The Brian Kendrick & His Bodyguard Diesel...Wait....Ezekiel Jackson

Another tag team that's been broken up. I really don't see the point in this at all. London and Kendrick were IMO the most exciting tag team in the WWE, unless the WWE are planning on bringing back the Cruiserweight title I don't see the point in this trade at all. This also means Paul London will become a jobber, I've heard there's a lot of heat on this guy so that'll explain it.
Well, this screams "squander" all over it. L&D were one of the best tag teams they had. Kendrick will most likely NEVER go anywere as a singles guy, so WHY break up a good team??? I mean, personally I find him entartaining, and he sells very well, but I just cant see a guy who looks like him finding any sort of singles push anywere. If they were planning on running with a CW division, then maybe, but they arent. So yea. Headscratcher here.
I hope Paul London gets Drafted too, or else the Tag Team is gone, and both their careers are gone as well. Both are extremely talented wrestlers, but I doubt either would ever get a singles push on the current WWE Roster. Their only hope is to remain a Tag Team, so lets everyone hope the London gets Drafted as well.
I can't believe they broke up London and Kendrick. One of the most exciting tag teams in almost a decade and now they are broken up. More than likely neither of them will amount to nothing, Unless they actually bring back the cruiserweight title. This was a horrible move in my opinion.
Why does the WWE start building up their tag team divisions, but then at the next possible chance, they start breaking everybody up?

Look at what we had:

Cryme Tyme
Cade & Murdoch
London & Kendrick
Rhodes & Holly
Carlito & Santino
The Highlanders
Ted DiBiase & ???
Jesse & Festus
Hawkins & Ryder
Chavo & Bam Neely
Shannon Moore & Jimmy Wang Yang
Morrison & Miz
Deuce & Domino
Finlay & Hornswoggle
Dreamer & Delaney
Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne (though this one is arguable)
TOTAL = 16

But now, lately, look at what's left from that list:

Cryme Tyme
Rhodes & Holly
The Highlanders
Ted DiBiase & ???
Jesse & Festus
Hawkins & Ryder
Chavo & Bam Neely
Shannon Moore & Jimmy Wang Yang
Morrison & Miz
Finlay & Hornswoggle
Dreamer & Delaney
TOTAL = 11, with the possibility that Rhodes & Holly split up, DiBiase's partner isn't official yet, Hornswoggle is a worthless midget, Delaney and Dreamer are jobbers, Highlanders are jobbers....JEEZ.

I hope for Kendrick and London's sake that they have plans for them outside of jobbing cause they're two talented guys that would best serve the WWE in the over-lackluster tag team division right now.
NoFate007 you bring up a good point but with a tag team championship per show how many teams would you really need? If you figure a top-5 system per title per show (not including the champions) then the max amount of teams you'll need is 12. I'm shocked they broke up London and Kendrick though since they were one of the better teams in the WWE. Hopefully this move allows Kendrick to help revive the Cruiserweight division, otherwise we'll get to debate about how they broke up the wrong tag team.
While I'm unsure if the Draft is over or not yet. I can only hope for Paul London to be following shortly. If not, then this is yet another stupid decision.

What on earth are the W.W.E. thinking? Are they trying to play off that whole "Its luck of the draw/random" crap? That went out the window when Finlay & Hornswoggle pretty much followed back to back into E.C.W.. so they might as well bring London back over to the Blue brand with Kendrick.

Smackdown would have such a great Tag Team division if that happened, but if they don't, then the only thing I could forsee as anything decent is if Smackdown brought back the Cruiserweight Championship.. especially since they're building quite a bit with the cruisers.
They've wanted to break them up for months. It was only when they realized that neitgher had a personality that they couldn't. To break up you really have to have one turn heel. Nither are accepted as underdog babyfaces, so one as heel is a little stretched. It doesn't make the slightes bit of difference to me. Heat is finished after all.
I thought that they were going to break this team up before Wrestlemania when one of them walked out on the other during a squash match against Umaga, but obviously, there's quite a lot of storyline depth at this time, and Triple H had a 20 minute Randy Orton bashing and John Cena stare down to get on with, so it just kind of got forgotten.

Kendrick is obviously not going to get a push and with the number of jobbers already on raw it wouldn't surprise me if London got released soon, especially with his alleged attitude problems. It is a shame though, because I thought these were one of the more entertaining tag teams, but I suppose they have just reached the end of their lifespan.
Well if you watched SD! you would see that Brain Kendrick, would I really like as an athlete as been turned heel and given a mouthpiece. Lol, I know everyone says it but that is what was funny about it. Brain Kendrick has turned heel and been given a mouthpiece, you gotta love it.

I actually think that this will work well for Brain Kenrdick, as we saw him beat Jimmy Wang Yang with his awesome finisher Sliced Bread. Also he was wearing Leopard skin with a weird looking shirt. Interestingly enough though they cahnged his music, which I suppose doesn't hurt considering he wasn't over at all so no one remembers. Now they will know from his new music who he actually is.

Anyway now looking at the way this is going I am rather pleased wit this move.
the new Kendrick look reminds me too much of Brian Pillman. and im not saying that to be on board with Jr but when i did read his blog, he sounded very right about it. Foley says he looks like an Attitude HBK and im never wore a white coat and short tights, he wore a white coat, long tights and tons of bling and didnt go out every night lookin like a jack ass. not to say Pillman looks like a jack ass cause he doesnt, he was just battling demons so many days of his life but he just reminded me a lot of Pillman. anyone else ye, ne or maybe on this?
I don't mind Kendrick as a heel...but good lord, why did they have to make him look like a queer? Lol.

The ring attire and the coat just don't fit Kendrick at all. Maybe its the fact that he's not wearing the pants-style attire and that the coat has shoulder pads like a woman's jacket, but they really need to change that IMHO.

Otherwise, glad to see he might receive a little push, if not just as a heel in a tag team division with "generic bodyguard guy" they have behind him now.

Let's just hope this Ezekiel fellow is better than Bam Neely lol.
I don't mind Kendrick as a heel...but good lord, why did they have to make him look like a queer? Lol.

The ring attire and the coat just don't fit Kendrick at all. Maybe its the fact that he's not wearing the pants-style attire and that the coat has shoulder pads like a woman's jacket, but they really need to change that IMHO.

Otherwise, glad to see he might receive a little push, if not just as a heel in a tag team division with "generic bodyguard guy" they have behind him now.

Let's just hope this Ezekiel fellow is better than Bam Neely lol.

Dude, I know what you mean with the ring wear, that jacket looks like something an 80's wrestle would wear, LOL

I like this move and agree with you that the only thing, so far anyway, that's keeping Kendrick from taking his heel roll to the next level, is the ******ed crap he has to wear to the ring

as for Ezekiel, I think the guy is already better than Neely, at least Ezekiel looks intimidating unlike Neely, who just looks big and dumb, and he did distract JWY while he was on the top rope, which lead to Kendrick getting the win, IMO Ezekiel is already doing more than Neely
I can't believe (from what I've read) that hardly anyone sees the new Brian Kendrick as an old school version of "Flyin'" Brian Pillman. The ring jacket is exactly similar, and the tights.. holy crap, did he raid Pillman's old lockerroom, come on!

I love this new switch, and the only thing I'm unsure on is the bodyguard. What the hell is up with people and hiring bodyguard's? Before long, Raw, E.C.W. & Smackdown are gonna be overrun by more bodyguard's than actual talent.

I think what they truly need to do is allow Kendrick to begin speaking, but first make sure he can. Then they need to give him a new finisher, because that Sliced Bread shit isn't cutting it. It's weak for one, and secondly it's hard to pull off, and could easily be countered.

Overall though, I love the new look. I think this is going to help Kendrick stay one step ahead of the pink slip line.

EDIT: By the way, Justin..

as for Ezekiel, I think the guy is already better than Neely, at least Ezekiel looks intimidating unlike Neely, who just looks big and dumb, and he did distract JWY while he was on the top rope, which lead to Kendrick getting the win, IMO Ezekiel is already doing more than Neely

:lmao: The fucking Slim Jim Guy did more than Neely. He ran interference and stopped Edge from getting to where he was going, at least for a moment. lol

I really don't think Neely wants to be a bodyguard. Somehow I believe he's turned into a Tag Team partner, that just wants to be close to his partner. lol

While I mentioned that I'm unsure about him, I do agree that he's already done a great job for being a bodyguard. He prevented Yang from chasing Kendrick, which also allowed Kendrick to take the advantage. He stopped Yang from hitting his finishing moonsault, which also lead to Kendrick winning the match, and he has a more dominating and as you said, intimidating look.
I kind of like the new Kendrick but he could do without that fruity walk he was doing to the ring. He probably does need another finishing move though. Does anyone know if he is good on the mic? I can't even remember any time recently where he spoke.
One question came to mind when I saw Kendrick last night on SmackDown: "Why the Hell didn't he stay on RAW and London go back to SmackDown?". Kendrick was trained by Shawn Michaels, who is having a feud with Chris Jericho, who happens to have Lance Cade(also trained by Michaels) with him, don't you think that if they were going to turn Kendrick heel, that they would put him with Jericho? That way Jericho can say that he obtained another one of HBK's former trainees, it would make the storyline even juicier. Kendrick aligning with Jericho would have helped him alot more than giving him an unknown bodyguard and douchebag-type entrance attire.

At least it looks like he is receiving a mini push on SmackDown, but nothing will result from it though, this is when the Cruiserweight title would come in handy, but WWE thinks it is more important to make bimbo playboy cover girls into superstars with a sparkly Barbie Doll belt.
They'e both talented, so it's a good move to let them move out of the tag team division, rather than just being the high flying guys.
Kendrick has a good personlity. We'll see where he goes.
And London could become another one of Jericho's proteges after listening to his advice from Raw this week, but that's just my theory.
One question came to mind when I saw Kendrick last night on SmackDown: "Why the Hell didn't he stay on RAW and London go back to SmackDown?". Kendrick was trained by Shawn Michaels, who is having a feud with Chris Jericho, who happens to have Lance Cade(also trained by Michaels) with him, don't you think that if they were going to turn Kendrick heel, that they would put him with Jericho? That way Jericho can say that he obtained another one of HBK's former trainees, it would make the storyline even juicier. Kendrick aligning with Jericho would have helped him alot more than giving him an unknown bodyguard and douchebag-type entrance attire.

Have to agree with skullz here. I think they missed a trick with the Y2J feud going on they couldve added Kendrick to the mix. That wouldve given Y2J a mini stable which couldve made it even more of an interesting feud.
I like the idea that Kendrick has turned heel, but i dont see how its going to make any difference.. I dont think he is going to be pushed as a singles wrestler, and even if he is, how far can he really go? I see him being part of a tag team again in the next few months.
I like the idea that Kendrick has turned heel, but i dont see how its going to make any difference.. I dont think he is going to be pushed as a singles wrestler, and even if he is, how far can he really go? I see him being part of a tag team again in the next few months.

I honestly disagree. The only thing holding Kendrick back at the moment is the lack of a better finisher, and honestly his size. But neither of those things are unchangable.

It's up to how the fans take to this new gimmick, on how far Kendrick will go, but in my opinion I think this is a great opportunity for him. He has all the tools to become a better wrestler, and with the bodyguard, I can definately see him becoming something quite similar to Shawn Michaels back in 1993. Kendrick isn't truly that much smaller than Shawn. But everything falls back on whether Kendrick can take what he has and run with it, or if he'll end up tripping.
If the WWE plans to use Kendrick properly, then this is a great move and a wonderful opportunity for him. He was a phenomenal single's wrestler during his time in ROH and he works well as a heel. The WWE needs to put him in a fued with someone who is willing to put him over. I think if Kendrick is built up in the right way, he would be a good choice for the US championship.
The WWE needs to put him in a fued with someone who is willing to put him over. I think if Kendrick is built up in the right way, he would be a good choice for the US championship.

I agree with this as well, and it's one of the main reasons I'm really rather shocked that Shelton Benjamin (a heel) got the United States Championship, when there are so many other heels that Matt Hardy could've feuded with.

Guys including The Miz, John Morrison, Carlito, Brian Kendrick, M.V.P., (again) Umaga and any number of others I may have missed.

Because of this issue, it's almost rather upsetting to believe Kendrick won't actually get any type of big opportunity, but instead he'll become the type of heel that has no direction and meaning.

As I've said before, his new gimmick the whole look, it reminds me so much of Brian Pillman, and I think that's such a great reinvention of a gimmick, to waste on someone you don't fully intend on trying to push at least to a midcard Championship.
I agree with this as well, and it's one of the main reasons I'm really rather shocked that Shelton Benjamin (a heel) got the United States Championship, when there are so many other heels that Matt Hardy could've feuded with.

Guys including The Miz, John Morrison, Carlito, Brian Kendrick, M.V.P., (again) Umaga and any number of others I may have missed.

Because of this issue, it's almost rather upsetting to believe Kendrick won't actually get any type of big opportunity, but instead he'll become the type of heel that has no direction and meaning.

As I've said before, his new gimmick the whole look, it reminds me so much of Brian Pillman, and I think that's such a great reinvention of a gimmick, to waste on someone you don't fully intend on trying to push at least to a midcard Championship.

Absolutely agreed. Kendrick is fantastic in the ring, but like Pillman, he has great mic skills, too that have yet to be showcased in the WWE. Kendrick could really be a solid heel who has staying power if used correctly. His initial fued with his new gimmick could make or break him. He desperately needs a solid midcard guy to put him over.
Absolutely agreed. Kendrick is fantastic in the ring, but like Pillman, he has great mic skills, too that have yet to be showcased in the WWE. Kendrick could really be a solid heel who has staying power if used correctly. His initial fued with his new gimmick could make or break him. He desperately needs a solid midcard guy to put him over.

I honestly believe a feud with Matt Hardy, or perhaps the returning Gregory Helms could do that for him. He's still to low of a name to attempt competing him against the likes of a Jeff Hardy or a Mr. Kennedy.

And there really isn't anyone else on the Smackdown roster that he could challenge, and make a point off of. That being said, he would have a great chance to do so over Matt Hardy or Gregory Helms.

To be honest, they issue was mentioned once before. Kendrick was a student of Shawn Michaels. I think Kendrick jumping to Raw and joining Jericho's crusade. To be honest, I really see Kendrick having more staying power than Cade does.. dispite being the smaller of the two. Kendrick just has more energy about him.

That's really a dropped ball by the W.W.E. to not add Kendrick to that situation, and instead they give Kendrick a bodyguard. Is this going to lead him to Tag Team gold?

If so, it would resemble Shawn Michaels and Diesel perhaps, but the fact is.. the "bodyguard" issue is becoming over-whelming. I understand that really only Chavo has one.. but that's one too many considering Neely doesn't do anything. I just hope Kendrick's bodyguard helps him more than Neely did for Chavo.
To be honest, they issue was mentioned once before. Kendrick was a student of Shawn Michaels. I think Kendrick jumping to Raw and joining Jericho's crusade. To be honest, I really see Kendrick having more staying power than Cade does.. dispite being the smaller of the two. Kendrick just has more energy about him.

That's really a dropped ball by the W.W.E. to not add Kendrick to that situation, and instead they give Kendrick a bodyguard. Is this going to lead him to Tag Team gold?

If so, it would resemble Shawn Michaels and Diesel perhaps, but the fact is.. the "bodyguard" issue is becoming over-whelming. I understand that really only Chavo has one.. but that's one too many considering Neely doesn't do anything. I just hope Kendrick's bodyguard helps him more than Neely did for Chavo.

That's a great point. I know that the WWE is big on giving Cade the push because of his size, but personally, I think he's useless. There is nothing unique or exciting about him. Kendrick would make more sense in that storyline. Jericho and Cade? Honestly. It makes no sense. Jericho and Kendrick: now that could really work. And in the long run, I see a Michaels v. Kendrick match being alot more exciting then Michaels v. Cade.

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