Brian Kendrick

Actually, Kendrick has a very subtle (non druggie) charisma about him. I've seen alot of his older stuff and even the 101010 'botch recovery' had me going wtf with a grin. On that topic, does anyone know his current theme's name?
Kendrick is one of my favorite new TNA acquisitions from WWE. He has an enormous amount of talent and charisma. However, he should NOT become the leader of EV2. Like some others said that's just plain weird. Also, I feel that in the long run he is 100% WHC material but at this point in his career absolutely not. He hasn't even won the X-division title yet. Sure, he beat Douglas Williams but it was not a title match and all of his attempts at the title have failed so far. He WILL win the X-division title probably pretty soon down the line since he has had this slight push being with EV2 I feel TNA might think the added momentum might make him ready to take the title. I could see this happening within the next 2 to 6 months. After that I could see him staying in the X-division for maybe a year or so. Then I feel he would be suited for the Global title for awhile. I don't realistically see Kendrick getting into the WHC game for at least 2or 3 years down the line.
The new leader of EV2 — says who? Sure hope that isn't a spoiler, for your sake...

As for Kendrick, I've always enjoyed the guy, but just like I don't buy Rey Mysterio as a World Heavyweight Champion, I would never buy Kendrick either. Does this mean I only want jacked up juice heads as my champion? Absolutely not, but just because you throw away tradition doesn't mean you throw away history with it. Tradition in this case is simply a penchant for putting the title on meat heads, whereas history would mandate said meathead actually be in a weight class that he could believably compete in.

Say for example that Abyss wins the TNA World Heavyweight Championship in a month and a half and begins feuding with Kendrick — who among you could reasonably believe Kendrick could actually beat Abyss in any way shape or form?
I like BK. I think hes different & actually has a character that he plays. Unlike most people in TNA.

I personally would have put him in Fourtune instead of Kaz or Williams. I mean- at least Williams is OK on the mic...Kaz is brutal with the stick! But aparently Flair didnt like Kendrick as much as the other 2. Yes- I do think Flair really did pick who he wanted in his stable. Kendrick with Morgan, Roode & Storm woulda really worked for me. I dont think AJ needed Flair at all. OK- Im rambling now...

Im not sure whats in the cards for Kendrick. EV2 should be gone soon(I hope) -so I dont think he'll have anything to do with that in the near future. Maybe he could be part of "they"? If Hardys gonna go to a "creepy" type heel character & be really weird...I could see Kendrick joining him & Abyss, being with the "creepy, crazy, odd" group.

One thing I know for sure: I dont see him as WHC in TNA. X-division...sure! TV title...I could see that!! Tag-Team titles with a partner...No problem! But WHC...No Way!!

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