The Botches Keep On Coming

Still...people are bound to get hurt but (Gr8one) is right the 90's was a period when a lot less botches happened...and the wrestlers back then didnt follow a set script that told them what to do...they had a beginning...and a finish...and mabye some sort of false finisher set up...but that was IT...the rest they did on the fly...they told each other what they were going to do and the other person we have some reminders in ring...but nothing else so the moves aren't as fresh on their minds as they would back then

and thats not always a good thing

do u think the Hardy's would have been able to do some of the spots that they did if vince knew...heck no...beacuse he cares about his wrestlers and doesnt want to lose their $ signs on their backs from a botched hip lock over the top rope...he wants them refreshed day in night out and whatnot...
I disagree somewhat. I think you're just paying closer attention. Like someone else said, times have changed and so have the way matches are put together.

I think Daniel Bryan, especially, knows what he's doing moreso than most on the roster, he just chooses to do things the way he does.
I think a much lighter schedule would definately do wonders for the wrestlers. There's only so many days straight you can keep on pounding these people and have them running around allover the world. Sooner or later physical and mental fatigue kicks in then botches and injuries happen. Also it's a large part of why wrestlers abuse painkillers and unfortunately we've seen far too often where that leads.

Exactly. I know the WWE is about the cash as much as other business are. They already raised the gate price for RAW and I'm sure the price for SD will be going up soon... They have enough talent to keep the same show amounts going. Give the undercard a chance to perform at house shows and let the other guys get a day off... There's enough talent to pull that. Most main event talents aren't at the house shows as it is...
Botches happen every day in any workplace, and we get grilled appropriately, the botches are down to carelessness or just unlucky timing on many parts, i just learn to overlook botches or mistimed routines, i watch it for entertainment not to critic someone's career of which i don't do myself. However you have for instance Show a veteran in-ring competitor and santino, someone who is a gimmick rather then a superstar.

So down to experience levels i feel botches come around more, certianly when you have young talent hitting mid-main event matches with veterans, things go wrong. Veterans are fluid in movements where young talent is still learning.
Man, if all the nitpicking wasn't so pathetic it'd be funny. See, here's the thing guys: no wrestler executes every single move perfectly every single time. No wrestler happens to be in the perfect position every single time. No wrestler can get his timing perfectly every single time. Botches are a natural part of wrestling, always have been and always will be. Human beings make mistakes and wrestlers are human beings. No matter what your job is and no matter how skilled you are at it, there are going to be times where you make mistakes. It's as unavoidable as death and taxes.

Sometimes, it can be a legit sign that a wrestler needs further training but most of the time in WWE, it's just a simple old fashioned mistake. To hear some of these complaints and comments about how today's wrestlers just aren't as talented is another laughable example of the arrogance some internet fans possess.
I also think that they have got sloppy. Cena came down to the ring recently and they had already cut his shirt on the collar so that Kane could rip the shirt off his back. It was so obvious it was scary.

They also seem to wait for moves instead of going with the flow. You know what is about to happen a long way in advance.

Big Show wise that was just a accident these things happen
I don't know if you can blame Big Show for Wade's injury though. Looking at the videos on youtube, it just looks like Wade landed wrong. Ziggler clearly went further than the guys expected though, I can't deny that.
Injuries happened a lot years ago too. Remember D-Lo breaking Droz's neck? Owen breaking Austins neck? list goes on. There have been an increase of injuries as of late but I think it's bad timing and less about careless wrestlers.

I was there when d lo broke droz neck droz WAS NOT UP and d low dropped him.. d los fault careless because he probably didnt want to look bad .. if any of you remember a few short years ago randy orton wrestled chris benoit . benoit was oiled up as was orton . Orton went to lift benoit for a move I can not recall . he didnt get him up so he put him down, re gripped and lifted him again . Again , a second time he couldnt get him up. randy put benoit down shrugged to the audience and hit benoit with a safe move . To me , THAT is a pro wrestler .. One that doesn't care about "getting over or making his stuff look good" if it means hurting his partner .

D Lo did not do that
Again this Botch thing has become a popular topic. Human beings are human beings. We are not gods. Even gods make mistakes i.e creating devils. How can you blame a man for not being 100% every single day? There are many causes for botching a move. Maybe you are sweating hard and you catch a rope for a short time. That rope gets wet and when you try a springboard move, you fall down or you botch. Similarly, botch happens when the move is not done properly or is not in the right position ala Big Show slipped for that RKO. Big couldn't sell codebreaker because that move is difficult for a 7ft man to take properly. That battle royale throw was not a botch. It was an awkward moment. This list goes on and on. You can perfect the moves but cannot be on the spot 100% every day.
Good lord, all of this talk about the guys today not being as talented as the guys of yesterday is ridiculous.

Agreed. It seems to me the moves today are riskier than in the past, especially for a wrestler who does a lot of aerial maneuvers. When Randy Orton botched the RKO on Big Show, it was a case of Randy being partially "off" in his execution.....but even more a case of the immobile Big Show not going with the flow of the move. It's tough to launch effective aerial moves on a big, slow opponent, unless it's something as cut-and-dried as a dropkick. The big guys can't be expected to react and respond as well as smaller, quicker guys.

One other possibility: if Vince McMahon goes as insane as we've read when botches occur, it often has the effect of increasing the frequency of missed moves since a wrestler knows he's going to get chewed out for a miss.... and that might make him more hesitant when launching the maneuver, which results in exactly what he was looking to avoid.

Just a thought.
It was just a freak accident and nothing more people. To me a botch is someones timing being off on a punch or not putting enough into a move. The rumble thing was an accident how do you catch a grown man that shoulda been thrown chest high and not over you?

Botches only bug me when they try to cover them up and make it look odd. Sin Cara falling off the turnbuckle only to run up and hit the same move?!? Has anyone seen the video of Scott Steiner hitting his head on the ring before he was "pushed"? Normally these are followed by silence from the announce team and only rarely can they cover up, some.

The Orton thing I blame to Big Show isn't that nimble and Orton needs to get healed. Orton usally sells things well, execute moves easily (drop kicks!) and covers up mistakes. I remeber him almost breaking his leg from stepping in the monitor hole on the announce table. I was like OMG! than laughed as he played off that it wasn't going down like that.
It's the schedule. Could you imagine performing all over the world for nearly the entire year with no off-time and the only time you get a break is on the journey to next arena? They're tired and beaten up. Unless we ourselves have been through such hell we can't criticize them.
It's lack of training.

Look, guys like Flair, Hogan, Piper, etc RARELY botched moves. Now don't get me wrong, they'e not high flyers by any means, but at the same time moves and things are being botched at an alarming rate.

Miz not catching R-Truth should have earned him a suspension. That could have KILLED R-Truth if he lands wrong. Not to mention the camera botches by not catching a Worlds Strongest Slam a few weeks ago from Mark Henry, and hearing wrestlers call out moves? I mean really...

I don't know who's working with the newer guys like Miz, Sheamus, and the others from NXT, but there's got to be better ground work laid before someone gets seriously injured like Wade Barrett did on Raw.
It's lack of training.

Look, guys like Flair, Hogan, Piper, etc RARELY botched moves. Now don't get me wrong, they'e not high flyers by any means, but at the same time moves and things are being botched at an alarming rate.

Miz not catching R-Truth should have earned him a suspension. That could have KILLED R-Truth if he lands wrong. Not to mention the camera botches by not catching a Worlds Strongest Slam a few weeks ago from Mark Henry, and hearing wrestlers call out moves? I mean really...

I don't know who's working with the newer guys like Miz, Sheamus, and the others from NXT, but there's got to be better ground work laid before someone gets seriously injured like Wade Barrett did on Raw.

Now that I think about it this is correct. Back in the day the main guys on TV were veterans in their mid-30's who had been around the block and knew how to keep things safe. Now, the roster is littered with young guys who are very "green", and are also trying to perform more high-flying high-risk moves. A sure recipe for increased botches.

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