The Brian Kendrick & His Bodyguard Diesel...Wait....Ezekiel Jackson

This forum should be called 'The Brian Kendrick to Smackdown'. Who'd have thought Brian Kendrick would be in the championship main event by Unforgiven when he was drafted to SD; granted the roster is depleted and he's sharing it with four other guys, but this is still a major accomplishment, especially since he's a straight up cruiserweight. I've always liked Kendrick as a wrestler and I'm happy he's been given a new gimmick and a good push, he deserves it. I like his current gimmick alot and would love to see him continue feuding with top talent. I would love to see him fight Micheals. I don't think Micheals will ever move to SD, (I think he goes to church on Tuesdays), but I think a feud with Micheals would be great for Kendrick. Perhaps this will be the start of WWE giving cruiserweights legitimate pushes, and I hope that Kendrick can do the whole Mysterio thing and become mainevent champion someday.
The Only Reason Kendrick Is In The Match Is Because Kennedy, Umaga, Are Injured. They Split Up The Bet Tag Team Since Early 2000. Yeah He Is Doing Qiet Well As A Heel Singlebut Do You Really Think He Will Ever Win The Tittle. Now London Is Gone And Has Not Been On Tv For Months.
I'm calling it now.

THE Brian Kendrick will win the Championship Scramble. There are rumors going around that could suggest that he might not be champion by the end of the night, but they are serious about giving Kendrick a push. He's excellent at cutting promos. Look no further than the promo he cut on last night's edition of Smackdown when he was reading Sun Tzu.

That promo to me spoke volumes. Sure, it's funny that Zeke was reading "The Cat in the Hat", but if anything, that should have showed that they want people to start underestimating Zeke. Don't forget that he's anything but dumb, by saving Kendrick from The Big Show's onslaught.

But think of it this way, why would they even put him in the match to begin with? Sure, he's had some impressive wins, but they've been against enhancement talent. They want to exercise the element of shock value. With the likes of HHH, Hardy, and MVP in the match, they want to make Kendrick next to an afterthought. And that is exactly what the WWE wants.

Look at how Punk and Henry won their titles. Nobody saw it coming. Punk of course won by cashing in the MITB, and Henry was thought to be incapacitated for the rest of his match against Kane and The Big Show. The WWE is probably dying to shake things up on the Smackdown brand now, and I would bet that Kendrick will gain the title thanks to the help of Zeke.
I must admit I wasn't enthused when he debuted the new gimmick six weeks ago. But The Brian Kendrick has gotten better with each passing week. He officially won me over and I’m buying the gimmick now after the awesome promo he delivered Friday night. Unlike his earlier flamboyant braggadocios in-ring promos, there was such a dark seriousness to it and his facial expressions when he delivered the genius/insanity line gave me goosebumps…shades of Brian Pillman that he’s been compared to.

The way things played out on Smackdown has me rethinking how the Scramble match will go. While MVP, Hardy, and Benjamin are busy feuding amongst themselves, Kendrick has his eye on the prize. He’s the only one focused on winning the war (not the little battles) and scoring the last pinfall. And as PeteRose pointed out, we can’t overlook that the intelligent Kendrick will have big Zeke in his corner. If they decide to take the title off Trips at Unforgiven, Kendrick now looks to have the best chance.
I didn't like the gimmick at all when he startedusing it. I still don''t really like it. The arrogance doesn't really fit him. But it is getting a little better, as Amy said. He just needs to make the gimmick look better, he looks to forced when he comes out.

I think that he needs to get a new finisher first before they decide to do anything with him. Maybe he can do some sort of splash or DDT?? Or some other high flying move.

I think that Amy and PeteRose'sHaircut have it right, if they want to change the title.. Benjamin, MVP and Hardy are all feuding, so they'll be fighting amongst themselves. Then what I reckon will happen is maybe Zeke will get sent to the back, and everybody will think Kendrick has no chance. Then the Great Khali will interfere and Kendrick will steal the win, which will also further his status as a heel.
I think a good idea would to have Kendrick lose to Vlad Kozlov, then have Kendrick get angry and tell Zeke to take care of him, which leads to a small fued where Kozlov finally loses and Zeke gets exposure on a wrestling stand point. Which I think will lead him down the path of a Diesel body guard. He's a big guy and is pretty intimidating guy so I can definitely in a small main event fued but I can't really see him winning any world titles unless he's a really outstanding wrestler.
I like Kendrick's bodyguard....but unless he can do more than what he is doing I can't see him doing much more than what someone else said earlier and that is be a jobber to world, but maybe he is good and we just don't know it yet. I could see him destroying the russian guy on Smackdown, and shut him up for good. Or I really could him going to ECW and putting Mark Henry in his place...

But only time will tell
It will be interesting to see what type of role, if any, Ezekial plays during the Tilte match at Unforgiven. I could see him interfering and then hopefully that could start a feud with someone and we could finally see him wrestle.
Hands down The Brian Kendrick is awesomee!! First i thought when he got moved to smackdown that the guy would get totally buried and squashed..but the guy has got one of the biggest pushes in a long time. I say that brian friggen kendrick pulls out an upset win over HHH in the scramble. If he wins im gonna mark out like crazy.
Fantastic. The Brian Kendrick is AWESOME. That promo he gave on Friday night was tremendous. Such power! Ezekiel is a terrific bodyguard - even if he does read the Cat in the Hat. Big, bulky, does his job perfectly, but doesn't upstage the Man with the Plan. Kendrick is excellent in the ring and on the mic. I would love to see him with the belt, but I don't think it will happen - I'm backing either Trips to retain (most likely) or MVP to stage an upset (then he'll feud with Trips while Shelton and Hardy battle it out).

Ah, and that ring attire! Makes me feel all weak every time I see it...
I think HHH wins the scramble but sows the seeds of a feud with Kendrick. I've enjoyed the hell out of the new gimmick; it's funny, Kendrick can wrestle, and the boy can cut a promo. The only beef I have with THE BK is that he can't dance for shit. Somebody backstage out to help the kid out with some rhythm so he doesn't look so foolish when he attempts to dance to the ring or back up the ramp. It's embarrassing.
i think a fued with hunter is a stupid idea. hunter would bury him in every promo. everyone knows hhh shoots on younger guys in promos with them and i think kendrick would get the dykstra treatment from hhh. its way too soon but i guess if wwe did the exact opposite of whatever they had planed it could work. i doubt hhh would put over kendrick. i dont think he could handle getting beat by kendrick.
i think kendrick should get hardy next. they could put on some amazing matches. kendrick would get tons of heat and win or lose get put over in the process. i would say shelton but i still dont think he can carry a fued.
I think a good idea would to have Kendrick lose to Vlad Kozlov, then have Kendrick get angry and tell Zeke to take care of him, which leads to a small fued where Kozlov finally loses and Zeke gets exposure on a wrestling stand point. Which I think will lead him down the path of a Diesel body guard. He's a big guy and is pretty intimidating guy so I can definitely in a small main event fued but I can't really see him winning any world titles unless he's a really outstanding wrestler.

Did you see him take a chair shot from HHH last week and just turn round and face up with HHH, this reminds me of taker or the Kane of old!!! I think wwe will have big plans for this guy and I like Jacks Idea I think it would be a good fued with Kozlov and would instantly give him creditability if he ended Kozlov's unbeaten run
That white jacket really does make him look smaller. I knew he was big, but holy shit, when he stood up to HHH and took that chair shot I was like wow, He's freakin huge. The last time I was that amazed about someone taking a chair shot was when Lasner took those shots from the Hardy's and they hardly fazed him. I think the WWE has plans for Zeke and Kendrick, maybe one day they'll do the whole Micheals/Diesel thing. He's definitly going to get more of a push than WWE's other bodyguard Bam Neely (it's a shame... I really liked the name). Since it's Kendrick whose getting the push, I don't see him stepping out and in front of Kendrick's push anytime soon, so I think they should put the tag titles on them. Hey they'd be doing more with them than Ryder and Hawkins are, so why not.
I don't know but no question he has "the look" that dude is very intimidating, looks very athletic for his size as well, actually looking forward to see him in action, but I think him with Kendrick.... Sorry "The Brian Kendrick" is going very well and I hope they keep it going but you know much further down the road someone will turn on the other
As long as they don't turn him into the next Bam Neeley, he'll be good. I've only seen him execute a torture rack for about 3 seconds, so until he actually wrestles i won't bother speculating. He has the look, but so do plenty of guys, and that isn't enough.

I'd like Zeke to stick with TBK for a while. Look how long Chyna was with HHH for example. When was the last time you saw a valet stay with the same guy for that long? I don't think anyone has had the same manager/valet for longer than a year since then have they? Well maybe Tori and X-pac, or HHH and Steph but even those were ages ago. Khali's had Singh but that's been on and off at best.

TBK and Zeke can obviously have their spats over titles etc, but i don't think they should have a permenant break up for a couple of years at least.
I honestly don't think that Kendrick is going to get over at all. He was given the run of the Smackdown Scramble for most of that match. But not once did he get a reaction that was worthy of a main event wrestler. Because that's what the match was, it wasn't the PPV main event. But it was Smackdowns. And out all the wrestlers, it was Kendrick who got the least response. It's a shame because he was really good in that match. But Shelton Benjamin did less, and more people cared about him.

You could attribute it to the fact that he's wasn't getting a push at all a month before. But I doubt that would make a difference to WWE.

He also looked tiny. At least Rey Mysterio is as wide as the wrestlers he faces.
It truly is a shame that he isn't getting the main event response from the crowd. Kendrick is probably my current favourite on the SmackDown! roster right now. The guy has grown into his own and I really like this new cocky character. He's got impressive fluidity in his moves. Too bad Shelton Benjamin is a heel right now, because I can see BK battling for the U.S Championship at the least. They really need to pit him against someone that can bring out the best of both competitors.
I really think they need to take it slow with these two. Once they add 2 or 3 more face tag teams, they should have Kendrick/Ezekiel win the tag team titles and hold them for a while. Eventually, they can start pursuing midcard titles. You can't suddenly go from jobber to main event in the span of a month or two. They shouldn't expect TBK to get the kind of reaction that Hardy or Undertaker gets as he hasn't had as much time to get the audience adjusted to him yet. Really, though, its up to Creative to do something with him that allows him the chance to show off his skills. He's not perfect, but he's talented, and I think if given the right circumstances, he can go pretty far. The problem though, is that Creative likes to give up on people too easily - or expects them to do all the work themselves - and they might end up booking him as a jobber to HHH for the next few weeks and killing off any chance he has.
I could say that it was a letdown regarding the Championship Scramble and the embarassment that Kendrick suffered, but the fact is even in a losing effort, he still made his name known.

Kendrick is still too raw to be considered worthy of being in the Heavyweight title picture, and I don't think anyone would disagree with that. However, to say he doesn't have the potential or the ability to one day be there.. is being naive and not giving the guy the credit he deserves.

He got a very good reaction from the fans, and he's working the hell out of this gimmick and making people believe it. He's entertaining to watch, and he's very good on the mic. and because of that he's already better than the current United States Champion. I foresee The Brian Kendrick becoming United States Champion either before the end of the year, or definately early next year.

I doubt he'll get anymore pushes for the W.W.E. Championship, short of the Royal Rumble (that he'll never win) or a possible Elimination Chamber entrant, that he'll likely be the first or second guy eliminated. But not one-on-one, at least not that "I" can foresee.

But I don't think it's a complete loss. I consider this much like the Royal Rumble was for Jeff Hardy. It was a test run, to see how people would react to Kendrick being in the Championship match.. and people cheered/boo'd (gave reaction) to him. When Kendrick won the title for the few seconds he did, people actually went a bit nuts. So because of that, I think all wasn't lost for him.. I just wish he wasn't the main guy who took 80% of the pinfalls. That could've hurt him.

One final thing to consider. Ezekiel wasn't out there with him, so it could be brought into light that he didn't fair all that great, because his bodyguard wasn't there to help him. And that's playing into old school Shawn Michaels.
Kendrick has been getting tons of mic time... he should be over. Oh wait that's right, he has to be in an actual feud first before we start arguing about how over he is. I mean come on, since he came to SD... he came to the ring, talked his shit, and squashed a jobber. Then he participated at his first PPV on SD @ Unforgiven in a scramble match which he really shouldn't be considered feuding with anyone at all. I think he went over Jeff Hardy on SD recently but that's the first upper midcarder he has beaten since he came to SD.

I think he's done pretty good with getting a reaction considering the thing's he's done... which is just talk shit and squash jobbers and talk some more shit.
I could say that it was a letdown regarding the Championship Scramble and the embarassment that Kendrick suffered, but the fact is even in a losing effort, he still made his name known.
What embarrassment?

He was put in a World title match, given a chance to REALLY shine on offense, and got a lot of high impact and exciting offense in. Not only that, he was the third man in the ring which gave him plenty of main-event match time, and even was the WWE Champion for a time. How is that an embarrassment?

Let me guess. Because he got pinned several times in the last five minutes right? Well, it only makes sense. He was in the match for 15 minutes, and received several finishers.

If he's hurt enough to get pinned once, wouldn't that mean he is more likely to keep getting pinned? Think of a video game. You're playing a wrestling game, and you are doing an Iron Man match. You hurt the guy, and can pin him. After that, you can keep pinning him over and over. And that's realistic. What's not realistic is for him to get pinned, and then suddenly not hurt anymore and not get pinned.

It wasn't an embarrassment, it was a very good showing for Brian Kendrick.
I think kendrick is best suited for a us/ic championship run, bring back the european title so you have another title that you can give for competitors lower then ic/us status like they did in the 90's and early 00's, or even the hardcore title for the guys like jackson, neely, kozlov, dreamer, and swagger. This way we can actually see the title on his waist

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