The Cigar Lounge Society

:lmao: Hahahahaha. I get it.

"Defending Your Life" is what the movie's called, right? I'm going to watch it. It caught my interest.
I didn't see anyone answer Awesome's question about how to link to the CL so here we go.

[*url=put the link here]sig or whatever you want it to say.[/url] It's what I do to link people to my thread series in the music & M&t sectios.
I didn't see anyone answer Awesome's question about how to link to the CL so here we go.

[*url=put the link here]sig or whatever you want it to say.[/url] It's what I do to link people to my thread series in the music & M&t sectios.

Got it. He PM'd me.
I didn't see anyone answer Awesome's question about how to link to the CL so here we go.

[*url=put the link here]sig or whatever you want it to say.[/url] It's what I do to link people to my thread series in the music & M&t sectios.

Wow. You explained it so much better than Hamler...

I got it tho. Thanks anyways, man.
And I quote....

Open up two windows its easier.

1st window-You see that thing that looks like a world with a circle under it up right under the smiles thing up there. Click that shit.

2nd window- Ok, go to the CL forum. I'm on my phone so I just went to share page and got the URL. But from your computer, I would assume, go to the adress bar. Copy and paste that to the first window when you click that world thing. Click ok

It'll say something like [url ]""]

Then erase after the "] or the bold part I just showed you above. And putin you sig URL and enclose it with the [/url ].

Wow, that was fucking hard to explain. Lol messae me if your confused.

...sorry, Hamler. I...just...had to.
Hey LSN, Hamler and Mr. Awesome, I like ALOT the C-Lounge. I thought at first there was a really good place to debate. I even try to make some really serious threads about things outside the US (the attempted coup d'État in Ecuador for example) but I didn't get ANY kind of response. Since then I'm kind of disappointed, people here seems to only like to debate about topics way to general ("what do you think about life/death?") or things that are just related to North America (US and Canada").

But I'm willing to contribuate all that I can.

This is a really good post that's been overlooked. A problem with the cigar lounge is that there are far too many threads that ask, "What's your opinion on..." and it's something obscure or underwhelming. In my opinion, the cigar lounge should have few topics that actually touch on controversial issues. Right to life, death penalty, religion - things like that. There's been threads on that, but they are simply a product of who happens to be posting at the time. I would could LSN a good poster for example, and he happens to be religious, so he would make for a good counter-argument in a religious thread, but it seems that because it was done before, no one wants to do it again. Those are debates that aren't going to end, or be concluded likely, so they should be stickied so everyone can see them and post as we get new people venturing in for example.

Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, Albert Bandura, and George Herbert Mead had contributions. When the quality of the discussions and theories on the topic in the Cigar Lounge more closely resemble the glib musings of a drunkard than some of the truly substantive contributions to our understanding of development, I tend to lose interest. I'm used to better. You may think I'm holding you to an extremely high standard, but you're the ones who wanted to show off. Now let's try not to get indignant and over-emphasize every syllable of the word "contribution" just because I don't think you have anything to show off about.

Considering you don't post in the Cigar Lounge, we don't even know the quality of your legitimate posts. I know the quality of your trolling, and I know the quality of your throwaway posts, but that's not what we're talking about. For someone who doesn't contribute, and doesn't show how skilled (or in your case, as I speculate it, unskilled) they are, it's kind of ridiculous to try to tell actual contributors how much better you're used to. At this point, because you're credibility on this is unproven, your opinion on this is irrelevant.
SalvIsWin, we did not overlook sXe's post. I specifically adressed that right after he posted it. But as for your concern, you have a good point. Some topics are so controversial that they are never ending and thus could be stickied. However, the problem with stickying threads like that is that the more posts it has, the less likely they are to be read. It's the same for any thread that's stickied in general. I'd say simply redo them every so often, and all should be good.

But as for the 'opinions' threads that you speak of, that's just something that is generally done to attract a more divers group of posters. Talking about the same controversial issues will only attract a certain number of people for so long. The more diverse types of threads you have, the more likely you are able to attract posters into the section.

Having said that, you're another valued member of the Cigar Lounge and always offer some great insight into the posts you make. However, if you please, I would prefer it if you left your concern with Coco alone. This is just a GSD thread that we made for fun - a spam Cigar Lounge thread, if you will. And we sure as heck do not need more chaos in this thread like before. What Coco thinks shouldn't affect anyone in anyway. He can think what he wants, and so can we.

So please, dude. let's just all be friends. :)
SalvIsWin, we did not overlook sXe's post. I specifically adressed that right after he posted it. But as for your concern, you have a good point. Some topics are so controversial that they are never ending and thus could be stickied. However, the problem with stickying threads like that is that the more posts it has, the less likely they are to be read. It's the same for any thread that's stickied in general. I'd say simply redo them every so often, and all should be good.

But as for the 'opinions' threads that you speak of, that's just something that is generally done to attract a more divers group of posters. Talking about the same controversial issues will only attract a certain number of people for so long. The more diverse types of threads you have, the more likely you are able to attract posters into the section.

Having said that, you're another valued member of the Cigar Lounge and always offer some great insight into the posts you make. However, if you please, I would prefer it if you left your concern with Coco alone. This is just a GSD thread that we made for fun - a spam Cigar Lounge thread, if you will. And we sure as heck do not need more chaos in this thread like before. What Coco thinks shouldn't affect anyone in anyway. He can think what he wants, and so can we.

So please, dude. let's just all be friends. :)

Remaking them would be fine. I guess it doesn't really matter how it's done, but those are the type of threads that should always be seen imo, and it's where the best discussion comes from.

As for the other threads I mentioned, I'm not arguing against diversity, I'm saying I think these threads are of low quality. They tend to degrade into everyone given the same consensus opinion or answer, and that's the end of it.

Regardless, I like what you guys are doing.
Remaking them would be fine. I guess it doesn't really matter how it's done, but those are the type of threads that should always be seen imo, and it's where the best discussion comes from.

As for the other threads I mentioned, I'm not arguing against diversity, I'm saying I think these threads are of low quality. They tend to degrade into everyone given the same consensus opinion or answer, and that's the end of it.

Regardless, I like what you guys are doing.

I guess in a way, that really is how some of the threads have gone. Minus the few exceptions here and there, a good number of threads offer the same rehashed opinion just basically in different words. This is something that we can change.

Thanks for your input, Salv. It's been noted greatly. Also, many thanks for all the contribution to the Cigar Lounge. Please know that you are another great poster in there that I'm sure everyone takes great pleasure in reading your posts.

The CLS appreciates your support. :)
This is a really good post that's been overlooked. A problem with the cigar lounge is that there are far too many threads that ask, "What's your opinion on..." and it's something obscure or underwhelming. In my opinion, the cigar lounge should have few topics that actually touch on controversial issues. Right to life, death penalty, religion - things like that. There's been threads on that, but they are simply a product of who happens to be posting at the time. I would consider LSN a good poster for example, and he happens to be religious, so he would make for a good counter-argument in a religious thread, but it seems that because it was done before, no one wants to do it again. Those are debates that aren't going to end, or be concluded likely, so they should be stickied so everyone can see them and post as we get new people venturing in for example.

This is where I feel the quality of the CL has greatly improved because of the threads that Hamler and Awesome start. They make clear, concise posts that stay largely neutral on the subject, and ask questions that allow the posters that follow to weigh in with their opinions and views from there. As you've probably noticed with most of their threads, they ask a series of questions in order to branch of discussions in alot of directions. I don't find it to be a coincidence that their threads are posted in more then most others. When I have a topic that I want discussed, I give said topic to both of them because I consider both to be far superior to me in terms of thread making from a neutral viewpoint as well as asking several questions that allow for real debate to take place. This frees me up to convey my opinion on them, and I generally dont start threads unless I really want to run with them.

In terms of "hot button" topics, I would tend to agree with you. So many of them have been done in one form or another that we've generally seen them just re-appear in one form or another with just tweaks to it. The problem is once a thread becomes overcrowded with people and you have 40 responses, its hard for those who have yet to weigh in and truly desire to debate the topic. Whether it be in the wrestling section or the CL, posts at the end of threads go largely unnoticed, especially in the likely case that the opinion has been given before. I see both the validity and the drawbacks of your point here.

I would consider LSN a good poster for example, and he happens to be religious, so he would make for a good counter-argument in a religious thread, but it seems that because it was done before, no one wants to do it again.

Thanks Salvi, coming from you, I really appreciate that. I don't recall reading a post of yours that hasn't made me stop and think, even if I disagree. And while I can make a good counter argument in a religious thread(being a Christian), my education in psychology and science often find me looking at things from several perspectives, as science and religion are generally enemies of each other.

Edit: I see MA addressed your points, so most of what I said was mostly a rehash. But I agree with him, you're certainly a valued poster in the CL, and I look forward to you continuing to be so. ;)

I have a question for you guys (or anyone else for that matter).

What do you guys think about the torchering of terrorists to extract key information from them? Yay? Or Nay?

I would have made this into a CL thread, but don't have the time. So what do you guys think?

I have a question for you guys (or anyone else for that matter).

What do you guys think about the torchering of terrorists to extract key information from them? Yay? Or Nay?

I would have made this into a CL thread, but don't have the time. So what do you guys think?

MA you dick, you could've always sent that to me and I would've done it.

And I'm actually all for it. Cut off their balls, slit their nostrils and stick dicks up their asses until we get what we want.

I have a question for you guys (or anyone else for that matter).

What do you guys think about the torchering of terrorists to extract key information from them? Yay? Or Nay?

I would have made this into a CL thread, but don't have the time. So what do you guys think?
You mean like setting them ablaze and lighting a long winding path with them a la Romans/Christians?
MA you dick, you could've always sent that to me and I would've done it.

And I'm actually all for it. Cut off their balls, slit their nostrils and stick dicks up their asses until we get what we want.

But then I wouldn't be able to post on it because I wouldn't have much of an argument to back up my claim.

You mean like setting them ablaze and lighting a long winding path with them a la Romans/Christians?

Hahahaha. Whether the torture be physical or mental: do you think it's right for the US to be doing that to terrorists just to get the information needed?

I found myself winding more towards the lesser in my class conversation where I stated that many terrorists would never admit to any key information regardless of how much asking was involved. I said that the best way is to apply torture to them and offered them the 'ticking time bomb' scenario. To which my teacher (and a few other students) replied that the chances of the 'ticking time bomb' scenario to even be possible is highly unlikely. Also, that no human should ever be confronted with such inhumane type of punishment. That there are other solutions possible. I asked for what solutions and they replied some really piss-poor ideas to which I wasn't fully convinced.

So that's why I'm sort of on the fence. Should it be right for the government to be torchering (physically or mentally) a terrorist for information (etc)?
Whether the torture be physical or mental: do you think it's right for the US to be doing that to terrorists just to get the information needed?

I don't know if this is meant to be an official discussion, but I'm going to reply anyways :shrug:

I only think that it is wrong for the US to use torture because of how much they build themselves up to be the "greatest nation on earth". Torture is a very primal means of conduct, and isn't something you should resort to if you want to hold yourself to such a high standard.

Obviously it isn't a very human way of treating people, but society hasn't ever really been human until the last century or so anyways.
Obviously it isn't a very human way of treating people, but society hasn't ever really been human until the last century or so anyways.

I would tend to say that humans have always been very vile creatures regardless of how much society changes. Thoughts, desires etc - all these have influences on a person that cause them to act a certain way. Though, the morals one tends to have are alot better than before - generally speaking.

Though with that said, I can understand the 'hypocracy' that you're talking about. Still you can't help but wonder, it's not like America - or anyone else for that matter - gives a damn about being hypocrates.

Regardless, glad to have your input, dude.
I don't have any problems with torturing a terrorist once you are certain that the guy is a terrorist. What goes around comes around as well.

That being said, I think that a non terrorist would probably break down before the torture goes to inhuman levels. Terrorists are tough SOB's and its the only way to extract information out of them. You still might not be successful though.
You know, you posting the topic here doesn't bar it from being posted in the CL. Go post it anyway.

I was still planning on making the thread, but this was just a general question I had for it.

If I make it a thread right now, it'd be really lack-luster as I haven't enough info to make a decent OP. Also, I haven't the time.

*sigh* But if I'm to live to the CLS's expectations, I guess I should.

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