The Best of All Time

The Best of All Time

  • Bruno Sammartino

  • Bob Buckland

  • Ric Flair

  • Hulk Hogan

  • Million Dollar Man

  • Bret Hart

  • The Undertaker

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • The Rock

  • HHH

  • John Cena

  • Buddy Rogers

  • Andre The Giant

  • Other

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Brahma Bull

Getting Noticed By Management
I have been looking at these boards for over a year, and have participated in them for about half a year yet i have never seen anyone ask who was the greatest of all time. Oh, and i wasnt sure if this should go in old school since it includes current wrestlers so i appolagize if you have to move it. So the title says it all. In your opinion, who was the greatest wwe superstar of all time? The only thing that matters is that they were in the wwe at one time. Even if you choose rick flair for what he did outside the wwe, it still counts since he was in it.

My choice, and it should be obvious by my name is the rock. The rock was always able to entertain whether as a heel or face. I have never seen anyone able to transition so smoothly between heel and face as the rock. He also was the best on the mic of all time, and had some of the best fueds. He put over more people than probably anyone else on this thread, yet still solidified himself as the face of the company for a long time. In his few years in the wwe, he did more than most have done in decades. He is the biggest household name ever from the wwe. He was also the one chosen to beat hogan and get the torch passed to him.

I know not everyone will agree with me, but let me hear what you guys think.
When it comes to "best of all time" there is no doubt its "The Heat Break Kid" Shawn Michaels, sure he was not my number one favorite but to be honest, he is one of the greatest to step inside the WWE (F) ring. He has not held that many World Titles, but does that really matter? No, Not at all.

Shawn was one of the most talented superstars in wrestling history, he could make anyone look like gold in a ring.

When you look at young superstar's inspirations its Shawn Michaels.

My favorite wrestler Chris Jericho cites his inspiration to wrestle was Shawn Michaels.

When you look back at his feuds... many of them were classics, and epic...
Such as Him & Jericho (WM19) and him and Jericho (08)
Him & Undertaker...EPIC!! The greatest match in WWE history.

The man revolutionized the Ladder Match...

Shawn was not a big guy, he was light and flexible...and didnt have "The look Vince likes" and became loved by everyone.

So in my opinion...Shawn Michaels is the best of all time.
I'd have to say the Rock.

Talk about the "complete package". If he was only a bit more dedicated to the company then this really wouldn't even have been a discussion. Simply amazing.
Hulk Hogan is the best of all time. Not one name is more synonymous with wrestling and brings more controversy to debates than this man. But also no one can illicit a reaction from the crowd, has sold as much merchandise, sold out as many arenas, and no one has became a household name more than Hulk Hogan. Love it or Hate it, Hulk Hogan IS professional wrestling, and he is the best of all time.
The best of all time is - TOP 5:

1.Ric Flair
2.Mitusharu Misawa
3.Bret Hart
5.Kenta Kobashi

you missed out on the japanese wrestlers :p

My reason for Flair is, he never failed to be impressive. He had great mic skills and wrestling skills. Hulk Hogan is overrated, he`s boring in the ring and his mic skills weren`t interesting.
I went with the guy who is a high demand for him to get back in the ring. The People Champ... The Rock. The guy did it all. When he played a heel, he was amazing. The people booed him, yet, enjoyed being insulted by the guy.

When he was a Face... Dear Lord did the crowd go nuts. I mean, no one could do what he did. Never seen anyone play both roles so role.

Yea, We have Hogan, who did the nWo thing. But he also hurt the industry here and there. I mean, he wouldn't job to Stone Cold. He made pissed off Michaels so their Summerslam match wasn't nearly as good. Then on top of that, just a lot of politics with that guy.

A lot of the other guys on the list are hall of famers. Main Eventers and put on a great show. But the Rock was one of the guys who did it better then anyone else. Not also that, but if he showed up on just one Episode of Raw. The ratings would be in the High 4s... If Hogan or Flair showed up, no one would care.

Did we mention, he did all this in on what... 5 years? I don't really can't 2002, 2003, or 2004. We only got the rock for a smingle of time. He went to the WWE in 96, then main event status. Then the movies wanted him. He left just like James Dean. Way past his prime.
greatest of all time? simple. Kurt Angle. can u find a flaw in this man? I sure cant. this guy is good on the mic and damn near perfection in the ring.
Plain and simple it is Hulk Hogan and there really isn't any argument that says otherwise, without this man Wrestlemania would have never been a sucess, this is the guy who revolutionised the business who's name is synonomous with pro wrestling. He may not have been the greatest in the ring but that dosent really matter he made this business and with out him I doubt the WWE would still be going.
Randy Savage. He was aces on the Mic and gold in the ring, and he could do it all. As a face he was loved, and as a heel he was awesome, everyone hated him. His feud with Hogan, Flair, George Steel, Jake Roberts, and Ricky Steamboat were all Great. He even was so great that Jay Lethal needed to be him for years. OOOOOOHHHHHHH Yeah, Dig It.
Oh and He held Several world titles, and in my humble opinion, The greatest IC champion of all time.
When it comes to "best of all time" there is no doubt its "The Heat Break Kid" Shawn Michaels, sure he was not my number one favorite but to be honest, he is one of the greatest to step inside the WWE (F) ring. He has not held that many World Titles, but does that really matter? No, Not at all.

Shawn was one of the most talented superstars in wrestling history, he could make anyone look like gold in a ring.

When you look at young superstar's inspirations its Shawn Michaels.

My favorite wrestler Chris Jericho cites his inspiration to wrestle was Shawn Michaels.

When you look back at his feuds... many of them were classics, and epic...
Such as Him & Jericho (WM19) and him and Jericho (08)
Him & Undertaker...EPIC!! The greatest match in WWE history.

The man revolutionized the Ladder Match...

Shawn was not a big guy, he was light and flexible...and didnt have "The look Vince likes" and became loved by everyone.

So in my opinion...Shawn Michaels is the best of all time.

Don't think it can be said much better. HBK was the definition of a superstar. He went out every night and put on the best match he could for the fans. He was so unselfish that prior to retiring, instead of pushing for another Championship Reign, he decided that it would mean more to himself and the fans to wrestle Undertaker. Boy was he right. That's the thing - HBK doesn't need Championships or Undefeated Streaks to be the best. Shawn Michaels seethes charisma, is one of the best overall workers of all time, and one of, if not the best guy to have in a locker room to keep spirits high. End Of.
Easy, Shawn Michaels. Has to be, not by win loss ratio but just... It is indescribable, he said it best himself no matter what the stage, what the match he will give you anshow like you have never seen. Why? Because he can.

He is the first grand slam champion in WWE/F history and everytime he gets in the ring he works his fucking ass off. It is just incredible. He is ever reliable, will not let you down for gods sake he had a 5 star match with Stone Cold at WM with no muscle or fucking tissue in his back with chronic pain! Hands down HBK, great on the mic, brilliant in the ring, Best ever.
Hulk Hogan is the best for marketing, HBK is the most entertaining in the ring....but screw it I voted for The Great One, The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment, The Brahma Bull.The Rock.

I grew up a Rock fan and I have to be honest when I say that he is the best ever on the mic (seriously have you ever seen a wrestler with so many good catchphrases),

he is one of the best I've ever seen when it comes playing the heel and face so well, he is the most charismatic wrestler ever in my opinion and he isn't that bad in the ring (it was always satisfying to see the Rock Bottom executed)

and finally in my opinion he is one half of the best feud ever in the WWE with Stone Cold. Few wrestlers can create a rivalry so good that it claims 3 Wrestlemanias.
It has to be The Rock. He is so entertaining in the ring. He is the best ever on the mic and really got a crowd going. His fueds with stone cold were amazing. He is also a 7 time wwe champion and 2 time WCW/world heavyweight champion.
Ric Flair... There's not even any question about it. The guy set the bar for what a true wrestler should be inside the ring. Night in and night out, Ric Flair could wrestle up to an hour, and keep in mind this is when they wrestled seven nights a week, twice on weekends. Ric Flair's promos have always been a measuring stone for people, and his in-ring abilities will never be topped.

There's a reason why NWA trusted him to carry those three letters on his back. Because he was the only man who could. Ric Flair is the only American pro-wrestler to compete in North Korea, and he competed on the same night that Muhammad Ali went there. And when you're big enough to tour with Muhammad Ali, you will FOREVER be known as the measuring stone of your sport.

Not only that, but out of EVERYBODY who is listed, Ric Flair actually has and had no problem putting over young talent. The Rock put over Lesnar, but that's it... there was never a new guy that the Rock put over... same with Stone cold.

In second, I would say Bruno Sammartino, but even then he's got LIGHTYEARS to go before he can match Ric Flair.

Edit: This is all based on facts, not opinions on whether or not I'm a fan. I'm a Bret Hart Mark through and through, and if you asked favorite of all time, the Hitman would be there... but there's no doubt that without Flair, there wouldn't even be wrestling for Hogan to make a WrestleMania. Wrestling was in its dying stage before Flair took over the World title... not only that, but Hogan is and was so damn jealous of Flair that the only way he could go over Flair was by having his own complete creative control clause in his contract.

Flair BUILT WCW on his back and within a few years, Eric Bischoff killed it.
HBK wins by all means in my books. He has the complete package. He was a TERIFFIC wrestler in the ring. He had great mic skills. He was over. And he was extremely decorated with accolades and accomplishments. 4 time world champion, 6 time tag team champion, 2 time Royal Rumble winner, 10 time slammy winner, the first Grand Slam Champion in the WWE, 3 time Wrestling Observer match of the year winner, 10 time PWI match of the winner, and 2 time PWI most popular wrestler. And I cut nearly half of the smaller pieces out. He's done more for this business than most have or ever will do. He retired one of the better superstars, in Ric Flair (From WWE). And he was given such a great sendoff after a great match with The Undertaker at WM26. He's done it all, and done it well.
I'm sorry, but all these Rock votes are a surprise to me. I started watching when I was about 8 or 9, so we're talking around '96. When the rock came around I remember thinking he was pretty funny once he fell into his character, but again I was pretty young. Now that I'm 23 and watching old Rock clips, I'm finding him annoying and childish. The Peoples Elbow is TOTALLY F*CKING STUPID, I don't care what anyone says. It's just as bad as Cena's FNS.

Think about it: Would the rock really be entertaining if he came back now? Even if he DID come back, those of you who find his lame antics amusing would be disappointed with the E's PG rating.

BTW, I voted HBK =P
In terms of presence and thats how im gonna evaluate this one , I'd have to say Hands Down The Rock , When ever he walked into a ring he'd make everyone excited , chant his name just turn everyone in the crowd into a completely different person, Forget wrestling skills forget titles , The Rock was the Greatest hands down , And you all have to remember that the E is Sports Entertainment and not actually wrestling so =P just sayin no body start hatin or something
If this question had been asked 5 years ago, the easiest answer would have been Hulk Hogan. Now in 2010, by sheer longevity, the best gimmick of all time, company loyalty, accomplishments, most matches originated, and The Streak. The Phenom. I have no doubt in my mind that the best of all time is The Undertaker.
Undertaker is also a guy that has never really fallen out of the main event. He's the only guy that's been in the company that long to never hold the IC title, and he never will. On top of all that, he has faced nearly every guy on the list save three. Andre, Bruno, and Rogers.

He can still pull off an amazing match even at his age, and has been one of the most athletic big men of all time. Finally, an entrance that no other wrestler will ever match. With all respect to Chris Jericho- The Undertaker is the Best In The World at What He Does.
Hulk Hogan.

I don't know much else that needs to be said. One of the biggest draws the business has ever seen, has charisma that can last forever, and was a merchandise machine. He was the greatest face of all time and is in the discussion for being the greatest heel of all time. Austin is on the first tier with Hogan behind him and everyone else is on another level.
My Top 5 are as follows...

Hulk Hogan - As previously stated, no name is more synonymous with wrestling period. He truly put it on the map. Remember, its not all about in ring skills.

SCSA - I would say better than the Rock IMO. When these two guys were at the top, I just always loved the Austin-McMahon feud which again IMO, it defined the attitude era.

The Rock - A very very close third almost tied for second with Austin. His in ring ability and mic skills have never been matched.

Shawn Michaels - For best wrestler of all time, Shawn wins hands down. He just doesn't get the best over all package in my vote.

Undertaker - For longevity and character, I have to give fifth place to Taker.
The Best of all Time at what?

Selling out arenas? Hulk Hogan

Staying relevant for an extraordinary amount of time? Ric Flair

Making other people look like a million bucks? Shawn Michaels

Making money? Stone Cold Steve Austin

Making wrestling main stream? The Rock

WRESTLING? Kurt Angle or some Japanese wrestler who I've never seen

Character? Undertaker

The Best of All Time is a hard hard question. More specificity next time please.
Alright, here is my opinion...
I believe The Best of ALL Time has the be none other then the "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels and I will explain why in a second, but before that I want to talk about a close second in my eyes and that is The Rock.
I think when it comes down to it The Rock was the best ENTERTAINER in Professional Wrestling history. Yeah, he was great in the ring he has a HUGE following of millions... and millions of Rock fans. He had the look and he was no doubt one of the biggest superstars in Professional Wrestling History. Him and Hulk Hogan were ENTERTAINERS more so then wrestlers. They were great when it came to marketing and etc. It's still amazing after YEARS people still want to see The Rock one more time. And it's still amazing how Hulk Hogan gets pops and how his fans are still backing him to this day. They will be remembered as two of the best ENTERTAINERS in Professional Wrestling History!

But look at Shawn Michaels he has won the PWI (Professional Wrestling Illustrated) Match of the Year Award four years in a row from 1993 - 1996 and six more from 2004 - 2009. He also got Match of the Year Awards from Wrestling Observer Newsletter in 94', 08', and 09'. Shawn Michaels said at a point in his career he did not care anymore all he wanted to do was go out there and give the fans a great match. Wrestlers like; Ric Flair (a veteran in the ring) was nervous to go up against Shawn Michaels at Bad Blood 2003. Wrestlers like Stone Cold Steve Austin (and more) always said when you got in the ring with Shawn Michaels bring you A-Game! Shawn opened the door for many of the smaller wrestlers out there like; Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guererro, and Rey Mysterio. Shawn Michaels could have a great match with just about ANYBODY! He is one of the most charismatic stars to step inside the squared circle. And he stole the show on multiple occasions at WrestleMania and gave us many memorable moments in history and was part of some of the most controversial moments in history. I can go on and on about how great Shawn Michaels is, but I think you get the point.

Shawn Michaels is MY ALL TIME FAVORITE Superstar! It really irritates how when people say, "The Rock or Hulk Hogan" because they were only Entertainers, but Shawn Michaels was the total package. He was an entertainer and a great in ring technician and showman (his accolades show it) And unlike The Rock and Hulk Hogan Shawn Michaels stayed dedicated to one company and never jumped shipped to another federation. So when it's all said and done Shawn Michaels in my eyes is the GREATEST EVER! That's why people know him as, "The Icon", "The Showstopper", "The Headliner", "The Main Event", and "Mr. WrestleMania" This is only my opinion and I am not taking anything away from The Rock or Hulk Hogan, but Shawn Michaels is just an "Underrated Legend" in my eyes and should recieve more credit then he gets.
This is/has/always will be too loaded of a question. Unlike real sport, which can legitimately argue the G.O.A.T. based on statistics and championships, Sports Entertainment (and the wrestling days of lore) is purely subjective. Who's the greatest "wrestler" of all time? That depends on your definition of wrestling really. When Bret Hart was at the top of his game (90's) is what I consider to be wrestling. No moonsaults, crazy flips, and things of that nature but good ol' fashioned "catch-as-catch-can" wrestling. However millions will say Shawn Michaels is the greatest in ring entertainer when in actuality he was sort of a "spot monkey" for his time. How about Mick Foley as he may be the greatest hardcore wrestler ever but, is that really even wrestling? The Undertaker is the greatest "big man" of all time perhaps? I'm sure Andre the Giant would beg to differ (or not as he was said to be a humble man) Chris Jericho probably will go down in my lifetime as the G.O.A.T. but only because i don't judge on money, politics, titles, or things of that nature (not to say that is wrong) I try to step back and look at a total body of work and Chris Jericho has always been everything that is absolutely right with an industry full of so many wrongs for so many decades. It changes all the time for me over the past 25 years of my fandom and i'm sure will more over. I must however agree with Laxeroc about The Rock. It still to this day boggles my mind that people call him great in the ring... really?! He's overly charasmatic and clever and had "IT" but his in ring performances were par for the course if that. How many memorable... Truly Memorable Rock matches are there? None off the top of my head. (and beating mankind with a chair at RR is not wrestling, gimme a f'n break)

The problem with wrestling is not a PG rating... it's that they don't wrestle anymore. Remember when closed fists were illegal?! Punching so much ruined wrestling and killed so much of the psychology and creativity that was once needed in the ring. Makes me wanna scream... Sorry getting of topic.

Anyways Bret Hart is MY favorite of all time, Shawn Michaels is probably the most charasmatic (not a fan personally but i respect his contributions), Hogan is without a doubt the biggest name in wrestling, Triple H is the smartest man in wrestling, Ric Flair, Randy Savage, Chris Benoit, Steve Austin, Sting, Sammartino, Backlund, Jake "The Snake" Roberts or "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase, on and on and on... but i guess TODAY once again i'll go with

Chris Jericho = G.O.A.T.

thats just one mans poorly written opinion -TDub
IT's funny, that I watched TNA spin cycle and the best wrestler of all time choices, where hogan flair and kurt, so saying best wrestlers and leaving alot is insane!!

I picked SCSA for simple reason, during war, he rose victorious, he revelutionized the best wrestling era, enough said!
Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Sting and Steve Austin. Fucking lol at Michaels being considered. Never in a million years was Michaels at the level of guys like Hogan and Austin. Hogan was the face of wrestling, Sting the face of WCW, Flair the face of NWA and Austin the face of the 90's.

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