Greatest WWE Champion?

A lot of people will say Cena and Hogan, and rightfully so. Both of those names come with a very strong argument for greatest champ of all time.

However, my mind goes to Stone Cold Steve Austin. Very few if any championship victories signaled such a strong change of an era like Austin's did. The attitude era had already begun, but when Austin got the belt at WrestleMania 14 it was such a big moment that signaled an new Era was officially underway.
William Regal deserved a WWE Championship run sadly his health/fitness played a major part in his run.
Man this gets asked a lot, but here it goes

my top 10 in no particular order;

Austin - greatest fighting champion

HHH - one of the best heel champions ever

Rock - one of the best face champions ever

Cena - Biggest marketable champion this era

Hogan - Biggest marketable champion of all time

HBK - His match with bret at WM was one of the best, he carried the belt and company during one of its lowest points and we got the montreal screwjob out of it

CM Punk - Longest modern reign and did a great job during his run

Bruno - Longest ever reign

Undertaker - Best pro in business and dominant champion

Chris Jericho - 1st ever undisputed champion

i know i may have missed off some big names but its my list so i dont care

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