Greatest Entertainer of All Time?

Who is the best entertainer?

  • The Rock

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • Chris Jericho

  • Edge and Christian

  • DX

  • John Cena

  • Eddie Guerrero

  • Other (sorry if I left out)

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stone cold gets my vote , he was so unpredictable but it all depends on what entertains you , I can't speak for you all , but stone cold was a rebel , he drunk beer and made it seem like it was the thing to do , I grew up on the rock and stone cold but stone cold is the g.o.a.t. everytime I watched him I couldn't stop watching , so yeah I say stone cold .
It is obvious that most of the people on here grew up through the Attitude Era... There are really only three guys that come to mind on this... The Rock WAS the best of HIS generation... However, nobody has entertained more people than Hulk Hogan... Think about it... Hogan was the biggest thing in the world in the 80's and made a LOT of people very rich... And he was then AGAIN the biggest thing in wrestling in the mid 90's as the leader of the nWo... Once again Hulk made a lot of people very wealthy... The BIGGEST babyface EVER, and also the GREATEST heel EVER!!! How many people can say that??? I said three guys above... Hogan is #1... Honorable mentions for Rowdy Roddy Piper... Piper's Pit was my favorite thing ever... And I also love Bobby "the Brain" Heenan... I can't believe that no one mentioned Piper or Heenan, but then again, most of you were kids during the Attitude Era...
ya know.....i wanted to go rock or hogan. but cali mentioned heenan and, while he didnt do much in ring, he was definately the most entertaining personality ever. i think he was probably the first heel that you fell in love with. comedic gold.
I really don't see how this isn't a blowout. Stone Cold Steve Austin - HANDS DOWN.

This is what I see: Along with Degeneration-X (but not nearly as obvious), SCSA swung the ratings war in WWFs favor in the late 90s. That tells me that ONE MAN drove thousands of people to tune in to one television program over the other. If you can do that, I'd dare to say it's the definition of entertaining. Beyond that, Austin helped to revolutionize the business as a whole. And the reason was his style of entertaining. Without a doubt, he is the most entertaining superstar of all time and there is no one in the business right now who is anywhere near his level. Though, I still wish he could have had a bit more longevity because I never got the chance to see him perform live. :(
You know I loved a lot of guys and I can't believe my boy the MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE wasn't even mentioned... Back in the day the only thing that rivaled HULKAMANIA was the MADNESS!!! Oh and I am a BIG SHAWN MICHAELS fan. I really was crushed when he retired but honestly THERE WILL NEVER BE AN ENTERTAINER as Great as the ROCK!! He was just the BEST! I remember watching as he changed from ROCKY MIAVIA to the ROCK! I mean he was so entertaining that he actually SOLD THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW!! LMAO! He was just that good. I also loved that he did his own catch phrases and it wasn't just saying REALLY repeatedly!!! The ROCK was the BEST! Everytime he spoke he had the entire ARENA on the Edge of their seat! My favorite Moment was the time AFTER DX did a Parody of the CORPORATION he and SHAWN MICHEALS came out and used the catch phrases of HOGAN, SAVAGE, AND BRET HART! It was PRICELESS and could only be DELIVERED BY THE ROCK!!!

Oh and U guys also forgot about SCOTT HALL/RAZOR RAMON...

He could get the whole arena hype by just sayin HEY YO....
The Rock - best backstage promo's
Austin - Best crowd involvement
I have to disagree with that, a lot of wrestlers had the crowd involved, but there was only one man who could have the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand every week, a man who had to turn face mostly because people couldn't wait for it to be "sing along with the Great One" time, a man who had more catchphrases and great promos than the entire current WWE roster combined, a guy who reinvented his character all the time. The one and only people's champ The Rock! Never boring never stale, more entertaining than Sheamus is pale!
so id b a complete poser if i didnt go with my username and my pic... so i gotta go wit SCSA. i mean frm beer trucks to makin vinny mac piss himself, Stone Cold was always entertaining.
It looks like post of these post are correct you have to go with The Rock. He was like his catch phrase "Most Electrifying Man in Sports-Entertainment" he was the most entertaining as well.The Rock was one of the few guys in the sport who didnt change much as a baby-face and a heel.From his promos to his matches i cant think of a single time where i felt a reason to change the channel while The Rock was on tv.
There was none better than Eddie Guerrero. He could make you laugh, he could make you cry. He was the total package.
very easy answer to this,,,hulk hogan is the greatest entertainer of all time,i know alot of you people dont like to admit that but when you look at who gets the biggest pop the moment they step through that curtian,who sells out arenas,who has done the most for the buisness.hulk hogan the most well known wrestler of the last 25+yrs,,,the man can deliver on any level
Do we just consider what they have done while on the active roster? Are the movies some have made included as "Entertainment"
That would DQ Ted.Di Jnr and Hulk Hogan :D
but is "One night in Chyna" included?
:suckit: she did and X-Pac was happy for a while :lmao:
XXX vs PG :wtf:

Given the choices in the poll, it's rigged and there can only be 1 from that selection


HBK/HHH/Rick Rude/Chyna/X-Pac/New Age Outlaws and Hornswaggle have all been members at some time since August 11, 1997 can you compare any single person against that group?

Rowdy Roddy Piper
As soon as you hear the bagpipes you know you are about to be entertained and you know it will be good even today. If it was in the ring or outside or announcing he had cancer, you were entetanined
If he had been near his peak in the attitude era it could be "Stone cold Steve Austin!" "what?" "um" "who"

But would Hot Rod even be remembered if he didn't have Hulk to work with at his best as well?
It strikes me now that all the best entertainment isn't delivered by just 1 person but at least 2 from the same era striving to be the best entertainer, best champion best whatever.
The only person mentioned prior to this post NOT to have held the top strap is Piper. Could any other talent get over as much as him without having held the title at least once?
Pipers Pit re-defined the promo in wrestling entertainment with a finger to the eye by a man in a skirt

The Rock
Once he got into the Nation of Domination even as number 2 or 3 he was always consistently entertaining. He appeared to live for the crowd and could work the crowd like few others. He could deliver not just double entendre insults but triples as well. His work on Saturday night live was as good as Seinfeld.
He had many varied catch phrases all of which you never tired of watching him deliver.
His promos with Coach and Lillian will always great to watch.
Like Roddy Piper he had great talent around to work off, even more than previous generations. With the DX parodies of him adding to his greatness and theirs.

Forget the People Elbow the Rock had a much greater weapon - The Peoples Eyebrow

Just Bring it
I have to disagree with that, a lot of wrestlers had the crowd involved, but there was only one man who could have the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand every week, a man who had to turn face mostly because people couldn't wait for it to be "sing along with the Great One" time, a man who had more catchphrases and great promos than the entire current WWE roster combined, a guy who reinvented his character all the time. The one and only people's champ The Rock! Never boring never stale, more entertaining than Sheamus is pale!

And here-in we have the Rock's weakness - even as a heel the fans adored him; Y2J can either have the fans eating out of the palm of his hand or reaching for his throat - just look at the incident with the female fan after a show IN HIS HOME COUNTRY were homeboys traditionally get love wether heel or face. In these post kayfabe times that is true heat!
I want to say Jericho. God do I ever.. But there is no way I couldn't have said The Great One. For the simple fact that he was indeed "The Great One" when it came be being entertaining. Even the overselling was, just like HBK, entertaining. I remember making sure I watched RAW and Smackdown! each week to see who the Rock would talk about next. Went to "Rock Bottom: In Your House" JUST to see The Rock, and he was a heel at the time even.
Since im a total HBK mark im gonna say Shawn michaels. He had it all he was entertaining in the ring and outside the ring.
I am also going to have to go with HBK. He was the kind of wrestler that could bring you to your feet in a matter of seconds. No matter what Shawn did you had to cheer for him but whether you loved him or you hated him Shawn was the entertainer you just had to watch. He was always getting a reaction out of the crowd whether he was a face or a heel.

Shawn in my opinion is the best entertainer i have ever watched in the WWE. And i will always remember him as the guy who stole the show and brought the house down at every Wrestlemania he competed at. His in ring work was phenomenal and his mic skills were brilliant to be a great entertainer in the sports entertainment business you need to have to qualities mic skills and in ring skills and HBK had a lot of both
I'd go with the Rock in a landslide. I can't think of any other superstar than brought so much to the table when he delivered his promos. Every time when Micheal Cole, Lilian or Jonathan Coachman with a mike in hand with the Rock right besides them you knew you were going to witness something special. That dude oozes charisma. Whether face of heel he always entertained you. Really its no wonder that he ended up in Hollywood. He was just that good at what he did.
Have to go with the Rock. Nothing against the other ones listed but the Rock in my opinion is the best entertainer. Whether you were booing him or cheering him he always got a huge reaction. He just had pure natural charisma oozing out of him. Like the King said; He could be reading name from the Phonebook and it would still be entertaining. He always stayed fresh, his catchphrases were used nonstop but he added new ones frequently and manged to still be entertaining.

Also an honorable mention for me would be Mick Foley. His promos are always entertaining. Whether he's psychotic, demented, funny, serious, or anything it is always entertaining and interesting. The most important thing he had was raw emotion that was believable. And who can deny Mr. Socko?
How Hogan is not on this list and Edge and Christian are is beyond me. Hulk Hogan is the greatest entertainer in Professional wrestling history. How else do you think he drew higher ratings and crowds than everyone else ever? By being boring?

Hulk Hogan had incredible crowd connection, charisma, and entertainment values. Sure rock had great Charisma, and Austin got everyone revved up, but no one did this better than Hogan. He had people on their feet and excited for the entire match no matter whom he was wrestling, and he sure did wrestle a bunch of boring wrestlers in his day.

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