Why Always Me
WWF Champion
My top 5 
5) Triple H - In the Attitude Era he was the top heel. He was the major enemy to both The Rock and Stone Cold, two of the most beloved superstars ever. He put on great matches, good on the mic and could work as a face and heel (although he is much better as a heel). Was in two awesome groups in DX and Evolution, and also has one of the best finishers of all time and two of the best entrance themes of all time.
4) Shawn Michaels - I didn't really watch wrestling properly until 1998, just when HBK was on his way out (thats why Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart are not considered by me). But when he came back in 2002 I cheered like a little kid. His return was why I wanted to watch Summerslam that year. Since then put on countless great matches and I can see why some rate him the best ever. I only wish he had been around more during the Attitude Era to fued with The Rock and Stone Cold.
3) The Undertaker - Perhaps the most respected superstar EVER. The gimmick of The Undertaker scared many young kids shitless in the early days. As the WWF evolved, so did he. As the Attitude Era came round, he became more evil, almost like Satan or Lucifer. Then completely re-invented himself with the American Bad Ass persona. Many great matches and monments over the years, and of course the streak. If someone ever breaks the streak then they will be the next big thing in the WWE.
2) Stone Cold Steve Austin - WOW, this man ushered in the Attitude Era, feuded with Vince McMahon and was the face of the Attitude Era for a long time. Did what we all wanted to do at the time, beat up his boss. Had one of, if not THE biggest selling t-shirt of all time, by far the best finisher of all time and is considered by some (not me
), the best ever. Such a shame that injuries cut his career short. Delivered so many iconic moments, the beer bath, making Vince piss his pants, being CEO, saving Stephanie etc. He isn't considered the best by me though because of ONE man........
1) The Rock - If Austin ushered in the Attitude Era, The Rock took it to new heights. In 1999 whilst Austin was top dog, The Rock's populairty rose so much that by the time Austin got 'ran over', he had pretty much overtaken as the top dog. This was done whilst not even being pushed as the top guy at the time (KOTR, Fully Loaded, Summerslam and No Mercy - The Rock didn't main event one of them). When Austin left, he became the face of the WWF and became so big that he garned more main-stream exposure than anybody in history. The man deserves a wing in the hall of fame and when he is inducted he deserves to be called the greatest ever, just like Austin was when he was inducted. Best ever on the mic, Austin v Tock is my all time favourite fued, nothing more needs to be said.

5) Triple H - In the Attitude Era he was the top heel. He was the major enemy to both The Rock and Stone Cold, two of the most beloved superstars ever. He put on great matches, good on the mic and could work as a face and heel (although he is much better as a heel). Was in two awesome groups in DX and Evolution, and also has one of the best finishers of all time and two of the best entrance themes of all time.
4) Shawn Michaels - I didn't really watch wrestling properly until 1998, just when HBK was on his way out (thats why Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart are not considered by me). But when he came back in 2002 I cheered like a little kid. His return was why I wanted to watch Summerslam that year. Since then put on countless great matches and I can see why some rate him the best ever. I only wish he had been around more during the Attitude Era to fued with The Rock and Stone Cold.
3) The Undertaker - Perhaps the most respected superstar EVER. The gimmick of The Undertaker scared many young kids shitless in the early days. As the WWF evolved, so did he. As the Attitude Era came round, he became more evil, almost like Satan or Lucifer. Then completely re-invented himself with the American Bad Ass persona. Many great matches and monments over the years, and of course the streak. If someone ever breaks the streak then they will be the next big thing in the WWE.
2) Stone Cold Steve Austin - WOW, this man ushered in the Attitude Era, feuded with Vince McMahon and was the face of the Attitude Era for a long time. Did what we all wanted to do at the time, beat up his boss. Had one of, if not THE biggest selling t-shirt of all time, by far the best finisher of all time and is considered by some (not me

1) The Rock - If Austin ushered in the Attitude Era, The Rock took it to new heights. In 1999 whilst Austin was top dog, The Rock's populairty rose so much that by the time Austin got 'ran over', he had pretty much overtaken as the top dog. This was done whilst not even being pushed as the top guy at the time (KOTR, Fully Loaded, Summerslam and No Mercy - The Rock didn't main event one of them). When Austin left, he became the face of the WWF and became so big that he garned more main-stream exposure than anybody in history. The man deserves a wing in the hall of fame and when he is inducted he deserves to be called the greatest ever, just like Austin was when he was inducted. Best ever on the mic, Austin v Tock is my all time favourite fued, nothing more needs to be said.