Jeff Hardy Fans, what Now???

People need to see this with a business point of view. OK Jeff Hardy has been in the last 3 PPV's in the title match. Each day he is getting more and more fans and his fanbase keeps on getting bigger and bigger. All of the new AND old fans watch SD! each week just to see where Jeff is going. A PPV come around and since they are desperate to see Jeff win most of them will buy it and this will make WWE $$$ especially with the hardcore Jeff Hardy fanbase and they'll keep on repeating this, building up Jeff as a proper champion and getting the money from the Hardy fanbase. If Jeff wins then I doubt many people will order the next PPV to see whether or not he retains or looses.
If Jeff wins then I doubt many people will order the next PPV to see whether or not he retains or looses.

I totally disagree. If Jeff wins, it will make people more interested to see where he goes from there. The fans are likely tired of seeing Jeff lose to Triple H and Edge, so it would be interesting to see if he could defend his title against guys like them. Imagine how much credibility Hardy would gain if he were to retain his title cleanly against someone like Taker or Trips.

Not only that, but Jeff has already proven that he can have great matches with guys like Triple H, and there's no doubt that he's extremely over. All thats needed is the final push, which I feel may come soon.

If Jeff does win the title, I see it happening sometime around WM 25, and likely against Edge. Edge has already had his share of recent title reigns, and has never complained about putting people over. Edge could be the one who finally puts Hardy over and completely legitamize him as a true main event player.
Here's my ultimate question about the whole Jeff Hardy situation.

What made him so great was how bizarre his character was becoming. Some people were comparing him to the Joker due to his insanity. It was great, and quite frankly, I hadn't seen anything like it in years. And correct me if I'm wrong, but that was all built on his inability to win the WWE Championship.

Now what? He's won it. No more craziness? What's he to be obsessed about? He did what would probably make him less crazy. Does the insanity go out the door now? What happens to this character Jeff Hardy has created?
i was hopin that this craziness will end with a heel jeff wwe maybe he can go against taker at wm 25

we all know how this would end btw...

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