The Circus Wunderbar


Is a thin rope
I dislike spam so meh anyone wants to give me fodder for my punishment RPs, post them here.

Also, I've got a lot of... history with the fed so if anyone wants to ask me questions I'll be honest with them if nothing else.

Penal RPs

Wunderbar vs Crashin - Wunderbar must compete with one arm tied behind his back. Theme: starting from the bottom. Submitted by Showtime.
Wunderbar and Theron Daggershield team up in a match against Cerberus.

RP takes place in the Mushroom Kingdom.
Regarding Lee's idea, I'd actually rather you not use Theron, not without PM'ing me a draft first if he were to show up or speak in this RP. He has to be written a certain way due to how he sees "reality".
Regarding Lee's idea, I'd actually rather you not use Theron, not without PM'ing me a draft first if he were to show up or speak in this RP. He has to be written a certain way due to how he sees "reality".

It's non canon.
Just posting from my phone to say this is still a thing I'm doing but I've had stuff on my plate that's keeping me busy right now.
Good on you. Hope to see you soon. That said, if you're having trouble keeping up with the posting schedule now, ate you sure you're going to be okay to return?
I take it you won't be gracing us with your presence in the fed...?

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