The Brian Kendrick & His Bodyguard Diesel...Wait....Ezekiel Jackson

That's a great point. I know that the WWE is big on giving Cade the push because of his size, but personally, I think he's useless. There is nothing unique or exciting about him. Kendrick would make more sense in that storyline. Jericho and Cade? Honestly. It makes no sense. Jericho and Kendrick: now that could really work. And in the long run, I see a Michaels v. Kendrick match being alot more exciting then Michaels v. Cade.

I agree with that completely as well. Lance Cade isn't in the same catagory as Shawn Michaels, but at least Brian Kendrick is similar. He's got the size and speed, if not perhaps even quicker.

I don't think people would take a Kendrick v. H.B.K. match serious, but then again, it might go over just as greatly as a Cade v. H.B.K. match.

Speaking of that storyline and Kendrick being better for it. Paul London and Brian Kendrick had a slight issue in which Kendrick seemed to be slightly turning, then things smoothed out, only for them to be split up entirely. That's another big situation that I think W.W.E. really didn't put as much focus in.

I remember the Paul London v. Billy Kidman match back at No Mercy a few years back, and it was great for an ending feud of a tag team. I think Kendrick v. London, especially with Kendrick siding with Jericho.. it would've helped not just Kendrick, but London as well. Kendrick could've gotten the heel heat and heel push he deserves with Jericho, while London wouldn't of been completely fed to jobbing against bigger and better guys. (bigger = Cade, better = Jericho)
WWE gave practically no attention to London/ Kendrick for months. The whole Kidman - London rivalry was great in 2004. The ssp to London whilst he was coughing up blood on a stretcher was a particularly cold move. I'm surprised that Kidman didn't last much longer after that.
The thing about Kendrick and for that matter London that I think is holding them back, and I know I'm going to take crap for this, but it's their size.
Honestly, Brian Kendrick looks barely more built than Colin Delaney. At least HBK had a bit of muscle definition to him, despite always being the smaller guy in main event contest. Kendrick is too small to be a serious successor to HBK.

Paul London is in a little better shape physically, and still has the speed of Kendrick, but still not big enough or strong enough to make a champion without the demise of his mentor.

I don't see Kendrick really making a big splash on SD without the return of the CW title to the programme, or a big name midcarder like MVP putting him over.
I really don't think kendrick will do anything special on smackdown, but his bodyguard Ezekiel looks like a beast. He could follow the same career path as Batista who started out as a bodyguard for Rev. Devon on smackdown a few years ago.
If WWE goes for a Tag Team here are a few tag possibilities:
Brian Kendrick & Carlito they win tag gold from Ryder/Hawkins not at SS , but 2 Months from now. They could do good together if they were gonna build up Carlito this would be good for him. Then I see either Carlito or Kendrick (likely Carlito) challenge for the title in November-December. He wins it and Kendrick turns on him they lose the tag titles and fued over the U.S. Title. Which would turn out great.
when i 1st heard about kendricks new gimmic and push i didnt believe it (still confused on how people said it looked like a hbk thing hes doing, and that jacket looks like hes got shoulder pads or something in it) im guessing hes doin some hardcore drunk guy gimmic or something i dunno but as the match went on it started coming to me, by the way jr and foley were talking itslike all their attention was on ezekiel all they kept saying about kendrick was "this is the real kendrick" but they kept talking about the bodyguard, so it got me thinking that maybe kendrick is just being used to get ezekiel some attention and get him known and then break them apart, but to me it seems the "kendrick push " is actually the "I AM EZEKIEL HEAR ME ROAR" push
Once Upon a Time, in a Land Far Far Away. There was a wrestler. He wore long shorts, a hat, and pretended to something worse than VH1's The White Rapper Show could ever crank out, even during the first line of lame eliminations. And then this young man was given his walking papers and went out to ply his trade elsewhere. He made a name for himself and became a real high flying commodity in the wrestling world. As a matter of fact, he got a serious look from the competition, as their X-Division was now the talk of the town.

Scroll forward a few months, to where WWE felt that they needed to put a new coat of paint on the cruiserweight division that they had mishandled not once but twice. Suddenly ROH talent became very appealing for their ability to satisfy the spot monkey fan market with their in ring ability. Yes, for those for you who are not privy to the "wrasslin" business, ROH was beginning to gain momentum. And just like when past number three contenders would gain popularity, number one and number two come along to strip them of any marketable talent that they may have. And then they come back later to take anything that even looks remotely marketable just to cripple them out of existence.

But anywho, WWE resigns this young prodigy as well as other main event level ROH talent, most notably Jamie Noble. The young prince gets an appearance or two on TNA and they have a slight bit of interest in having him come in regularly. But we all know that the "Empire" known as the WWE, they can't let TNA snatch up a former WWE worker who could possible make an impact in the X-Division, the cornerstone of TNA fandom. So they bring him in, intent on having him pick up right where he left off. But amazingly the fame that he had acquired in ROH did not transcend into automatic WWE fame. So what do you do with a talented performer who you have nothing better for? You put him with another wrestler of similar build and regard in a newly formed tag team.

The funny thing is that by doing this, WWE was able to tap into Kendrick's talent and energy as London complimented him nicely. They went from being a strange eccentric duo to being legitimate underdog tag team champions. And WWE milked this for as long as they could, using it to create some stability in the Smackdown tag team ranks. Of course, this was not the same formula for the RAW roster and thusly lacked the continuity that having a "flavor of the moment" tag team be the main focus of the division. So after a what had to be a low point in WWE history, or so they think, where they think that having a stable tag team is s curse, WWE decided to rectify the problem by having Londrick lose the titles. Once again, order was restored and WWE was able to have any two random fools be champs without even knowing how to work together. The tag titles could now just be put on two guys who could be world singles champs, but needed gold around their waist in the meantime. Or perhaps the term should be "gold around their waste" instead. And the deed was completed by an exodus of the cursed team to RAW, in order to show them how to be truly mediocre.

Fast forward to the now. The team has been split. London has become so poorly respected that he doesn't even get to wear boots anymore. And Kendrick has gotten it worst of all. He has been given a huge bodyguard and a new look. He is now a heel and is often compared to such monumental Jedi Knights as Shawn Michaels and Brian Pillman on tv, even though he doesn't have anywhere near the size of either nor the charisma of either on his worst day. So what makes him the next big thing? Nothing really. His past says mediocrity. What his future will say is a story that has yet to be written. Hopefully, it will be fun to watch as it unfolds.
Brian Kendrick has potential to be that next big thing. It all depends on how he runs with it in these next few months. That and he has that big ass black dude Ezikio. If thats how you spell it right by his corner. And not every wrestler gets a manager, better yet a bouncer in his corner if they didn't see promise in him. And I can see these two putting on some good tag matches together, even winning the tag titles to give them more credibility. Brian Kendrick does remind me of a very young HBK. And before anyone comes at me bashing me for what I just said. All I can say is watch some old HBK clips. And not mid 90s till now. I mean back in the 80s early 90s with the Rockers with him and Marty Janetty. I know my shit. I've been watching wrestling since the very beginning of time. So I know potential when I see it. Just like I knew Cena would be WWE champ once he changed into that rap gimmick. Even when he fought Kurt Angle, I knew a star was born. He came into his own and now look at Cena. Larger than life. So don't exclude Kendrick out just yet. Give it till the end of 2008 then speak your opinion.
I'm not a big fan of Brian Kendrick, but I think that his bodyguard Ezekiel looks like he could really make a name for himself in the WWE. Now I know we haven't seen him wrestle yet but where do you see his career going.

Do you think he will be like Diesel and Batista who started as bodyguards before becoming main event level superstars, or do you see him being like Mr Hughes and Virgil who started as bodyguards and then never really became any more then jobbers to the stars?
It's hard to say at this point since we haven't seen him do much aside from take off Kendrick's jacket and put it back on him.

He definitely has a good look to him. He could easily be the next Batista if he has some decent wrestling and mic skills.
I like the partnership for two reasons. The WWE is bound to push Ezekial eventually as a big man on his own, but until then this gives Brian Kendrick the perfect opportunity to take the spotlight and maybe even run with it. I really think, despite his size, Kendrick has a lot of potential and can do some great things and I'm glad he's getting a chance, even if its motivated by an eventual hope for Ezekial to break out instead. The man definitely has a good look and if his ability is anything as promising as he looks physically then there's a lot of possibility there; I certainly hope for some tag team matches so we get to see what he can do.
We can't judge him until he starts wrestling.

BUT...Honestly? I think he'll be pushed as a monster for a little while, the crowd will get bored with him, and then he'll be relegated back down to the level of Snitsky or Mike Knox or Chuck Palumbo.

The best thing for them to do is to let this happen naturally. Don't push things too fast. They have a habit of trying to do as little work as possible to get a huge payoff, and it very rarely ever works. I say, push Kendrick as being the little guy who can hold his own via talent, but can't score the wins against the bigger guys, where Ezekiel comes in. When Jesse and Festus defeat Hawkins and Ryder for the tag titles, you've got a built-in feud waiting with Kendrick and Ezekiel. Both teams have a small and fast guy (Jesse/Kendrick) and a big powerhouse (Festus/Ezekiel).

The biggest mistake they can possibly make is to try to push Kendrick immediately into the US title scene and Ezekiel into the main event, as it won't work.
Unlike Chavo's bodyguard Bam Neely, who's proven himself to be a rank amateur when it comes to wrestling, I like this guy Ezekiel. I don't know how well he wrestles yet, but we'll probably see that in due time. Glad to see Kendrick getting a singles push though, he's surprisingly good as a heel. Too bad London is gonna be left in Jobland, USA on Raw it seems.
Well it's good to have a bodyguard that well guards. Bam Neely pretty much does nothing during Chavo Guerrero's matches, while Ezekial takes any chance he can to get involved. Right now I think they should play it slow with the both of them. I like that Brian Kendrick's finally getting a push, but I hope they don't rush it. For now, have Ezekial do nothing, but guard Kendrick. No wrestling matches, just bodyguarding. Make Kendrick get more believable as a heel, and then maybe get them to team up, and like Nofate said have a feud with Jesse, and Festus. Then eventually, leave Kendrick in the mid-card scene, and turn Ezekial into a monster heel.

As of right now, it's hard to tell how Ezkekial will turn out, but we'll find out soon.
I honestly don't think that Ezekial (Which is an awesome name, but not good for wrestling as it's not easily remembered), will get far in the WWE. The guy, has the size, but we haven't seen him wrestle, or even talk.

The guy will never get anywhere because of a few factors. As I said his name, and because there is something about his character (IMO anyway) that doesn't make you want to watch him. He looks rather bland to start with. Although I won't deny that he could get somewhere, it just won't be near the Main Event.
Brian Kendrick has a better chance at singles competition at this point. He's on Smackdown as a heel, which means he has a chance to put on good matches against guys like Jimmy Wang Yang, Shannon Moore and maybe even against Mr. Kennedy. Paul London on the other hand? Jobber. He's a 3-Time Tag Team Champion and 1-Time Cruiserweight Champion. I think he's done. There's nothing more the WWE would give him. Maybe he can have a brief feud with Jamie Noble and put on some ROH-style matches. I doubt that'll happen though.
Well, after this week's Smackdown, I think Ezekial and Kendrick could possibly be the next Diesel and Shawn Michaels. I guess they're going to gradually build up Ezekial since he is getting more and more involved in Kendrick's matches each time we see them. He has a great look and he could be a great powerhouse wrestler. That Torture Rack Backbreaker was beautiful :icon_smile:.
I like both Ezekial and Kendrick it works well but, haven't we all seen this body guard thing before? What happened to the orginal concepts that WWE use to have.

Anyway, I hope the WWE doesn't screw another Black superstar or make em look like a tool like Shelton Benjamin and MVP or make him appear sterotypical like Cryme Tyme.
I hope the WWE just lets Ezekial envolve on his own and not the way WWE views black people. It Appears that Ezekial has the -Right stuff- to be a Top WWE main eventer. I hope he keeps that tough "Real attiude".

I see him as A New Ron Simmons
This is an interesting pairing. Kendrick nailed his job on Friday and Ezekiel was perfect in the postmatch beatdown. This could be just right. People sometimes get body guards that seem to just be there to "be the bodyguard" and never really do anything, such as Bam Neeley with Chavo. Ezekiel seemed like he played his part perfectly and fits well with Kendrick, who is very small and needs muscle behind him. I could see this being something like Shawn and Diesel back in the mid 90s, and that turned out ok.
Ezekial (did I spell that right?) any way .. Ezekial has all the tool's to be a big time money player one day. He's about what? 6 ft 4, 300 lbs. Sound's like Vince's cup of tea. But the name could strike as a problem, I don't think it's a name too many kid's would even care to remember, no matter how impressive he may seem.

I don't know what to make of him yet as we haven't really seen anything from him. I supose it doesn't matter anyway. Most of the focus seems to be on 'The Brian Kendrick' right now.
I don't see how the name thing can bring a guy down. A not mentioned in this thread wrestler/bodyguard relationship in WWF/E past was Jeff Jarret at "The Roadie" and when that relationship fizzled and "The Roadie" went out on his own, he became the Road Dogg. If/when the time comes for Ezekiel to split with Kendrick, it's as simple as giving him a personality and letting him run with it. The name will come on its own accord if he's good enough to stick around. Something like Zeke, or just Z or whatever. It's not the first time a guy repackages himself with a new name to get over. Let him keep his Amish name for now, because if he's got wrestling ability, and can play the monster heel the name thing can easily be fixed down the road. No one will care if he's good enough at what he does.
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It's too early to tell if he is going to take the Batista, Nash, Tomko root and actually become a sucessful singles competitor or if he will just become another useless big man. He seems to have potential but really I dont care right now becuase it's "The" Brian Kendrick who needs to shine and just keep the bodyguard in the background.
I'm leaning towards he won't become a big star like Batista or Nash did. For some reason he just doesn't have that spark to him. He looks just like a big generic muscleman who is there just to guard Kendrick and won't be able to get away from him. Typically those partnerships end with a match/feud between the guard and the person they're guarding, and I can't imagine Kendrick being able to plausibly defeating a man Ezekiel's size if he's given a big push. I could see Kendrick firing Ezekiel or Ezekiel just fading away though. He's big and intimidating looking, but for some reason I just can't picture him breaking out on his own. It's still very early though and I could be completely wrong and hopefully I am as guys his size are usually fun to watch just to kill some time off. Kendrick is the undisputed star here, and if pushed right could be a minor version of HBK. That being said, I can't for the life of me see Ezekiel being a modern day Nash.
im bored of the old bodyguard routine. Its like Bam Meeley arent they here to wrestle? and not just stand out side an then occasionally do the odd interefence and then all they do is punch and kicks and no wrestling moves?
in my opinion this new bodyguard Ezekial doesnt seem to have any real spark about him, since his whole expressions dont change :S
I read somewhere that the WWE is giving 'The' Brain Kendrick a cocky HBK type roll. So i can see Ezekial playing the Kevin Nash roll to Kendricks HBK. I personally want to see this play out and see if they are going to rehash the HBK/Nash angle with Kendrick turning on Ezekial down the road. That's one thing that I can see happening but I hope they go in a different direction a surprise me.

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