Jeff Hardy Heel Turn??? Anyone see that coming???

After watching SD on friday I think Jeff is a tweener that is almost heel he crashed a contract signing with Koslov and HHH, he got a DQ against Miz and Morrison caused Koslov to get number 1 cotendership by hitting him with a chair in a match he wasn't even invovled with he took advantage of a bigshow interference and is freakin' psycho.
I think he is not going to be portrayed as a heel im thinking of a kind of neutral guy he'll be heel when he faces faces and he'll be face when he faces heels.
I've gotta say it...I never thought it could be done but Jeff Hardy has become even better than before. His Joker-esque promo, new look and fantastic EXTREME match all clicked perfectly. To tell the truth, the constant "reaching for the brass ring" stuff was becoming repetitive.

This is a fantastically good way to keep him in the main event while introducing some fresh ideas to the table. And it didn't hurt his crowd reaction much either, although some of the fans seemed a bit puzzled. It's been a long time since we've had a good main event tweener, I'm definitely liking this.

Heh, knowing Vince I'm pretty sure he hasn't even heard of The Dark Knight, just like when Paul Burchill was a pirate and he didn't pick up on the obvious Jack Sparrow resemblance back in the day. Plagiarism or not, it doesn't matter. It kicks ass.
I have to agree with Dead Kennedy, Jeff Hardy's promo was great and it actually sounded credible and not read of a script. I also thought he would find turning heel difficult but its obvious he has'nt. Although one downside to him turning heel is that he is a huge asset to the WWE money wise because of the amount of fans he has. Its going to be intresting how much money is made whilst Hardy is heel.

Keeping in Kafaybe it seems Jeff Hardy has that mean streak about him and just does'nt care anymore, i was so surprised with how well his promo went down because usually his mic skills and promo skills are non existant.

The match last Friday between him and Taker was good, he showed that he was willing to beat the best in order to get to where he wants. This weeks Smackdown will be intresting because of the "stipulation" Vickie G has put on the match against Triple H. Its either Hardy wins and the match at Survivor Series for the WWE title is a Triple Threat match or he gets nothing.....Intresting, very intresting
Come on, Jeff is never getting over as a heel. The guy is incapable of the psychology behind being a heel and it's never going to work. This 'darker' Jeff Hardy is little more than a move to a tweener, no matter what anyone claiming a heel turn may insist.

The fact is, Jeff will always play to the fans, he will always use the high spot moves and he will get cheered even if he defaecates on HHH's child. Why? Because he's not a heel. Hitting people with chairs should not cause you to get cheered unless you happen to be a face giving a heel a well deserved beating.

Whenever he can get the crowd to boo him and actually act like a legitimate heel, then we can talk heel turn. Until then, Jeff Hardy is a poor excuse for a 'heel'
I am a huge Jeff Hardy fan, and I don't think there is any sense in turning him heel nor do I think he will. The reasons why the fans love Jeff is because he plays a face so well. He sells very well, he connects with the fans, and his style is very flashy and exciting. If he were to become a heel I could see him lost like John Morrison, not really getting a heel reaction. He also lacks mic skills and most of the best heels have either great mic skills or are monsters. The thing is he probably would get boo'd just because alot of fans would be so broken hearted with him turning heel, but really there is no reason to turn Jeff heel as he is one of the biggest fan favorites and he is one of the biggest faces in the company who out pops many. I wouldn't say he would be the worst heel just an unrealistic one. Also I don't think the WWE is turning him heel, just giving him a harder edge, maybe a tweener.
Jeff Hardy is like Rob Van Dam, he is almost impossible to turn heel. Remember when RVD was with the Alliance. No one booed him and they wanted him to boo him and yet because he was such a great entertainer, he was always cheered. I believe that Jeff Hardy is the same way. Aside from his debut, Jeff Hardy was heel for one week in the last 10 years and that was when he tried to attack Shawn Michaels. Jeff Hardy is a stable face and with enough hard work, can be a great people's champ (not like the Rock). Jeff Hardy would have to go totally nuts to be a good heel. He would have to improve his promo skills too and that needs some work.

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