Why do we keep coming back for more

Good for you, your mother must be so proud.

Spare me.

First off, I found your responses to my statements to be rather childish. You basically replied simply for the sake of replying without providing any real substance to anything you wrote.

Let's continue.

Considering SD and ECW have been better than Raw recently this doesn't seem like a good move.

Good, by who's definition? Yours?

We all have our own definition of what is "good". I don't like ECW. And Raw and Smackdown are different in some ways ... but those ways are very, very minor. One has slightly more wrestling than the other. The two programs aren't truly different in terms of look, feel, writing of the show, characters ... or anything else ... other than Smackdown features matches that last a couple more minutes than Raw does. Nothing Earth Shattering.

Wait, so you watched wrestling beacuse you were a wrestling fan? That's crazy.

Honestly, why even bother replying to a statement I made, if you are going to provide a generic response like this?

I understand that you don't like it, but that doesn't mean you have to spend every waking moment of your life bitching about it. Actually, there are a lot of people who like the WWE product today and are still tuning in.

I have news for you. I have watched this product for two decades. I have paid money for every PPV for two decades. The business is a passion of mine. I consider myself very knowledgable about the business as a whole. And if I don't like the direction it's going, as evidently a lot of other people feel the same way, then I am going to commentate on it.

You get pissed off apparently, that we aren't all in unison on this message board saying "how great the business is". That's unfortunate, and too bad at the same time. We simply aren't all going to agree.

So you can essentially do three things:

1) You can learn to accept that people are going to disagree ...

2) You can articulate a response and debate me on any of my posts, as opposed to doing what you have done here in this post, which was essentially acting like a child over someone providing simple criticism of a product you evidently enjoy, at the moment ...

3) You can place me on Ignore under your User CP menu

I am not going to leave, just because you want to have a temper tantrum and stomp your feet because someone criticizes something you like. Do I make myself clear?

What exactly is this "new philosophy?"

I will be creating a new thread shortly on it. I had dinner with a friend last night, who overheard a conversation Paul Heyman had while he was running OVW, which explains a lot about why things are the way they are today.

I'm sure Vince isn't happy with small audiences, but the fact is the wrestling audience may be a little smaller these days. But, he's still making money for his compnay.

Again, why bother responding to this? That is exactly what I said. I said his profits were still as high as ever, and clearly stated he was still making money. All you essentially did was just repeat me.

Personally, I can't stand your constant bitching and complaining about the WWE. If you really hate it that much, why are you posting in a WWE forum.

I don't care if you personally can't stand my criticism. In life, you get criticism on a daily basis. Learn to grow up and live with it. You want the forum to consist of drones, who agree on everything? That certainly doesn't sound interesting to me.

I post on a WWE Forum because I consider myself somewhat of a wrestling patriot. After being a diehard fan of the product for 20 years, and with wrestling being one of the few passions I have had in my life, that is what I enjoy talking about.

Just because I don't find today's product enjoyable in the slightest doesn't mean that I am going to go away after 20 years.

I'm not sure if you bothered looking around, but there are a lot of people who are unhappy with today's product. Many of them have moved on altogether, and many still stay with hopes that something will change. I hope it will change, but I am not holding my breath. Hence, why as of this week I have stopped watching. I will, however, continue to read the Newsboards daily and still participate in the forums, whether you like it or not. That is my decision. Not yours.

So feel free to exercise one of your three options which I presented to you. Those are really your only 3 choices you have, if you aren't happy with my posts.
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Good, by who's definition? Yours?

Actually, by a lot of people. You should check those shows out if you don't like Raw

We all have our own definition of what is "good". I don't like ECW.

I understand it's very different, but if you don't like Raw it's worth a shot.

And Raw and Smackdown are different in some ways ... but those ways are very, very minor. One has slightly more wrestling than the other. The two programs aren't truly different in terms of look, feel, writing of the show, characters ... or anything else ... other than Smackdown features matches that last a couple more minutes than Raw does. Nothing Earth Shattering.

I think the big difference is that Smackdown features younger talent and fresher feuds. Personally, I think this is a big plus. While Raw has pretty much the same guys around the main event, Smackdown has guys like CM Punk near main event level.

I have news for you. I have watched this product for two decades. I have paid money for every PPV for two decades. The business is a passion of mine. I consider myself very knowledgable about the business as a whole. And if I don't like the direction it's going, as evidently a lot of other people feel the same way, then I am going to commentate on it.

I respect that statement, and I think it changes my view on you a little. I can understand being a longtime fan and being unhappy with the prodcut opposed to some random kid going around and talking about how wrestling sucks.

I don't completely agree with your opinion that the WWE is in as bad of a shape as you say it is, but I think that some changes could be made. But, we are all entitled to our own opinions.

You get pissed off apparently, that we aren't all in unison on this message board saying "how great the business is". That's unfortunate, and too bad at the same time. We simply aren't all going to agree.

I think I was more angry that pretty much the only thing that you say on here is how Vince is ruining the company and it sucks. Personally, I disagree with that statement, but I guess that's your opinion.

So you can essentially do three things:

1) You can learn to accept it
2) You can articulate a response and debate me on any of my posts, as opposed to doing what you have done in your post, which is essentially bitching over my criticism of the product
3) You can place me on Ignore under your User CP menu

I'll go with a combo of 1 and 2. I think that I've had a legit debate with you in the past, but I agree my last post was a little over the top. I usually don't agree with your opinion, but be bitching about you bitching was no way to sove it.

I will be creating a new thread shortly on it.

I'll be looking forward to it, and that's a genuine response. I'm interested to hear what you'll have to say.

I don't care if you personally can't stand my criticism. In life, you get criticism on a daily basis. Learn to live with it.

I post on a WWE Forum because I consider myself somewhat of a wrestling patriot. After being a diehard fan of the product for 20 years, and with wrestling being one of the few passions I have had in my life, that is what I enjoy talking about.

Just because I don't find today's product enjoyable in the slightest doesn't mean that I am going to go away after 20 years.

I'm not sure if you bothered looking around, but there are a lot of people who are unhappy with today's product. Many of them have moved on altogether, and many still stay with hopes that something will change. I hope it will change, but I am not holding my breath. Hence, why as of this week I have stopped watching. I will, however, continue to read the Newsboards daily and still participate in the forums, whether you like it or not. That is my decision. Not yours.

So feel free to exercise one of your three options which I presented to you. Those are really your only 3 choices you have, if you aren't happy with my posts.

You've actually changed my opinion of you with this post. Unlike a lot of other posters, you have reasons for your constant griping. I can repect that you have been a longtime fan and are passionate about wrestling, and you want it to change.

I'm not sure that will be happening soon, but in the mean time maybe you can check out some other forms of wreslting, maybe they will spark your fancy?

In conclusion, it's been good talking to you. I understand where your coming from now and hope I didn't offend you too much with my last post.
I personally keep coming back in the hope that the show that is coming on will be a bit better than the show we got the week previously. Although I must make it clear that I have never made any sort of statement to that extent. That is, I have never said that I wont watch the show again if so and so wins or loses. I go back to be entertained and I think that WWE can do that. I have been a fan all my life basically and I know that as wrestling fans we have to take the rough with the smooth, even if that means accepting that Cena is going to win every week. I still like watching wrestling although as many will tell you, it has become very predictable in the last few years. I personally want it to go back to the good old days, that is the Attitude Era. In those times anything could and would happen and it kept us as fans entertained. I think that the WWE is sort of going through a transitional period right now and it will be good again in time. I keep watching wrestling because I am watching for that day...
I love ECW, SmackDown, and Superstars most weeks, so of course I'm going to come back for more! :D But I digress...

As for those who would tear down those who say the product sucks or that they'll never watch again yet keep tuning in, your inability to show empathy towards the possible compulsions or addictions of others is disturbing and you shouldn't hit the "post reply" button if all you know how to do is run down other people. Yes, it is possible to be addicted to television, just as it is possible to feel the same way towards video games or the internet. Technological dependency is a real problem, and to see people on their high horse not regarding some people as having a real problem is not acceptable in the day and age we live in.

As for nobody ever quitting when they threaten to, I've seen it. People saying it doesn't happen is just another case of people living in a bubble. If one is going to respond to a thread like this, opening up their eyes before typing one word would be a great start.
it's like saying " if the team i hate wins, i'll shoot myself" you'll be dissapointed but you won't shoot yourself so as it was mentioned before, the claim of not watching wwe anymore is an immature bluff.

the reason i keep on coming back for more is because sometimes, it's better than studying or going to sleep coz here in the middle east, SD!, RAW, ECW and PPVs all play late at night.

No, but really, i enjoy it because after a long time of not watching it thinking it was fake, i looked at it from the perspective of the "E" side of WWE and understood the scripted nature of the business.

I watch it now also because of one other thing. I skateboard and you can ask any skateboarder about it and they will tell you all the same thing that skateboarding keeps you young so no matter how old you are, you can always skate. Back to wrestling, so i believe that it is the same thing becaus you have these guys, some in their 30s-40s doing what they love having fun so no matter how old you are, you can always be a fan of wrestling.

I also want to add another thing: wrestlers work very hard and people don't give them enough credit. A guy can throw a ball in the last second on the game and score and people say he's an amazing athlete, but wrestlers travel around 300 days of the year, wrestle about 4-5 times a week, get injured in ways that will make a grown man cry and they go on to wrestle the next night...basically wrestlers work harder than athletes in ball sports but get no credit. So the reason i watch wrestling is not only for the entertainment, but also for the effort the wrestlers put on their performance...whether they are selling well, they are hated, have 5 moves, etc...still, they are doing it for us and i respect that.

Before when people talked about how wrestling is fake, i didn't say defend it coz i didn't know much about the business and i also wasn't those idiots who believe 'taker and kane are brothers, taker is dead, mvp is the highest paid superstar, etc...(i actually heard people argue about whether those are real facts or not...too bad they were kids or else I'd slap them around, hell, maybe even go wwe on their asses)...anyway, now when someone tells me that wrestling is fake, i am proud to say that i am a fan and therefore i defend it.

i guess that is my reason, i don't know if it's enough but i put a lot into this post coz i can't afford to get another of'em infractions thingy

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