The Champ is Here HQ

Cena didn't draw the heat, but he added to it in small ways. The guy obviously knew that the crowd was going to keep on throwing his shirt back, so right from the get go he got them to hate him even more, and throughout the match his facial expressions and the like were really spot on.

Cena may not be as dominant as he once was, but it can also be argued that his "prime" was 2007 and he was virtually unstoppable that year. He also seems to get the big wins whenever they matter most, such as at Mania and with Orton, in their first and last matches.

And if you're booing the crap out of the guy, he's not boring you. Not speaking to you specifically, but you're probably a rare case because the reactions he gets lead me to believe that the fans either enjoy cheering him, or they enjoy booing him. It's not that they don't care about him.
All of that is a mute point in a kayfabe tournament.
I'd appreciate it if you learned to speak your own language before talking back to me.

Drawing power who sells the most t-shirts none of that matters. What matters is pure wrestling ability.
You've read nothing KB has said coming into this tournament, have you?

So by that token Cena should be out well before the semi finals.
Why's that? Is he going to have to sell for Samoa Joe coming nowhere near him with an Ole kick?

I really don't know how Cena would be able to deal with "pure wrestling" of such a high caliber.
I had Cena into the 3rd round I believe in my bracket before he went out to Misawa.
Oh, shit. I forgot about the "dead guy" vote. Couple that with the "puro fan" vote, and I'd say you may be right.
Cena's got more talent in one hand than Warrior's entire shitstain of a career.
I am sure that many of this forum's members really want to vote for Cena , but they don't.

It is like that : " I am an IWC member.I have to hate Cena , for absolutely no reason."

Come on.He is the no.1 guy in wrestling.Everybody knows wrestling by his name these days.He has improved during past year.He has added some moves to his arsenal and he has pushed a lot of guys.

When it's all set and done , I don't care about this tournament results.the FACT is that Cena's the best , and nobody can change it.NOBODY.
I had Warrior meeting Cena. And Warrior going over.

I know Cena has a ton more talent. No doubt. And I much, much prefer Cena. But HOW can you make a kayfabe argument here.

Cena strives on an incredible strength, inability to quit, brawling style where he outpowers opponents not expected to, before using his biggest weapon, the STFU, to get the passout/submission.

Warrior does exactly the same, to a slightly bigger degree.

See, Cena has been pinned by standard offence. A Batista bomb, a pedigree, a sweet chin music. A finisher can take Cena out.

At the PEAK of Hogan's career, Warrior survived the single biggest offensive move in the business at the time. He hulked up immediately after a pedigree, a move that took Cena out on more than one occassion. I can't make an argument for the FU, even multiple FU's, to put Warrior down - we saw what multiple elbows did from Savage, nothing.

So the STFU - Warrior isn't going to tap. Fact. So it comes down to making him pass out. How many times have you seen the "OMG HE BROKE THE FINGERLOCK" strength of Warrior beating the grip of an opponent to escape moves? I just cannot see Cena keeping him down enough to pass him out.

Which leaves a roll up. This is how Cena wins. A roll up. Back to the same arguments made of Skinner to beat Austin last year - A roll up can beat anyone. But the fact that you are picking Cena over Warrior with the same argument as Skinner over Austin says it all.

I have no idea how you get Cena past the third round. If you do, good luck again with Rocky, Misawa, Lawler or Kawada in the last 16.

Like Cena, can't see how he makes a deep run this year.
I disagree to the above post.

In the case you mentioned , No one can beat Warrior.He does not submit , he won't be taken out and blah blah blah.

You said Cena had been taken out by Pedigree , a move which Warrior didn't sell a bit.So each and every single wrestler who has been hit by pedigree should lose to Warrior.Really?FYI , Cena kicked out of 2 pedigrees last year on Raw before Bragging Rights.

Warrior is the biggest load of crap i've ever seen in wrestling.I'm sure Cena is a 1000 time better wrestler and will easily kick Warrior's ass in third round.
Warrior is the biggest load of crap i've ever seen in wrestling.I'm sure Cena is a 1000 time better wrestler and will easily kick Warrior's ass in third round.

they both wrestle like shit
they both wrestle like shit

and this post is also the crappiest i've ever seen.You have no reason for Cena being a bad wrestler.As one of posters said , the only reason of some people booing Cena is because they enjoy doing it.

Have you seen that douche bag who always sit in front row at WM?He always wear a WE HATE CENA t-shirt and boo him constantly.The question is If he really hates Cena , Why does he always pays 1000 $ to watch him winning the title each and every year?

It's because he loves to.After each and every WM he thinks how he can boo Cena harder next year.He never gets bored of Cena , and that's all Cena needs.
Cena has gotten to the Elite Eight and now he will face the Undertaker in what looks to be a classic match. I hope you have your pro-Cena arguments ready because Taker will get a lot of votes but hopefully with your support and determination, we will get more.
I say we highlight the times Cena's beaten Taker while ignoring the fact that Taker has beaten him just as often.
They've beaten each other once in 2003. I remember them facing off in 2004 when Undertaker was being controlled by Heyman but I forget the outcome of that match.
Cena actually defeated Undertaker twice on SD in 2003, while Taker beat him at Vengeance. Taker beat him on SD in 04 though.
I've been saving this one for a rainy day if anybody wants it:


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