The Bash: C.M. Punk vs. Jeff Hardy

I'm praying Punk walks out champ...not only because I'm a huge fan of his but SOMEONE needs to hold a title for longer then 2 months.

First they gave us the insanely long Cena reign which looking back on dvds wasnt that bad..matches were usually good was just disapointed with its short reigns that make the titles look cheap and like creative has no idea what they want to do so they switch it around for interest.

Anyways...should be a good match, hopefully decent lenght back and forth. I feel as if punk and jeff could do well together without a stipulation or 3rd person. Now if they'll give a clean finish is really uncertain.
I can't see Hardy walking out as champ. Not at this time. I think Hardy deserves a reign, a decent one, but they would not switch the title so soon.

Punk's first reign got messed up badly, and I do feel bad for Punk. That screwjob style of title change was really disrespectful to both him to the fans. We could have accepted a cheat-style title win, but have Punk no-show a match and then have a quick feud with Orton after (one match? Two? Did Punk even beat Orton? I can't remember, it was that bad) was just lame.

People are talking about whether Punk or Hardy will go heel. I can't see Hardy going heel. The evidence is there that he will snap on someone, but Hardy has the sympathy vote for 2 botched title reigns. And Hardy is a bad heel. He can't do it. I remember he tried before he left the WWE the first time, and no one believed it. Maybe it was the booking style Hardy was given, but Hardy would have to do something very very strong to have the crowd turn against him. Hardy could hit good Ol' JR with a steel chair and right now people would say: Well, that's ok. He's still angry.
Punk on the other hand is just one bad-guy move away from being a total heel and booed out of the arena. He is just keeping us guessing, and that is good.

As for the their match, someone else mentioned a third party ruining the whole thing. I agree. We do not need Edge interfering, or Jericho (yet), or anyone else. No more screwjob endings, we need a clear feud for a PPV or two. I would also like to see this feud escalate to some other types of matches, just not the overdone ones. Ones that can show the skills and abilities of both Punk and Hardy. Nothing like Ladder matches or steel cages. 2 out of 3 falls (not 3 stages of hell tho), submission match, or Iron Man.

Punk vs. Hardy in an Iron Man match for Summerslam would be awesome, so they could end the feud. Then move on.
For the most part I would have to say that I was never really in to Jeff Hardy all that much up until now. Punk's decision to use his title against Jeff at the last PPV was well done. Both men are received by the fans by overwhelming cheers everytime they make an entrance for a match.

Many seem to think that this is a set up for a heel turn that will come Punk's way. Yet, Jeff seems to be acting like a bit of child. His refusal to stand in the ring with Punk was a bit heelish in my view. Yes, Punk coming in to the ring at first is always antagonistic which makes him heel, but he came across just "face" like. The storytelling in this feud has been gold.

It seems like we have two well recognized "face" stars of the show ready to reach their boiling point. Some would say Punk may be feuling the fire, but I think it is Jeff who will snap the most. Punk seems to be coming off more as the competitive type willing to defend the title's honor in an instant. Jeff seems like he is progressing more towards deserving the title.

However you may see it I feel like this could be one of the better feuds in recent memory. This may turn out to be a classic, and yes many of you are antitcipating the heel turn for Punk. Yet, I am hoping for something more bizarre to happen, and that is a heel turn for Hardy. Jeff has been showing a little bit of attitude as of late, and I think he could go over.
My Final Thoughts

Why Jeff Hardy Should Win?
Hardy is out there to prove that his first championship reign wasn't a fluke and that he can be a worthy champion. His second title reign lasted minutes after CM Punk cashed in his briefcase to beat him after a grueling Ladder Match with Edge. Hardy wants to take back what he thinks is rightfully his and feels that Punk shouldn't have cashed it in that manner.

Why CM Punk Should Win?
Punk's first title reign was lackluster and there has been plenty of criticism that he didn't deserve to win Money In The Bank again. Punk has received more criticism of him cashing it in on Jeff Hardy and how that wasn't the popular decision. Punk wants to prove the fans wrong and that he can have a long reign as champion.

Who Should Win?
Punk has had plenty of momentum coming into this matchup unlike last year. He has good wins over Edge and Umaga and a loss to Hardy would severly hurt his momentum and question whether should be champion again in the near future. Punk should win and he and Hardy can continue their feud into Summerslam.

Who Will Win?
This should be one of the better matches on the card and I believe it won't fail to disappoint. Hardy will go for a Twist of Fate and go to the top rope for the Swanton Bomb and miss. This will give Punk the opportunity to hit the Go To Sleep and pick up the victory.​
This one is pretty tough to call. CM Punk's got a lot more momentum so far in this reign than last year's, and I really think he could do well as a tweener the way he has been lately.... although unfortunately he might completely turn heel, and yes, that would be a bad thing. The straight-edge lifestyle is something kids (the target audience) should look up to and cheer for, it is a good role model. Punk would do great as a tweener rather than a heel, that is just the way I see that. Digression aside.... although a Hardy win seems unlikely, he might still win here only to lose it quickly. I'm having a bit of a hard time calling this match.... I'll go with Punk though.

DAGGER DIAS prediction: CM Punk
ah, slop-n-botch 2009. Honestly, Im frightened by this match. I can just feel a huge, terrible, phony looking botch here. Can see it coming from miles away. Id be damn near more suprised if one of these two DONT leave with a broken neck.

Anyways, itll be Punk. really no reason for Harvey to win, especially since he STILL hasnt signed a new deal. May as well use him to make Punk look good.

Punk will win, but itll be a goodn.
I know its never logically going to happen, but I'm still holding out some type of hope that Edge gets involved. A Triple Threat match between these individuals will beat out a Singles match between Hardy and Punk, any day of the week.

I believe I've already explained that with Edge now being on the card, it could hold a prime opportunity for him to force Teddy Long (who's apparently been put on notice, or suspension?) into invoking his rematch clause that he never fully got, because Punk cashed in immediately.

Anyone who wants to argue that Edge already had it, would be wrong. Edge won the right to face Punk in a single's match on Raw, when he beat Hardy on Smackdown from what I read. Thus, Edge still could have the loop-hole that is "a rematch clause". Will it happen? Possibly. Will it happen on this Pay per view? Extremely Doubtful.

But yeah, Punk and Hardy won't have a match worth remembering for a month, shit not even worth remembering for a week. Whats horrible is, they're likely going to make Hardy look like he should've won, if not give him some type of count-out/disqualification victory. All because of what reason? The guy shits on the Company in saying he's thinking about leaving again? :disappointed:

I swear, if there is ONE individual currently active in Pro Wrestling that I despise more, its Jeff Hardy. The good for nothing piss-ant doesn't even know a good thing when its staring him directly in the face. His music sucks, and he needs the money.. hes one of the biggest fan favorites in the business today - beyond my own disbelief of the subject - and he still isn't smart enough to just sign a new fucking contract, and be a possible new leader.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't hope Punk would break his nose, ala Snitsky. While I don't wish harm on anyone.. seriously, Hardy needs to do something useful - or just fucking leave once and for all.
Per my prediction a couple pages back, I'm still going with Punk to win this match although Hardy has more "big match" experience behind him and could definatly pull off a victory in this contest. I would look for Punk to try and avoid the air assult that Hardy will undoubtably try to unleash, but Hardy is going to have to avoid the bevy of kicks that Punk is going to send his way too. The keys to a successfull title victory for Punk is to realize where he is in the ring at all times and to stop Jeff from climbing the ropes, the minute Jeff hits those ropes and begins his ariel tactics is the moment that CM Punks title is in jeopardy. Punk has a sense of cockyness about him now too, I have not seen this since 2004-ish and while being confident in yourself is a good thing, it can also come back to haunt you too so I think another key to victory is to leave that attitude backstage and go out there and fight like a champ. Lately Punk has been wrestling on a different level than the rest of the WWE as of late, ever since he has lost the IC Title to JBL he has been somewhat of a different man and it looks like he is determined to hold onto this championship and I think he will do just that.
For the love of God I hoope that this match is CM Punks all the way. Jeff Hardy is already a two time champion, we don't need anymore of this stuff.

CM Punk needs this win over Jeff Hardy badly, to establish him as a legit champion in the eyes of some fans. I personally love CM Punk, and think nothing he has done to this point has been heelish. It's the tweenage high pitched Hardy Fans that try to boo the man out.

Again, I don't see the poitn in putting the WWE title back on Jeff Hardy if his intentions are to leave the company by the end of the summer?

CM Punk all the way.
This match will be all about CM Punk the character. He has to win this, but will he do it properly and get a handshake turning him back babyface or will he cheat and turn fully fledged heel?

After the attack on Morrison I think it points to a fully fledged heel turn, but the tweener Punk is so interesting they should try and save the turn for longer. I don't see Edge getting involved. A great back and forth match with a clean Punk win would be good. As a fan I want to see Jeff Hardy kick his arse though. So whatever the outcome I will be content. Punk definitely will keep the belt though.
Yeah Punk wins here, they wont give Jeff the belt as he is leaving shortly. I am interested to see how they will do it though I have a feeling Hardy gets screwed in some way building a feud to his exit. I would love to see Jeff win but Punk really needs this win to have a chance at become a solid champion because at the moment this reign is no better than his first reign. Should be a decent match that will probably MOTN or a close second to the Jericho-Rey match.

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