The Best of All Time

The Best of All Time

  • Bruno Sammartino

  • Bob Buckland

  • Ric Flair

  • Hulk Hogan

  • Million Dollar Man

  • Bret Hart

  • The Undertaker

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • The Rock

  • HHH

  • John Cena

  • Buddy Rogers

  • Andre The Giant

  • Other

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ok. fair enough. i said i wouldnt respond. but it seems your willing to make ammends. i never wanted to start beef with anyone in these forums. i love wrestling, so these boards give me much enjoyement. i really thought you were just trying to fuck with me. but it seems like we got off on the wrong foot. im willing to appolagize if you are.

for insulting, ive just seen you call guys stupid. mostly me, lol. but i understand the heat of the moment. i've questioned your age, which was wrong for me, so i guess we're both at fault.

honestly i dont like scsa. i did think he was a glory hound, but he did do a lot for wrestling and he was very instramental in the ratings war. i dont think the rock was the only one to put someone over, i just think he was more willing to job than scsa, or most other people on the roster at the time.

foley was the biggest heel wrestler, arguably. but on raw right now, there is no main heel. you could say it is the nexus, but that is not one guy. i think it was the same situation with foley. he was the heel. but he wasnt big enough at the time to be considered THE HEEL. no one was at that time. just like now. the miz is hot and draws heet, but main event heel, he is not. and that is where i was comparing foley.

i see how you could take my quote to mean i didnt think taker or others where instramental in foley's push. what i meant was, fueds with main eventers dont matter in making someone a main eventer, unless they win the title. the rock put hhh over by loosing to him at wrestlemania, even though the rock did not loose the title. its when a superstar goes over a main eventer and wins a title a that makes them a main eventer. miz had a fued with cena, but until he wins the title, he is still a midcarder, no matter how much heat he draws. of course others helped get the miz over, but the person he beats for the title is the one to make the miz a main eventer. (just an example.)

sorry, if everything got twisted. I know im too blame as well. I dont like scsa, but i know what he did was important. Lets just move forward, and enjoy these forums without bickering. i can tell your passionate about wrestling like me, so if i offended you im sorry. truce?
ok. fair enough. i said i wouldnt respond. but it seems your willing to make ammends. i never wanted to start beef with anyone in these forums. i love wrestling, so these boards give me much enjoyement. i really thought you were just trying to fuck with me. but it seems like we got off on the wrong foot. im willing to appolagize if you are.

for insulting, ive just seen you call guys stupid. mostly me, lol. but i understand the heat of the moment. i've questioned your age, which was wrong for me, so i guess we're both at fault.

honestly i dont like scsa. i did think he was a glory hound, but he did do a lot for wrestling and he was very instramental in the ratings war. i dont think the rock was the only one to put someone over, i just think he was more willing to job than scsa, or most other people on the roster at the time.

foley was the biggest heel wrestler, arguably. but on raw right now, there is no main heel. you could say it is the nexus, but that is not one guy. i think it was the same situation with foley. he was the heel. but he wasnt big enough at the time to be considered THE HEEL. no one was at that time. just like now. the miz is hot and draws heet, but main event heel, he is not. and that is where i was comparing foley.

i see how you could take my quote to mean i didnt think taker or others where instramental in foley's push. what i meant was, fueds with main eventers dont matter in making someone a main eventer, unless they win the title. the rock put hhh over by loosing to him at wrestlemania, even though the rock did not loose the title. its when a superstar goes over a main eventer and wins a title a that makes them a main eventer. miz had a fued with cena, but until he wins the title, he is still a midcarder, no matter how much heat he draws. of course others helped get the miz over, but the person he beats for the title is the one to make the miz a main eventer. (just an example.)

sorry, if everything got twisted. I know im too blame as well. I dont like scsa, but i know what he did was important. Lets just move forward, and enjoy these forums without bickering. i can tell your passionate about wrestling like me, so if i offended you im sorry. truce?

nah i wasnt much bothered by your insults but i was a bit offended when you compared stone cold to much as i like kane i dont think austin, in any way,should be compared to kane except for their hairstyles(or the lack of it)

i still maintain though that austin did put guys over but yes rock did put more guys over most notably brock lesnar whom austin refused.many people forget that austin put hhh over in his first title defence at no mercy 1999.i just think 2002 was a difficult year for austin.his marriage was falling apart,his career was more or less on the brink of getting over and so yeah he made a few wrong a fan i can forgive him but its hard for a person who does not like him.

as for foley well i still do believe he was the one who put rock over.yes rock had been champ,yes the rock was popular but at that point of time the rock did not have foley's credibility.the jury was still out on whether rock could have a great match or not.foley gave the rock credibility.he made him seem a legit world champion.whichever way you see it defeating a guy like foley in an i quit match was a huge deal.(yeah he cheated but heels are supposed to do that).foley did the same thing with austin(at unforgiven and over the edge ppv's in 1998) and with hhh(at royal rumble 2000 and no way out).each time foley was the challenger but he still put the title holder's over im not exactly saying main event but over in terms of giving them credibility.still i guess it is a topic where we have to agree to disagree

and yeah for a guy who hates austin you did say that he was a great wrestler and one of the biggest draws of all time.well that is good enough for yeaah i do say :TRUCE:)

I understand what your saying. I actually think i agree with you about foley putting over the rock. They both made each other huge. It was their match where foley won the title, that turned the tides in the ratings war. (which i know i have said to death, lol.) and yeah, their i quite match is probably my favorite match ever, and what really got me to be a huge fan of wrestling and both of them. i thought the ending was great and very heal like while still making foley strong. and im actually a bit mad at the rock for hitting foley so many times in the head. ive read that foley didnt agree to that many chair shots.

austin was great when he was performing. i dont like what he did in real life, although i no longer really hold the whole debra thing against him since i learned she had called wolf before. i guess we've argued enough. your a rock fan, and i respect austin for what he did in the ring, and for being a good wrestler. we'll leave it at that.
Vincent Kennedy McMahon is why we have been entertained by the likes of Shawn Michaels, The Rock, and Austin and he is the reason why Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair are as mainstream as they are now.

We can continue this thread with opinions like Hulk Hogan is the greatest or The Rock is the greatest, and keep the back and forth until we all get bored and this thread gets nowhere, but the reason why we are allowed to say these things is because Mr. McMahon gave these people to us; the viewers and consumers of the media. If not for his marketing prowess WWF(E) wouldn't be the global phenomenon that it is and wrestlers like Hulk Hogan would not be a household name and have his own reality show.

And not only did he do it outside of the ring, but in it as well. His portayal of the evil boss helped put WWE back on the map in The Attitude Era. Vincent Kennedy McMahon did more for sports entertainment then any man listed and he did it inside the ring and out.
Definetely Hulk Hogan, since he drew the most money and sold the most merchandise. His wrestling ability certainly wasn't the best, but every other part of the business he was at the top of the game over everyone, including The Rock & Austin.
A bit surprised to find I'm the first person to pick Andre.

Andre is the best of all time in my opinion.

Before Hogan was anybody there was Andre. Undefeated (pinned or submitted) for 15 years inside the WWF ring. Andre sold out arenas worldwide every night for over 15 years and was the only real "top draw" WWF had in those times. If it wasn't for Andre I don't know if WWF would have gotten so big in the 70's and early 80's. Whenever WWF needed someone to step up and sell tickets or put on a grade-A main event, they turned to Andre.

And boy could he go in the ring back in the day. 60 minute matches Harley Race, classics with Antonio Inoki, and countless others. For his size and that time period no one performed as well as Andre.

I won't argue that Andre "made" Hogan though. As Hogan already held the WWF title for 3 years prior to WM3 and was no doubt the top draw. But without Andre I don't think Hogan would have been so massively over as he was. Don't get me wrong Hogan was the top guy, but after that match there was no doubt he was the top draw in the business, because Andre was so great, it allowed Hogan to be great too.

To do so much in the ring, to be as popular as he was, and to be as big he was, and still be as humble and nice as Andre was, is one of the qualities that makes him truly great.

Another little fact, Andre was deservingly the first person to be entered into the WWF/WWE Hall of Fame. The HOF may be a joke now, but look in other sports, who were the first athletes to be inducted. Babe Ruth, George Mikan, Sammy Baugh, all arguable some of the greatest to ever play their sport. Well Andre is the greatest Sports Entertainer of all time and was rightfully inducted first.

I don't know what it is with Andre, but to this day every time I see him wrestle, I get chills watching him. You can make an argument for anyone on this list but I don't know to me it doesn't ge better than Andre the Giant.

great choice but i must was BRUNO SAMMARTINO that was the biggest draw for Vince Sr. and MSG in the 70s. Andre came through twice a year at that time. he wasn't full time WWF until 83. but still great choice.

and yea, i can tell most of you are 20 or younger because quite frankly none of these guys should be on the list. it comes down to this. 5 names. thats all. any one could be considered the greatest of all time. all the Austins, and Harts and Rocks and Michaels, while respected and def. highly regarded, were blips on the big screen of wrestling. these 5 men shaped, molded, and formed wrestling for those guys, as well as dominate for decades. without these 5, there are no Rocks and Austins.

Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair
Bruno Sammartino
Lou Thesz
Verne Gagne

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