Greatest Champion in WWWF/WWF/WWE History

The tag titles weren't worthless.
Obviously we have different opinions on what makes a title prestigous.

When titles change hands four times in a month, especially to teams randomly thrown together (The Rock & Undertaker, Mankind & Al Snow), they are pretty much worthless. It shows that the company has little faith in the division and don't know who they want to run with the titles.

They were defend way more
No they weren't. As you've already stated previously, the hardcore championship was defended 24/7.

good tag teams held the belts
Good wrestlers held the hardcore championship.

If the European is meaningless why is it apart of the Grand Slam, unlike the Hardcore Championship.
The European championship was a lower-midcard title, just as the Hardcore title was. Nobody cared about the European title, whereas the Hardcore division had garnered enough interest to release a DVD dedicated to it.

Yes all the championships count, but you see the Hardcore Championship shouldn't count b/c it is meaningless.
You can debate its meaningless all you want. It was an official championship in the WWE. I can't put it any clearer than that.

You didn't even point out that I said this is about World Champs
I thought this thread was clear that you were to list the greatest world champion in WWE history. Yes, you did that, but I found your reasoning behind it so ridiculous I had to question it, which has lead to all this pointless debate.

My argument for Edge isn't meaningless. I'm saying he is the Greatest Champ b/c of all his title accomplishments.
You said he's the best champion because he's won the most championship titles. You're including undercard titles in that, whereas he hasn't won the most. He hasn't won the most world championships in the company either, so which ever way you look at it, the argument is silly.

You should be stating why he's the greatest world heavyweight champion because of what he's accomplished as a world heavyweight champion, not a bunch of forgettable mid-card title reigns.

Why you took it so seriously is beyond me.
Because I find it ridiculous.

For those reason's, thats why Edge could be the Greatest Champion of all time. He won a lot of mid carder titles, but also is a multi time World Champ. If he didn't have a World Title reign, I wouldn't have had included him.
I, as I'm sure you are, am getting tired of debating this and will by my last post on the subject. It's utterly asinine to judge the greatness of a world champion because of his combined number of mid-card championship accomplishments. Judge his legitimacy as a world champion because of what he's accomplished as a world champion.
Obviously we have different opinions on what makes a title prestigous.

When titles change hands four times in a month, especially to teams randomly thrown together (The Rock & Undertaker, Mankind & Al Snow), they are pretty much worthless. It shows that the company has little faith in the division and don't know who they want to run with the titles.

No they weren't. As you've already stated previously, the hardcore championship was defended 24/7.

Good wrestlers held the hardcore championship.

The European championship was a lower-midcard title, just as the Hardcore title was. Nobody cared about the European title, whereas the Hardcore division had garnered enough interest to release a DVD dedicated to it.

You can debate its meaningless all you want. It was an official championship in the WWE. I can't put it any clearer than that.

I thought this thread was clear that you were to list the greatest world champion in WWE history. Yes, you did that, but I found your reasoning behind it so ridiculous I had to question it, which has lead to all this pointless debate.

You said he's the best champion because he's won the most championship titles. You're including undercard titles in that, whereas he hasn't won the most. He hasn't won the most world championships in the company either, so which ever way you look at it, the argument is silly.

You should be stating why he's the greatest world heavyweight champion because of what he's accomplished as a world heavyweight champion, not a bunch of forgettable mid-card title reigns.

Yeah I will admit I made mistakes with my post. But I will try to make this one the best possible.

Good wrestlers did hold the Hardcore Belt, but there were way more terrible wrestlers to have held it. It is completely meaningless.

This is about whole Champions. It is about World Champs, true. But, it also includes other belts they had. Thats why those belt count.

I am stating why he could be the greatest Overall Champ, with many diverse championship title reigns. He isn't the best World Champ, no doubt, hell he barely holds the World Title for more than a month.

I, as I'm sure you are, am getting tired of debating this and will by my last post on the subject. It's utterly asinine to judge the greatness of a world champion because of his combined number of mid-card championship accomplishments. Judge his legitimacy as a world champion because of what he's accomplished as a world champion.

I agree with you on that. It makes sense. I am not debating that. I am saying the best Champ, with other belts. Although Bruno only held one strap, he held it longer than anyone, so that's why I think he is the best. I made a case for Edge b/c of all his reigns, although I don't consider the Hardcore Title to be consider prestigious, really Godfathers HO.
Man, defending Samartino is horrible. The guy cant wrestle, and couldnt wrestle. He held the belt for so long because he was the most built guy in wrestling at the time who could move around a ring. Back then, you would have no chance of seeing a Mysterio type defeat a Kane type. Wrestling was trying to look legitimate back then, so the biggest guy always won. Fortunatly for him, he was that guy. Put him in his prime in a ring with todays standards, he'd be a jobber to the stars. So basing your opinion on longest title reign, then sure...he's your clear winner without thought. So be the moron that just looks at the surface and says "Well, Bruno had the longest title reign ever, so he's gotta be the best!" Instead of looking at all the factors that makes a great champion. Hell, if you go by title length, I myself should be greatest champion of all time. I have held the hWo World Title for 6 years with 33 title defenses. What now

Fabulous Moolah.... 27 years, so that would make HER the greatest champion by your standards. Care to argue that one?
Man, defending Samartino is horrible. The guy cant wrestle, and couldnt wrestle. He held the belt for so long because he was the most built guy in wrestling at the time who could move around a ring. Back then, you would have no chance of seeing a Mysterio type defeat a Kane type. Wrestling was trying to look legitimate back then, so the biggest guy always won. Fortunatly for him, he was that guy. Put him in his prime in a ring with todays standards, he'd be a jobber to the stars. So basing your opinion on longest title reign, then sure...he's your clear winner without thought. So be the moron that just looks at the surface and says "Well, Bruno had the longest title reign ever, so he's gotta be the best!" Instead of looking at all the factors that makes a great champion. Hell, if you go by title length, I myself should be greatest champion of all time. I have held the hWo World Title for 6 years with 33 title defenses. What now

Fabulous Moolah.... 27 years, so that would make HER the greatest champion by your standards. Care to argue that one?

Last time i checked being a great world champion meant you also had to be a great drawer. Bruno was a great drawer, which was ALSO the reason why he was the longest reigning champion and a great WWWF Champion. You either forgot to add his drawing power, or you felt like adding insult to injury with your comment by not adding that part.
Well, it wasnt tough to draw when you were the only thing going. He had drawing power because he was shoved down their throats and he was a 'roided up huge muscular guy. Its not hard to draw when you are a hulking mammoth of a guy beating up smaller guys. People love to see that.

He was the Scott Steiner of that generation, just maybe without the bad attitude
Well, it wasnt tough to draw when you were the only thing going.

If he was, as you say, "the only thing going," then he must have been the one responsible for bringing in all those sell-out crowds that came to wrestling events. People came to see Bruno, that's for sure. If his drawing power was the factor that caused the company to keep him as their champion, it sounds like a solid strategy.

Also, I have a question for you, PBA: When people have opinions that differ from yours, why do you find it necessary to call them "morons" and "idiots?"
I think most of the fans here are confusing themselves by combining great attractive superstars with great champion. A great champion is one who as a champion gave classic battles with others. A great champion is one who could make challengers look like gold while wrestling with them. A great champion is one who could wrestle whenever and whoever he is asked for. A great champion can win and loose to benefit company any time. A great champion should be able to wrestle multiple times in a night to prove that he is a great wrestler. A great champion has the respect of almost every bunch of wrestlers and workers in a wrestling organisation. A great champion is one who can stand up for other wrestlers and defend their interests like a family member. There is no one .... no one.... who describes the defination of great champion like Bret Hit Man Hart did.
From 1992-1997 he as a champion or challenger for title wrestled classics wrestling matches to make his opponent look like gold. Have a look at these matches
1. Vs Owen Hart ( Steel Cage)
2. Vs Undertaker ( Royal Rumble)
3. VS Diesel ( Survivor Series 95)
4. Vs HBK ( Wrestlemania 12)
5. VS HBK ( Survivor Series 92)
6. VS Undertaker ( Summerslam 97)
7. VS 123 Kid ( Monday Night Raw)
8. VS Bam Bam Bigleow ( RAW)
9. VS Vader,Taker,Austin (Final Four)
10.VS Ric FLair(92, Saskatoon)
11. VS British Bulldog ( INH 95)
12. VS Rajor Ramon ( RR 93)
13. VS Bob Backlund (SS 94)
14. VS Diesel (RR94)
15. VS Fatu (1993)
16. VS Rick Martel(1993)
17. VS Chris Benoit (WCW Title 99)
18. VS Papa Shango (1995)
19. VS Patriot (INY 97)
20. VS Owen Hart (Lumberjack match)
This list can go on and on with 4 and 5 star matches in it.
Bret is one of the most respected champ of all time.If Anywhere you can find reveiws of Guys like austin, rock, taker, benoit, angle, diesel about Bret you would certainly know what was bret s reputation like. I can only think of Undertaker having the same amout of respect as Bret did till 1997 in wwe.
Bret s first title defence consist of some of the most memorable bouts. He used to defend wwe title every week some times twice and thrice a week which earned him the title of greatest champion in 2004. He never refused to put any one over except survivor series 97. He never injured a single wrestler as champion or challenger.His storytelling ability was unparllel. Believe it or not Bret was indeed the greatest champion of all time.

Thank you for making my job easier.

Bret Hart is, in my opinion, the greatest champion of all time.
I am going to go with Bruno Sammartino. At a time when the WWWF had just split from the NWA Vince Sr needed someone to carry his company. Bruno did this perfectly. He was a hard worker and was incredablely over with the crowds. He put on great matches with all the top stars of the time and sold out MSG more then any other wrestler. Bruno's name is on the MSG Walk of Fame. He was so over that he held the title for 8 years and he decided to drop the belt. Many people say that without Hogan there may not be a WWE, but without Bruno there may have not been a WWF or a Hulk Hogan as we know him. Bruno is and always will be the man.

just wanted to comment on some things that were said.

PBA_Sensation said--The idiot who said Samartino is the greatest much have just pick up "The History of the WWE Championship" DVDs at the half off bin at Walmart because his friends watch wrestling and he wanted to keep up. The guy held the belt for years because back then they only defended the belt 2 times a year, and there was no such thing as a TV taping or PPV, so people never got exposed to a champion. Why do you think no one holds the belt that long anymore? Because people get tired of seeing the same old shit, and that is what Samartino was, a big boring wrestler who was built and could bodyslam and hip toss.

Wow, were to start.

I did not just pick up the DVD at Walmart on a discount. I bought it full price. I have also been watching wrestling for about 28 years now. I have seen many different champions in that time. And through the magic of video and DVDs I have seen many more. However, the person that wrote that quote has not.

1. Sammartino defended his belt often. And yes there was TV, we are talking about the 60s. Think about it, with no PPVs the company had to draw at house shows, so the champ had to wrestle to bring in the crowds and the money. Wrestled two times a year? What a crock of shit. How did you come up with that number? Roll a die or just make it up?

2. A big boring wrestler who knew two moves? Have you ever seen Sammartino wrestle? He knew a varity of holds, could mat wrestle, use power moves and through a good dropkick. thats how his fued with Zybyzko(sp) started. They had a scientific match, Bruno dominated, and Larry freaked. I understand it is scripted, but Bruno still had to perform the moves, which he did. And yes, I have seen him wrestle. I remember his comeback in the 80s when he fueded with Savage and Piper. Also I have a tape of Bruno matches plus a news documentary on him. The man was great and you don't know what you are talking about.

In 1965 the NWA voted to make Bruno champ, having him go over Thesz. Bruno turned it down because of the already hectic schedule he was wrestling. Here is Bruno from an interveiw in the Baltimoresun---

When I was champion for the first eight years, they had me on such a ridiculous schedule. I was hurting from head to toe. I was wrestling every single night. Two Sundays out of the month, I would go to Toronto because I had spent two years there and I had promised [promoter] Frank Tunney — who gave me a break and was a good man — that when I went back to [the WWWF] that I would still come in when he wanted me for the Maple Leaf Gardens. So, two weeks out of the month I would wrestle seven days a week, and the other two weeks I would wrestle six days a week and get to go home on Sunday. I was also making tours to Japan and Australia. [Vince McMahon Sr.] would not run Madison Square Garden without me, so he would always arrange my trips so that I would wrestle in the Garden on Monday and leave Tuesday morning for Japan or Australia. And I’d have to be back for the next Garden show. When I got through with a tour, I wouldn’t even go home. I’d be flying in from Australia or Japan to New York to be there in time for the Garden.

Twice a year, huh?

PBA_Sensation said--Man, defending Samartino is horrible. The guy cant wrestle, and couldnt wrestle. He held the belt for so long because he was the most built guy in wrestling at the time who could move around a ring. Back then, you would have no chance of seeing a Mysterio type defeat a Kane type. Wrestling was trying to look legitimate back then, so the biggest guy always won. Fortunatly for him, he was that guy.

I thought he held the belt so long because he only defended twice a year. Anyway, there were many other wrestlers Bruno's size who did not get title runs. Hell, haystacks calhoun was one of the most popular guys and twice as big as bruno, but he never got the gold. once again it seems like you have just made something up to support your poor point.

Also, lets look at the other champs. Thesz was NWA champ. He was not a giant of a man. Gagne was AWA champ. Rogers was the man Bruno beat. Pedro Moralas had the next big reign after Bruno lost to Kololf. Kiniski, Dory Funk Jr, Harley Race, Jack Brisco, Tery Funk etc etc. No, the belt was not only put on the biggest guy but the best. the guy who could wrestle and draw.

PBA_Sensation said---Put him in his prime in a ring with todays standards, he'd be a jobber to the stars.

Thats debateable but...Bruno made a comeback in about 86 or so and dominated his fueds with Savage and Piper. I have a match from each fued. in fact, I have Bruno and Pipers famous cage match from boston on tape.

Taking a wrestler out of his era and putting him in a much later one will of course give the impression that said wrestler does not belong. but that is true for all wrestlers. We are starting to see it somewhat now with hogan. In another 5 to 10 years you will see it with Austin. It is just the nature of the beast. but, in his time bruno was as good or better then everyone else around him.

PBA_Sensation said---So be the moron that just looks at the surface and says "Well, Bruno had the longest title reign ever, so he's gotta be the best!" Instead of looking at all the factors that makes a great champion.

I am looking at facts. I am looking at great matches. Faith from the promoter shown in long title runs. Great drawing power. Great in ring skills.

You are looking at...what the hell are you looking at?

PBA_Sensation said---Well, it wasnt tough to draw when you were the only thing going.

So guys like Kowalski, Yukan Eric, Rogers, Calhoun, The Kangaroos, The Miller Brothers, The Grahams, Race, Thesz, Gagne, Von Erich, Funk, Kiniski, The Crusher, Dick the Bruiser, Valentine, The Sheik, Rocca and Blassie, to name a few, were on top but couldn't draw? Really?

PBA_Sensation said---He had drawing power because he was shoved down their throats and he was a 'roided up huge muscular guy. Its not hard to draw when you are a hulking mammoth of a guy beating up smaller guys.

I don't normally do this but I will take the warning and point. Your an idiot.
Hands down, Fabulous Moolah is the greatest WWWF/WWF champ-een ever. Going off raw facts, she held the belt for 27 years, she kept woman's wrestling alive, and she was still going until she passed away. Hands down, better champion than Bruno, Austin, Rock, Hart, or Hogan.
Hands down, Fabulous Moolah is the greatest WWWF/WWF champ-een ever. Going off raw facts, she held the belt for 27 years, she kept woman's wrestling alive, and she was still going until she passed away. Hands down, better champion than Bruno, Austin, Rock, Hart, or Hogan.

Wow, one could amost see you pouting as you typed that. ' Someone proved me wrong about Bruno. I'll show them dammit. I'll show them.' Oh well, on to the post.

For starters, Moolah was a great wrestler and deserves all the credit she gets. the world of wrestling is better for having her in it. However, in the spirit of this thread, Moolah does not rate for several reasons.

1. She was only WWF champ for one year. Thats right. She was billed as a world womens champ. It was not until Vince Jr bought her contract and title( I'll get to that later ) in 83 that she was officially a WWF champ. The WWF billed her as a 27 year champ to bolster her upcoming match/fued with Richter, but she was technically a 1 year WWF champ. Hardly the greatest WWF champ in history.

From Online World of Wrestling--

After June Byers & Billy Wolfe "retired" the NWA Women's belt, Moolah created her own and she took control (with her alleged husband, Buddy Lee) of booking most of the top women from the early 60's on. Her particular World title, even tho "won" in a battle royal (not a tournament as reported elsewhere) was never recognized as "the NWA Women's World title." It was basically mostly her creation until WWF bought it in 1984.

2. She, and womens wrestling in general, was not a big draw. Often women would wrestle down on the card along with the midgets. MSG did not alow women to wrestle until 1972. that means Moolah could not wrestle in the WWWFs big house the first 15 years of her reigns( yes plural ). In fact most areas were dropping womens champs after Byers retired. While it is true Moolah helped to keep womens wrestling going it was no where near as big as mens wrestling. It was so not needed that Moolah was able to purchase the title, which leads me to...

3. Moolah owned the title and promoted the belt. That means she decided who held the title and for how long. This went on up until 83. So, Moolah was the one who decided if she would keep or drop the belt. Easy to have long reigns if you are the one making the rules.

Also, Moolahs reign did not last a straight 27 years. that was created by the WWF to promote Moolah. While she did hold the title for almost all of that time she did drop the title several times, the last being in 78 before joining the WWF.

To see the history try...
or sorry, but I do not know how to put in links )

So, she was only a WWF champ for under a year of the '27'; she was never a big draw; she was on top of a division of wrestling that very few cared about; she actually owned the belt and promoted herself to the top.

Compared to Bruno she just does not rate. Sorry, you lose again. This is the part where, if we were in a playground, you would stamp your foot in anger and take your ball home. Go home now. Go home.
1) the raw rating of 8.1 you are talking about was generated by a main event that was a 6 man tag.

2) There was no WCW Nitro that night...therefore WWE had no competition.

3) Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant on Feb 5 1988 drew 33 MILLION viewers and is still the highest rated segment in WWE history!
It drew a rating of 28.0 - the highest in WWE history!

4) The battle Royal featuring Hogan and Andre on Saturday Nights Main Event just before Wrestlemania 3 in 1987 drew an 11.2 rating!

So Hogan blows Austin out of the water in the ratings department!

Hogan also blows Austin out of the water in the PPV buyrate department. Hogans highest buyrate was for Wrestlemania 3 - the figure was 10.2!
Austins highest buyrate was for Wrestlemania 17 - the figure was 2.82!

So Hogans BEST rating was more than 3 1/2 times larger than Austins best rating!

And Hogans best PPV buyrate was almost 5 times larger than Austins best PPV buyrate!

Considering all other facts that i couldn't be bothered going

HULK HOGAN > steve austin
Good thread:)
I dunno to be honest. Hogan made wrestling mainstream and was a house hold name in the eighties, ninties and still today and alway renemberd for that one four year reign.
On the other hand, you have Austin who may not have made as much money as Hogan, but would we be watching WCW today if it wern't for Austins regins?(Fabulous Mula not hold it for twenty eight years?)
I absolutely want to say John Cena. He held the WWE Championship for a year in an era defined by short, meaningless reigns. He has developed a great body of work during his time on top, and he's nowhere near done. Not only that, and the cause of this is debatable, but while he was on top the WWE had it's most successful financial year ever (2007). By the time Cena hangs it up, I believe he will be respected on the level of Hogan and Austin in this discussion.
Of Course it is Hogan

He really made that tittle mean somthing.... i think when that belt was with him no one even cared about the NWA/WCW tittle or even heard of it. Without him I dont think that tittle would mean as much as it did 2day. Burno was great 4 his time but he only really held that tittle for so long cause there was that many people that could carry that belt and make the company money..... but when they did find someone better then burno i.e Billy Graham the belt was off his waist quick....

Which is what they tried with warrior when it came 2 hogan... only thing is Hoagn was just 2 good and the people would not let him go... so in less then a year the tittle was back around hogan..... where as once burno lost it... u never heard from him again...... thats the difference between burno and hogan no one ever forgot about hogan ever!

also once Hogan came back to the wwe look what happened the belt was back where it belonged with him once again

the wwe world tittle = Hogan

The only other person i would say really made that belt mean somthing would be stone cold and then if i had to pick a third HHH

The best villain to ever hold that belt

I have to say the superstar Billy Graham.... he was just great

Best IC Champ...... Rick Rude or Mr. Perfect and though i think the warrior is a tool the belt did look good on him 2.

Tag Team champ.... Road Warriors..... in any federation it will always go 2 them ... they just rule ass
Here's a link to a thread I posted that is similar to this subject. Let’s use this as my facts for this topic.

Now, my pick on this specific topic is Hulk Hogan. Yes, all the other choices are all valid choices, but without Superman, there is no Justice League. Hulk Hogan made wrestling what it is today as far as the “Character” aspect of this debate. Yes, Vince was / is the puppet master, but without the puppet, Vince would have a Marionette with his hand tied to the end of it. Hogan was the flagship Superstar. He was the Champion of Champions. He pushed WWE into the Mainstream and he even pushed WCW ahead of the WWE for a good period of time. All the other choices had their “Eras”, but Hulk Hogan owns the century. How many Superstars can go from company to company with some time off and still be the biggest draw...ever!? He headlined Wrestlemania, Starrcade, and everything else in-between. Who else has that on their résumé?? He was Champion, first in 1984, and then last in 2002, with a total of 12 Title runs. He did a great job, to say the least, as a Face and did just as great as a Heel. He put numerous people over, such as Andre the Giant, Ric Flair, Yokozuna, Lex Luger, Sting, and gave the following their first World Title run, Randy Savage, the Ultimate Warrior, The Undertaker, the Big Show, and Goldberg. Those are some Big names right there, try and deny that. He was basically the “Dream” in the term Dream Match and anyone who stepped in the ring with him got “The Rub”. The best way for me to sum this up would be like this. John Cena = LeBron James. Stone Cold Steve Austin = Kobe Bryant. Hulk Hogan = Michael Jordan. The Greatest Champion / the Greatest Hero is the Hulkster.
In recent history, it's John Cena, without a doubt. I'm saying this as someone who certainly isn't a Cena fan, and who wanted the belt taking off of him. But there is no way anyone can argue he wasn't a great champion, even if he wasn't your personal favourite, you have to respect how much he has impacted the business; there is a whole army of wrestling fans who are wrestling fans solely because John Cena is there. The ratings haven't been great recently, but I shudder to think what they'd be like without him.

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