**Discussion** Biggest WWE Legend of all Time

Who is The Biggest WWE Legend Of All Time?

  • Hulk Hogan

  • Bruno Sammartino

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • Shawn Micheals

  • The Undertaker

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • Triple H

  • Kane

  • Chris Jericho

  • Vince Mcmahon

  • Rey Mysterio Jr.

  • Ric Flair

  • Randy Orton

  • (one of the honarable mentions)

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None other than Hulk Hogan Brother. Hogan time and time again has done so much for the business,its unbelievable what he has done in his career. He Made Wrestling,he is wrestling. He took it to heights never seen before,made Wrestling what it is today. Younger Older Generations know who this man is. He did revolutionize the business not once but twice.

Hogan to this day I say My Prayers Eat my vitamins,and Train! Remember the 4th commandment! Love each other! No one since and ever will be Hogan! There will never be another Hogan! Say what you will about him,he is the greatest
Warrior, Savage, Hart & Andre should all be on the list.

This. They wouldn't win but they should be up there over Kane, Jericho, Orton, Flair and Mysterio at least.

Hogan is the winner by a million miles, only Austin comes close and he's still way off
Just curious...what exactly do the "accolades" of Ric Flair that you mentioned have to do with him being a legend? A plane crash...I don't think that puts one in "legend status". A miracle yes...but it's not a criteria for being a WWE legend in my books. "umpteen failed marriages" makes him more of a dummy than anything. And his financial life? Maybe you're being sarcastic, and I'm being too serious.

Sammartino is no doubt a top notch WWE Legend...but here's the thing: Only long time, die hard wrestling fans can connect with him. I've been watching off and on for the better part of 23 years, and I'll be honest...I knew very little of him until this years WM with his induction. And he's been forgotten sense in the eyes of most casual fans, has he not? I'm not doubting his legendary status, I'm just pointing out that he doesn't have the same connection with the majority of fans as other legends.

Andre the Giant was probably a pretty cool dude. But the reality of it is, was that he was just a giant oaf who shocked fans with his size. I have always gotten the feeling that Andre was the kind of dude that you could meet up with after a show as a fan, and enjoy a few beers with at a bar like he was just another guy. He did wonders to carry the wrestling industry in the mainstream world, and gave Hogan the ultimate opponent. He deserves to be on the list, but in my personal opinion, he's not at the top of the list.

I think you and others have either missed my point or I have to take my age in to account. There are two trains of thought on the word "legend":

1. The first meaning that is basically how everyone other than I have interpreted this thread and that is to mean the best or the greatest. Hogan hits every check mark between money, fame, and ability. This is the "by the numbers" answer. Hogan drew X, Hogan got Y ratings, Hogan was in Z movies.
If the OP wants the question answered this way then he may as well have used the words "best" or "greatest". Those things happened and they are well documented.

2. Then there is what I consider makes someone a legend. That is the larger than life ability, stories, and personalities. The Paul Bunyan-type legends. They did stuff that may or may not be true but regardless it is interesting. If you have never read about Flair's personal exploits, Samartino's strength, or Andre's kindness than I don't expect you to choose any of them. I have heard or read the stories and they're far more interesting, creative, and remarkable than what I saw with my own eyes or can search out on Youtube.

Take WM3 for example. What is the biggest part of the story of Hogan vs Andre? It was Hogan slamming Andre, that was the moment the crowd was waiting for and it was electric but we saw it, can see it again and there is no mystery. Great but not completely "legendary". But then there is the story about Hogan fearing that Andre wouldn't let him do it. Is there any basis of truth in this? Maybe, but the point is the story sticks, it's interesting, it's unknown for certain. Can't we reserve the word "legend" for guy who were shrouded with not just greatness but also mystery?
Its obviously Hogan but....

Can someone please explain to me why a lot of people say either Hogan or Austin and completely leave out The Rock.

IMO The Rock has done more for the WWE. Yes Austin had a hotter period during the AE for about 2-3 years but The Rock was right there with him. The rock came back multiple times, brought Hollywood stars out to wrestling events, main evented the two highest grossing WrestleMania's of all time, and is still making the WWE tons of cash.

The Rock has to be either equal to Austin or above him by now
Without Austin there is a genuine chance the WWF goes out of business in 1998, without Hogan the WWF doesn't become what it is today, without Rock the boom period they experienced from 1999-2002 may not have been as popular but that's it.

Hogan built it, Austin saved it. That's why those two are bracketed off together so much.

Rock has eclipsed both in terms of mainstream popularity though.
TWO people voted for Rey Mysterio. Eh?

Of course its Hulk Hogan. He is the biggest name in wrestling history. The majority of people know who Hulk Hogan is which isn't the same for guys like Austin, Hart Cena and HBK. The WWE was moulded around Hogan and he made them the company they are now. Wrestlemania was built around Hogan. Nevermind what he initially did for WCW.

Austin did indeed help save the company. His feud with McMahon helped keep them in competition with WCW. I will never say that he won the Monday Night Wars because WCW certainly "lost" them.

There are so many iconic names in the WWE. If we are judging strictly by WWE then Flair shouldn't really be ranked with the best. I'd give honourable mentions to The Rock, HBK, Hart HHH, Cena and Taker but Hogan surpasses them all.
Without Austin there is a genuine chance the WWF goes out of business in 1998, without Hogan the WWF doesn't become what it is today, without Rock the boom period they experienced from 1999-2002 may not have been as popular but that's it.

Hogan built it, Austin saved it. That's why those two are bracketed off together so much.

Rock has eclipsed both in terms of mainstream popularity though.

I thought that we were discussing popularity. Maybe I just misunderstood this thread. If we are talking about impact on the WWE product than I think you have to include Hart and HBK cuz without them I don't think Austin would have had a wwf to save. HBK was the only reason to even watch raw during his run IMO
I would have to go with Hogan. He brought wrestling mainstream. He is the only wrestler that is known by everyone fans and non fans a like. He has done everything in the sport, and would have to be considered the biggest legend.
I thought that we were discussing popularity. Maybe I just misunderstood this thread. If we are talking about impact on the WWE product than I think you have to include Hart and HBK cuz without them I don't think Austin would have had a wwf to save. HBK was the only reason to even watch raw during his run IMO

No arguments from me that Hart and HBK kept the WWF on life support during that time. Without those two the WWF would probably be gone as well so it's a good point you make.

With Austin though you saw growth in the company, with Hart and HBK they just kept it alive long enough for someone to come along and revive it so I'd still put Austin over those two on impact.
I am a true wrestling fan but there is no doubt that Hulk Hogan is the greatest legend of all time the Rock finishes close second but if the Rock wrestled regularly and made movies then he would surpass Hogan. Hogan is number one if Hogan was appearing anywhere close I would be there!!!!!!! He was my idol for a long time Hulk Hogan when I was a little kid till a pre teen than Hollywood Hogan as a teen then the Rock came and I became a member of the people since tbe nation there match at WM X7 is my second favorite match of all time!!!!! Hogan is the man we all know if he was in WWE right now we would him to be a GM or someone important and don't lie!!!!!! Hogan #1, The Rock #2, Austin#3, Ric Flair #3 but he is the greatest wrestler in ring of all time!!!!!!! Bret Hart #5!!!!!!!
I had to go with Bruno Sammartino. Following the WWE ( and in that I include WWF and WWWF) the choice is clear. Granted Hogan (and Vince of course) took it to a different level, but Sammartino was the WWF for so long you have to pick him. He held the belt twice, once for about 7 years straight the other time maybe five or six years straight. If not for Bruno, maybe the WWE ( or wrestling entirely) wouldn't exist as we know it today.
Hulk Hogan definitely followed very closely by the Rock. Hulk Hogan was and still is the first thing that comes to mind when you mention pro wrestling to many people. Austin of course was the biggest star of the best period in pro wrestling. While The Rock is one of the greatest of all time and has easily surpassed both Austin and Hogan in terms of mainstream popularity Hulk Hogan and Austin are definitely the biggest WWE legends.
Wrestler wise its got to be Hogan but I am going with Vince instead. It was him having the vision and the guts to transform wrestling from the old school regional territory system into what we gave today that allowed any of the people on the list to become stars. Would it have eventually happened without him ? Probably but not for a long time and the whole rock and wrestling hulkamania pairing would not have happened and wrestling would not have had its boom periods

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