Where should Sting be on a Greatest of All Time List???

A 10/10 wrestler in the 80s would be a 5/10 now ?? Are you insane ? WWE wishes it had wrestlers with the creativity and charisma today as Piper, Flair, Savage, Dusty Rhodes....those guys on the mic and in the ring could kill 4/5 of todays roster in their 80s heyday without breaking a sweat.... You really think todays top stars are that much better than Brett Hart ???? Even with his lackluster promos he was a wrestling machine the likes of which 99% of this roster couldn't compete with.

Ever stop to think if more of today's stars were as entertaining as the past stars that the numbers might be so bad every week...

Spot on. Wrestlers today should really look at how Bret Hart structured his matches. I guess modern wrestlers aren't helped with short TV standard matches you have today.... but the bulk of most 'All Time workers' are from that era: Bret, HBK, Flair, Steamboat, Dynamite etc...

Also noteworthy is the fact that WWE constantly pump out bio DVDs about its older stars- theres still a huge amount of interest in wrestlers from yesteryear because you have better workers and more interesting personalities than the modern PG era
Id say he'd be top 15 but he's out of the top 10. He's probably most famous for being the nemesis of the nWo in the late 90's.

These days, if you didn't have your career in WWE, youre not really in the running for greatness.

Sting is the exception to that rule but he's still out of the top 10.

I mean look at them all; Hogan, The Rock, Austin, Triple H, Undertaker, Macho Man, HBK, Flair, Andre The Giant, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho, Edge, Bret Hart, Kane, Brock Lesnar.

I mean you'd have to put all those guys above sting based on their WWE achievements.
I think a lot of it has to do with the recent hype. This is his long-awaited debut in WWE, so his name is being thrown around a lot. If he never signed though, I'm sure the number of people who'd miss him being there would be small.

I've seen a lot of lists thrown around, and while there are some names that, quite frankly, have me scratching my head, I can see that most people can name at least 10 other 'Greatest of All Time' performers who they would put ahead of him.

Earlier in the thread I said top 15, but in reality, it's probably closer to top 20. So many names come to mind, but a few that I haven't really seen in the thread stand out to me; Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Jerry Lawler, Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, Owen Hart. Sure, two of these became household names for some of the most tragic of reasons, but they all deserve note. Where do they rank when measured up against Sting? Maybe ahead, maybe not - but they do belong alongside him.
He is easily top 7 for me personally he us top 5 and prior to the rock he was and is top 2 in my personal favorites and has wcw won the monday night wars he would be top 3 but because wwe won hogan,rock,austin,and taker are easily ahead of him the flair has to be ahead of him from a wcw stand point i put stings career ahead of hbk and bret plus who has walked into wwe off the street and main evented wrestlemania his very first match obviously people in wwe know and see him as a major major star
Undertaker should be on that list.

So you need to drop one from your top 10.

See, Top 10 list aint easy...There's someone falling out to Top 11-15.

why exactly should Undertaker be on this list? If Savage didn't make my list then Undertaker is a ways off. So he had a WM streak, so what? I think Taker makes bottom of the list of a top 15 behind Savage, Race, Rogers and Graham
Its subjective- everyone has their own lists and opinions.

I've seen names banded around like Hogan, Flair, Bret, Austin, Rock who would be above Sting.
But Jericho? Eddie? Sting was a top status guy for a long long time. Even in TNA too.
Eddie was very entertaining at the end of his career... but his run at the top was very short.
Jericho too had main event runs.... but was never at any point a top 3 status guy. Austin, Rock, Taker, Triple H, Brock, Cena all had much more consistent runs on top, whilst Chris was too frequently demoted back down to the midcard.

You have your elite wrestlers who are top of the totem pole:
Hogan, Flair, Thesz, Bruno, Austin... maybe Rock could squeeze in here.

Then your 2nd tier... still very legendary wrestlers but not quite on that Hogan level:
Savage, Andre, Bret, HBK, Harley Race, Triple H, Taker etc. I think Sting belongs here somewhere... though maybe not in the top sector

3rd tier here you have Jericho, Eddie, Foley, Benoit, Ted Dibiase Snr. Guys who has occasional runs at the top but not long term.

Then 4th tier... guys who were very strong additions to the midcard with the odd push: Jake Roberts, Davey Boy, Kane, Owen Hart, Arn Anderson

All of these tiers can still be considered legends... just in different levels.
why exactly should Undertaker be on this list? If Savage didn't make my list then Undertaker is a ways off. So he had a WM streak, so what? I think Taker makes bottom of the list of a top 15 behind Savage, Race, Rogers and Graham

I would like to see a Top 20 from you.

You not ranking Undertaker in a top 10, I think you are pretty lonely with that statement.

The guy is a legend.
I would like to see a Top 20 from you.

You not ranking Undertaker in a top 10, I think you are pretty lonely with that statement.

I wouldn't either.

Takers key is his lonegeivty- worthy of respect of course... but at any point has he ever been the companys flag bearer? or top guy #1 on the roster? His title reigns have usually been quite short too.

In the early 90s there was Hogan, then 1993-1997 either Bret and Shawn were the top guy, Attitude era was Austin & Rock... then we had Brock, then Cena (by which point Taker was in his 40s)

I would rank the following over Taker (not in any particular order)
Hogan. Flair, Thesz, Bruno, Austin, Rock, Triple H, Bret, HBK, Harley Race, Andre, Savage, Cena (yes he's done enough now)... possibly one or two more... if you want to count AWA and throw in Verne and Bockwinkel.

I could find a place for Taker in my top 20 though.... in a similar position to Sting.
Undertaker is in the top 10 of people that have been saturated with WWE their entire lives; he'd make a top 10 if we were just talking WWF/E legends but taking the industry as a whole throughout history he barely makes top 15 IMO
actually, the more I think about it the more I'm thinking that Sting isn't in the top 10 either; to answer you question my top 20 would be:

1. Hogan
2. Flair
3. Austin
4. Bruno
5. Rock
6. Andre
7. Thez
8. Macho Man
9. HBK
10. Cena
11. Hart
12. Rogers
13. Race
14. Sting
15. Undertaker
16. Piper
17. Dusty
18. Graham
19. Backlund
20. Angle

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