GAB: C.M. Punk vs. Batista

Punk put on a good show...and I liked how the crowd was into him more than Batista by the end...but it looked as if they're just trying to kill him out of the gate! Why? I don't know...could it be he was supposed to bomb as this another "Vince trying to prove a point" theory like he did with Matt Hardy in 2005???

Maybe i'm being a conspiracy theorist here! But Punk is coming down with Ronnie Garvin syndrome!
This was gangsta. NorCal's MOTN. Maybe not technically the best. That goes to Jericho Vs HBK. But my favorite of the night. This match easily had the most heat, and intrigue. Good lord Batista is a stiff, horrendous, laborious seller. but Punk (literally) kicked the shit outta him. And it was awesome to see Big Dave striking out every chance he got, with HUGE impact moves. Hardy wouldve sold them even better, but it was still sick. Highly disatisfied with the finish, but fuckin a, what are ya gonna do. Punk looks shit now. Batista tokk everything he had, and seemed in control the whole time. Batista almost killed that little fuck. And then made him look like a bitch at the end too. Fun, entertaining match. I dig Batista right now.
Certainly a lot better than I thought it would be. But I didn't have high hopes at all for this match. Punk is really impressing me at the moment. He has his haters but at least he's new and fresh.

I don't see why Batista didn't get pinned though. They want Kane to get over as a monster heel again, they want Punk to become a credible champion. Batista was the pawn, and losses don't effect him anyway.

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