Extreme Rules: World Heavyweight Championship: Ladder Match: Edge (c) vs Jeff Hardy

This is the match I am most looking forward to. It should main event, providing there is no HHH return. They need to find some new spots for this match that haen't been done in the various tag matches, although I won't complain if they find some way of doing the 20ft spear again.

Edge should get the win, but again Jeff should be screwed, possibly by his brother once again. I really liked Matt's run in at Judgment Day. Then if Jeff is leaving, they can have a "last chance" match for Jeff in which he loses he has to quit, and Matt can screw him once again. If he is staying, he can win the last chance match.
as much as i want hardy to win i just done see it happening either edge will win in heel fashion or a matt hardy run in im almost certian that hardy wont win but he should it will undoubtedly be the match of the night and for a ppv called extreme rules none of the matches are extreme but this is the closest
ill tell u wat this match the ladder match wit edge and hardy will def. steal the show ... it should ...they done before ... should be good
Anybody else not be able to keep a straight face at the way Jeff Hardy said it was gonna be a ladder match? What should have sounded like he was determined sounded more like he was confused or something. The guy is awesome and everything, but gosh he is awful on the mic.

"and then, I'm gonna be climbing a LADDER!? for the World Title!"
LOL i cannot stop laughing at how weird that promo sounded.

That aside.... what a great match this will be! I hope it closes the show. Edge and Hardy going crazy with all the ladders doing all sorts of insane spots, it is going to be the best match of the night for sure. I think that Edge will retain once again.

Dagger Dias prediction: EDGE

Yeah ok I got this one wrong, but it was the best match of the night! THAT prediction was the part I was right about. Awesome match. I was a little surprised that Hardy got the win and was about to text a friend the results while calling BS, then just as I hit "send" then out comes CM Punk. Hardy's title reign lasted what, a minute? I immediately called my friend back saying dude ignore that text message cuz CM Punk's the champ now! Hopefully we will now get Punk/Edge. They have some unifnished business to take care of from as far back as last summer and this is a feud that will be great. Rated-R VS Straight-Edge.... can't get better than that in terms of what gimmicks would face each other. That stuff aside.... it was a GREAT match! I'm not going to include Punk's part in the grade, but it still won match of the night in my opinion. Really enjoyed it.

Final thoughts 8 out of 9

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