The Brian Kendrick & His Bodyguard Diesel...Wait....Ezekiel Jackson

I really like Kendrick's gimmick for now. It seems unique enough and it's nice that they are giving a cruiserweight a half decent gimmick(red neck asian, prince of punk?). I think his natural charisma gives him an edge of superstars like Shelton Benjamin who are great athletes but doesnt have much charisma. The only problem about smackdown right now is that their midcard has alot of great talent (Hardy, MVP, Kennedy, Carlito, Shelton Helms?) and he may get lost in the shuffle. If he was still on raw i could see him feuding with Kofi for the intercontinental title. I only hope that London gets some kind a push too.
I'm loving "the" Brian Kendrick's new gimmick, He seems to be showing a blend of early Shawn Michaels, and Brian Pillman's, Cocky "I'm better than you, and I'm going to prove it!" gimmicks.

He's showing that he's got the charisma, everything he does coming down/getting into/being in the ring screams, look at me I'm the star.

His in-ring ablity, He can fight every style you ask him to, he is one of the best flyers in the WWE at the minute,He's almost angelic while in mid-air, He has a good ground game and has good technique when it comes to a classic "stand off" chain wrestling, the only thing, I think he's only decent at is Brawling but he's still better than some at it, his punches dont seem believable.

Even though I'm high on Kendrick at the minute, I have things that i think could hold him down a little.
1. His finishing move, dont get me wrong it's a decent move. but it always looks a little sloppy, It seems no-one really knows how to take it.

2. His size, will Vince trust him in the upper-mid/Main event? he's been known to trust a couple of star's (Rey and Punk), That are'nt your "classic" 6ft2+ and 250lb+ star's, but Kendrick looks smaller than those two mentioned.

But like i said i think he will go all the way to the top, IF people can forget his size, and I for one would love to see it.
Man, I am nothing but impressed by Brian Kendrick right now. He was pretty good in ROH and as a tag team wrestler in WWE, well, let's just say he and London helped the tag team divisions of WWE a whole lot. But this...I never realized he had this kind of heel charisma and ring skills.

The way he's made his ring work less spotty and more classic is a great move in my opinion. And the whole gimmick - damn, it's becoming one of my a-number one reasons to watch SmackDown. He just keeps improving week in and week out. One of the best gimmicks in WWE right now. And even though I didn't need to have the SmackDown main event for Unforgiven spoiled, It'll definitely be a boost for him to be in a main event at a B-level PPV. If things continue the way they have been this far, Kendrick is going to go places.
its official
THE brian kendrick is getting a legit push
who would have ever thought THE brian kendrick would be in a wwe championship match with the likes of hardy, hhh, or mvp. after only, mabey a month of a new gimmick. there is a more than great possibility that kendrick could be wwe champ for a few moments. ive always been a big kendrick fan since he first showed up in wwe so im pretty stoked.
who woulda thought tho?
ezekial could totally be a main event player one day. hopefully they hold off on the kendrick-zeke break up until after they are both established. as of right now i see a hbk-diesel ending but who knows with wwe
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THE brian kendrick is getting a legit push

I'm hoping. But I'll reserve my judgment until after Unforgiven. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's just making up the numbers. I can certainly imagine him coming in the match and having literally no offence. I can't imagine HHH would let him get much in, and as he's a heel that'll only leave Jeff Hardy for him to fight with. As I think Hardy will win I'm not terribly optimistic about him in the match.
I think its amazing that The Brian Kendrick is getting THE push of the year. I can't help but think that they are pushing him too fast and too soon. He was a jobber not that long ago on Raw. Sure, he has an awesome gimmick that I personally love. He has good cruierweight in-ring skills and is decent on the mic, but he hasn't even had a chance to wrestle mid-card talent yet. Not even Kozlov, has been getting title matches and he has done nothing but squashing jobbers since he debuted a few months ago. Brian Kendrick will be a decent mid-carder and nothing more.

The match at Unforgiven sure is interesting with new and fresh talent, but thats a topic for a different thread. I like him a lot, but I just cannot believe he is going to be in the main event of a pay per view. He just isn't ready yet. There is no way in the world he will win the WWE Championship. I can't see how that will benefit anyone. There are loads of other mid-carders on Smackdown that deserve the WWE title push. M.V.P, Jeff Hardy, Shelton Benjamin and last but not least Mr. Kennedy. They all deserve a major push in the near future, for the title.

But nonetheless Unforgiven will be interesting especially considering Kendrick is going to be in the Smackdown main event for the title. I can't really see him winning a pinfall in the match and I won't be suprised to see either Hardy or maybe even MVP pin Kendrick to win the title in the last few seconds. I think its safe to say, nobody in the entire WWE has been pushed as much as The Brian Kendrick this year.
its official
THE brian kendrick is getting a legit push
who would have ever thought THE brian kendrick would be in a wwe championship match with the likes of hardy, hhh, or mvp. after only, mabey a month of a new gimmick. there is a more than great possibility that kendrick could be wwe champ for a few moments. ive always been a big kendrick fan since he first showed up in wwe so im pretty stoked.
who woulda thought tho?
I never thought I’d see the day little Brian Kendrick was in a PPV world title match either. Kozlov seemed like the more logical battle royal winner. He’s been on SD! longer and is billed as this big, dominant force, having squashed just about everyone there is. So I have to agree they must be serious about pushing Kendrick. I can't see him winning the title, but he could score a pinfall on one of the other four in the match. Squashing jobbers and newbies is all fine and good, but a pin on an established mid-carder/upper mid-carder would give him credibility. Still just by being included in the match, Kendrick benefits. He’s really come a long way in just two months as a singles competitor.
I'm certainly intrigued here. If Kendrick wins the belt I'd be shocked, but stranger things have happend. Who thought that Punk wsa going to win the title on Raw? It's not something that people saw coming and its gotten the ratings up and the place buzzing. If WWE is sticking to this suprising method of booking, Kendrick is as likely as anyone in this match. He's been getting a great push lately and this could put him in a brief title feud. As much as I liked Londrick, this may be the best move in his career. Just odd to think that this guy is Spanky. Spanky as the world champion. Scary thought, but I think I like it.
mmm i dont see him getting the title at unforgiven i see him getting pinned bby hardy and triple h. but his move to smackdown was pointless i reckon. i would of loved a feud with him and london . just like kidman and london did. except 10 times better. honestly kendrick can be the future if he wants but yeah
Spanky as the world champion. Scary thought, but I think I like it.

It's Spanky Dawg!

mmm i dont see him getting the title at unforgiven i see him getting pinned bby hardy and triple h. but his move to smackdown was pointless i reckon. i would of loved a feud with him and london . just like kidman and london did. except 10 times better. honestly kendrick can be the future if he wants but yeah

No one thinks he's going to win the title. I see Hardy finally gettin it. But, this move to SmackDown basically re-launched his career. This is the biggest push I've seen recently. Wow! I'm sure he'd love to be the future. It's not his choice though. It's Vince's. And Kendrick is little, therefore he is not the future. :(

My thoughts.. I really like this guy. It's nice to see him getting this huge push. He is so very fun to watch in the ring. I swear to you I would mark out like none other if he won the scramble. In fact, as long as HHH or Hardy lose.. =] Go Kendrick!

Spanky Dawg for WWE Champion!
The Brian Kendrick is seeming to be taking the gregory helms push. jobber on Raw all of a sudden a legend on smackdown. I am glad this is happening to this guy he is entertainig as hell and has a lot of potential. he might not have the build to become the WWE champion but he sure as hell has the skill. weather or not he wins the title dont matter. I like the push and can see him with the US championship in at least two months time.

He reminds me so much of Brian Pillman. he is pulling this gimmick really well and is making smackdown enjoyable. I wont say completly but at least 25% of the reason i watch smackdown is becouse of this guy.
I see this seriously being similiar to another heel push Smackdown saw about 5 years back and they gave that man the title very soon into his push. I, of course, am talking about JBL. We, as fans, like it sometimes when a wrestler breaks the traditional mold and why not for a guy like THE Brian Kendrick. We know he can go in the ring and he seems to be alright on the mic. The only thing to worry about is pressure. Can he handle the big match? He last big match was Armaggedon 2006 and he wasn't nearly the top guy in that ladder match. I am ready to be surprised by THE Brian Kendrick, as I believe a surprise like this will make me watch the product.
The Brian Kendrick is seeming to be taking the gregory helms push. jobber on Raw all of a sudden a legend on smackdown. I am glad this is happening to this guy he is entertainig as hell and has a lot of potential. he might not have the build to become the WWE champion but he sure as hell has the skill. weather or not he wins the title dont matter. I like the push and can see him with the US championship in at least two months time.

He reminds me so much of Brian Pillman. he is pulling this gimmick really well and is making smackdown enjoyable. I wont say completly but at least 25% of the reason i watch smackdown is becouse of this guy.

Sparky hit the nail right on the head. Everything about this guy screams entertainment! His gimmick is so cheesy that it's hilarious.. His matches are fast paced and refreshing. I disagree when you say it doesn't matter if he wins the title. Could you imagine having The Brian Kendrick as top dog on Smackdown? And people think Punk is an underdog. :lmao:

na i meant i dont see him being a champion in this match. meaning he doesn't get 1 pinfall through the whole match

I know.

I see this seriously being similiar to another heel push Smackdown saw about 5 years back and they gave that man the title very soon into his push. I, of course, am talking about JBL. We, as fans, like it sometimes when a wrestler breaks the traditional mold and why not for a guy like THE Brian Kendrick. We know he can go in the ring and he seems to be alright on the mic. The only thing to worry about is pressure. Can he handle the big match? He last big match was Armaggedon 2006 and he wasn't nearly the top guy in that ladder match. I am ready to be surprised by THE Brian Kendrick, as I believe a surprise like this will make me watch the product.

Yeah, but during JBL's push, Smackdown sucked. They hardly had anyone over there. Do you really think that over Taker, over Trips, over MVP, over Jeff Hardy, over Kennedy, they would even consider giving him the title? I don't. He's pretty good on he mic. Always entertains me. I'm already surprised. I desperately want a Kendrick or MVP win, here. =] And, to answer your final question, I think he can.
i would have made this a seperate thread but i cant for some reason. i think kendrick will definetly get a pin on someone and become temp champ. thats a hell of an acomplishment for a guy who was basically doing nothing 3 months ago. and even more so because of his size. as for winning the whole thing, i wish he would but its doubtful
"The" Brian Kendrick has come along way and this push is nothing less than a miracle. I dont think anybody predicted that 5 months ago when Londrick were jobbing to every tag team on raw that Kendrick would end up getting a title shot at a PPV. Some people dont think he "deserves" this push, and I really have to shake my head. Kendrick has alot of charisma, and is both good in the ring and on the mic. He has a stable character and the character is evolving already which is great. NO, Kendrick most likely won't win the belt, but this is an achievement already. I think he will now become a main contender for the US title and he will hopefully be built up into a true champ. Kendrick's only "fault" is his size, but if Mysterio can become world champion I sure hope that Kendrick would get a fair shot since this man has charisma, mic skills, and ring skills that are just as good as rey's(wwe rey).
THE Brian Kendrick is on THE roll of a life-time. Jim Ross said it best this passed Friday Night. Kendrick is by far proving to be the wrestler of 2008, and he's only truly been in this role for about a month. I think that says everything about how far Kendrick can go, as long as he doesn't screw up.

I agree with Chasingamy in the fact that I never thought I'd see the day that Brian Kendrick was ever getting a World Heavyweight Championship opportunity, much less on a Pay per view. Now, not only am I apparently going to see that.. (barring Big Show replacing him, some how) I have a very strong hype for believing he'll be the dark horse of the match that could end up Champion.

Now before I get lynched over everyone saying "The small cruiserweight isn't going to hold the Heavyweight title." I want each of you to say that to yourselves, then explain to me in the best way possible why Punk is still Champion. It's a switch to the business, it's unique, it's unheard of, it's different.. and it's something that'll make people stop and go "what the hell just happened?!"

Kendrick right now, to me, is similar to the 1993 Shawn Michaels. He's been a Tag Team Champion for a record long time, I believe he's held the Cruiserweight title as well.. so the way I see it, he's about to come into United States gold very soon, possibly unseating Benjamin. And I'd consider this Championship match similar to that of H.B.K.'s first one, in November of 1992, against Bret Hart.

Kendrick should have a very nice outting, he could even make it look like he's going to win, only to just barely lose at the end. I think of everyone involved, Kendrick has the most to gain, and very little to lose.. except for momentum that is.

Meanwhile, Ezekiel is exactly everything to Kendrick that Kevin Nash (as Diesel) was to Shawn Michaels. I mean seriously, Zek single handedly won that Championship opportunity for Kendrick by catching him. That's everything you'd want your bodyguard to do for you.. right now, Kendrick is definately on the role of 2008 and I for one am happier than likely anyone that he's getting this push.
I'm reallyyyy liking the new Brian Kendrick. His gimmick & heel change has done wonders for him. As of now, if he keeps going how he is, I can definitely see him one day being WWE champion, or ECW at the least. He definitely has the talent to go far, and as of late he has the rest of the tools as well. I never in a million years thought that he'd be getting a push on smackdown, let alone in the main event..

Although I really don't see him winning, nor do I think he really should... He's only been getting the push for what, a month? I don't think he should be rushed.. I would like to see him get built up more and put into a proper fued before and if he wins the title. This way he can show what he really has to offer. Despite not wanting him to win, I would like to see him get a pinfall throughout the match. It would give him even more momentum to have a pin over one of the faces in the match (Triple H or Hardy). I'm very much looking forward to seeing what The Brian Kendricks future has in store and what he will make of his majorr push.
I think the new The Brian Kendrick is an awesome character. Shows you want the WWE can do when they give somebody a chance and the right gimmick. Fom Zeke to his theme music - to his mic skills - to his theme music - to even the way he dances arouns - it has been a great transformation. I am happy to see that he is in a big match on the next PPV.
He has a bright future and I am looking foward to see what they will do next with him. This character seems to be a winner for WWE.
I'm very happy for Kendrick. Outside of CM Punk, I think his move to SD! has made the biggest impact. Even more so than Batista. Before going to SD! Kendrick was part of an amazing tag team. However Paul London's issues with managment I feel really held the team as well as Kendrick back. Since Kendrick moved to SD! I don't think we've seen London at all. However Kendrick has gone on and really has started making a name for himself in singles competition. Now he's set for a shot at the WWE championship. I don't think he's going to win it, but the bottom line is. In just what a little over a months time he's gone from the bottom of the tag team division (which I still think was BS) to being apparently towards the top of the singles division. Congrats to you Mr. Kendrick.
THE Brian Kendrick is not going to win the match but that's not what I'm looking foward to... I am looking foward to how Kendrick will perform in the match.. This is a big deal for a guy like him mvp and shelton.. Come on these guys have been mid carders to jobbers and now they are in a main event.. That's awesome.. Just think of how kendrick will do taking on these four guys.. High flying.. Popping out of no where likr a little roach.. He's a heel now so you have to think like a heel... He's gonna be all over and kicking ass just to make his name known.. After the ppv people won't be talking about john cena triple h or who won the title matches.. They r gonna be like "did you see brian kendrick in that match last night he's insane" cause that's what I hope to see

09 is the year of The Brian Kendrick!!!
if the mods on the board wernt so lame and let me make a thread i would but now this thread turns into "WHATS NEXT FOR LONDON"
i thought for sure he was getting a megapush when they got him involved in the jerico hbk fued. it make perfect sence for london to back up hbk and cade to back up jericho. i dont know why they didnt go that route. i think the door is still open for it. i think after teh sucsess kendrick is having they should rethink a london push. i always liked londons look and skill but i figured he would end up like the kendrick and be low card for life. even if they didnt throw london in the hbk mix i think he could have a decent fued with the likes of santino, burchill. jamie noble would be a great fued.
Even being in the Championship Scramble match is a push for someone like Kendrick. He is used to jobbing.Now he's in a WWE title match. He shouldn't get any pinfalls in the match but being there is good enough. He is a talented athlete.But he should be slowly progressed or his career goes down the shitter.
Honestly, when I first saw THE Brian Kendrick I didn't like the gimmick. The jacket looked so out of place, the weird dancing, and promo kinda put me off. But week after week it got better and better and it suits him well now. I never thought that he would get a main event push, but being in the scramble isn't bad at all. He gains exposure and gets a taste of the main event level. I still can't see him as champion, but I don't think that's what the WWE is going for anyway. The draft to Smackdown! was the best thing that could've happened for Brian Kendrick. Also, Ezeikel is pretty bad ass and plays the bodyguard role very well.
I am loving the new Brian Kendrick. I can honestly say that when the year 2008 started, like everyone else, we never imagined that during the year, Brian Kendrick, or shall I say THE Brian Kendrick would be in a match for the WWE Championship, on PPV of all things.

I have always been a fan of Kendrick, and the highest push I thought he'd get would be in his tag team with London. And I have never been big on him and never really cared as much, but now, he is one of the main reasons I watch smackdown. I never thought I would watch smackdown just to see The Brian Kendrick.

I must admit, although I am very happy Kendrick is in this title match and excited to see how he works his first real main event, this push is way to fast. When summer started, he was in a jobbing tag team, and now he had a gimmick change and turned heel and bam, he is in the main event.

I know he has no chance in winning this match, but everyone will now take notice to The Brian Kendrick. I actually think if Kendrick keeps this up, maybe in another 6 months or more, he could become WWE Champion, but I expect him to be United States Champion soon.

THE Brian Kendrick for WWE Champion!

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