagger, or so many other guys how they would feel having the level of success that mid card heel JoMo had.
There was a article involving Morrison talking to both WWE and if I remember right TNA about a year or two ago, but a speculated reason on why he wasn't hired was the fact that he wouldn't go to a company without Melina, which honestly, is quite the shame if true.

That brings to mind Jerry Lawler quitting WWE because the company fired his girlfriend (Kat?). She was so impressed with his chivalry that she dumped his aged ass soon afterward.

Moral?....Don't tie your career to your romance.
Morrison was one of the most athletic guys, but his offense really doesn't look good at all. You can do all the little twisty flip flop BS moonsaults you want, it doesn't look the least bit painful. Hit me with one of those and I can still punch you in the fucking jaw a few times. Big deal. Also his promos were the absolute worst. That never helped him. That coupled with his being completely pussywhipped by Melina and cuckolded by Dave Batista was the writing on the wall.

So long John Morrison.
For those that discredited his Mic work, I cite the "Dirt Sheet" which him and Miz did for a year or so. The segments were extremely entertaining and showed his personality.

If by personality, you mean looking like dead weight then sure, I'll agree. Miz made the Dirt Sheet what it was, and overall, had the best outing in their entire tag team tandem. The guy couldn't speak on the mic to save his life, and he proved that when he was ECW champion... which he never should've been really but whatever. He's a former World champion now, and there's nothing we can do about it.

As far as adding him to the talent for in-ring purposes goes... I say sure, but only if he's banned from using that stupid starship pain. He has never hit that move the way he's supposed to and just makes him look stupid for trying it. I'd rather him use the Moonlight Drive because at least it was decent enough to use as a finisher. I also wouldn't be too quick to rush him into main event feuds. He's not really that over, and I don't see potential in him at all.
So many things about Morrison irritated me.

For one, he was trying too hard to be innovative. He botched a lot of his high risk, body-twisting moves and hurt a few wrestlers in the process. The final straw with me was that backflip side slam he attempted. How incredibly stupid do you have to be to believe someone can actually do that move in a real life situation?

There's suspending disbelief and then there's being a douche. Morrison was sort of a douche. It also didn't help that he had no backbone. It's rumored that the reason Morrison wasn't well liked in the dressing room was because he didn't stand up to anyone. He let Batista sleep with Melina and apparently Morrison bitched about it, but never to Batista's face. I understand not wanting to fight Roid-tista, but you earn respect for standing up for yourself.

Morrison never seemed to get that respect.

Right now, the WWE doesn't miss a beat without him and wouldn't be much better with him back in the fold.

The best feud he ever did on WWE. And yet in the end Miz was more HBK and he was more Jannetty of their tag team. :)

Which tells a lot about him. He was entertaining sometimes but dont think he misses a lot today. And dont think he would be that big even if he comes back just as he was not that big when he was at WWE...
Morrison should return and I'd actually like to see him return as a heel. His parkour-style is unique and pairing him with Heyman and Axel could probably fit well storyline-wise as well as help to get him more legit over with the fanbase. Paul Heyman has a way of tapping into the strengths of superstars and in helping lead a superstar to the top of the card. Imagine his matches against a NOW FACE PUNK or RVD. RVD would be the perfect guy for Morrison to work with upon a return. They could even bring him back to aid Miz at first and then, turn on him. Or a heel Morrison can lead to Miz realizing his sem-adulation from the fans hasn't won him anything and he, too can turn on the fans. Make them like a modern day Rated-RKO where they just create havoc among the top stars.
1) The Starship Pain sucks
2) Melina poisoned JoMo's career
3) JoMo is crap on the mic

1) I always loved the Starship Pain. People on here eat up Adrian Neville's finisher, so a backwards one isn't all that much more of a stretch, is it?

I propose he hits it to a standing opponent (sort of like Jeff Hardy's Whisper in the Wind), that way the opponent can help sell the move and help with the landing.

Morrison beats the guy to the floor, then heads to the corner post. When the guy starts to get up, he runs to the corner and does the move. Also, could you imagine if a guy like Big E or Ryback actually CAUGHT Starship Pain?

2) If my girlfriend cheated on me with Batista (or ANY man for that matter, even Hornswoggle), I wouldn't stand up to him, but to her. I don't know why poor JoMo should've fought Batista. He should've dumped Melina right there and then. The notion of beating up the other man is stupid - if your girlfriend's a cheater, get rid of HER.

If you guys want to call JoMo spineless for not having the balls to dump her, then it's fine. He should have.

3) I got nothing. I never thought he was terrible on the mic. Watching that Dirt Sheet clip right now, I also don't remember thinking Miz was particularly good back then, either. Neither of them are HBK on the mic, but Miz was a little closer. Not much, though - those ridiculous faces he pulls, the forced catchphrases and the cheap heat...
I'm not sure what's so curious about a complete lack of quality mic skills dragging him down. So when it came down to it, he didn't really draw since nobody cared about his character. Didn't seem like he put much effort into improving in that area, either. Every time his music hit on Raw I couldn't wait to fast forward.
I don't want John Morrison to return to singles competition in WWE. I want the return of Miz and Morrison, and the Dirt Sheet to make its return as well. I think that these two guys actually had a unique chemistry together. They actually reminded me of the New Age Outlaws, another team who is much better together than they are apart. That's the thing about tag teams, the 2 talents validate each other and it strengthens the point of view. Some talents shouldn't be singles wrestlers. I think Zack Ryder's Broski bit would've gone further if he had a tag team partner who had been joining him in all the goofy skits. Morrison never took off as a singles guy, and if you look at Miz's career, he hasn't really benefitted from that high placement on the card a few years ago. Those two paired together would be great Tag Team champions for The Shield and Wyatt Family to chase after.

As for Melina, I don't see why she doesn't just let her man work and get rich. Yeah, Morrison should probably dump her and move on with his career/life. Who am I to say though? They might enjoy working the indies together so much that money doesn't matter.

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