Jeff Hardy Fans, what Now???

"but he is soooo way ovuurrr dude!!! he needz da belt!!"

He is the most over superstar right now, and has been for a long time. Look at the reaction he gets, never any boo's. Just constant cheering. And I understand how you could say he dosen't need the belt, because he'd be as over as he is now without it, but the fans are behind him and want him to become WWE Champion. Not saying that alone merits him being champion, but time after time when he comes close it takes a toll on the fans, in regards that we're getting fed up. You could say that he dosen't need the belt, but then again, you can say that he does. Him coming close and close but never getting the belt can kill momentum. Look at him after he lost to Randy Orton at the RR. Yes he was still over but not like before, when he was unbelieveably over. He was RAW for a while. Him having the belt just completes his carear, and he does deserve the title.

"well orton failed tests!!!'

Orton failing tests still means they risked giving him the belt. With his behavior issues, they could have given him the belt and he could completly screw up his title reign because he didn't care, and just not bother with it. Do as little as possible to get by. But what did he do? Had a memorable reign as WWE Champion and had countless good matches. My point is the risk paid off, which could happen with Hardy. Granted, his strikes were for drugs which is a bigger issue. If he fails another test he's gone, and thats a HUGE, HUGE mark against the company. So why bother? Because it's worth the risk for one of the greatest moments in wrestling history.

"oh they are saving it for WM"

Why wouldn't they save it for WrestleMania? I think they'd give him the win at 'Mania just because it would be a huge, memorable win. Again, the risk factor comes into it big time, but him winning the title at say Cyber Sunday wouldn't be as special as at WrestleMania. Heck, even SummerSlam would do for me. Either one of the two, because they're the 2 biggest PPVs that the WWE has. It deserves a big stage.
I'm a huge Jeff Hardy fan and as much as I would like to see him win the title, I don't think he will just yet. It's ridiculous that Triple H still has the title. Let's face it, no one will be getting the title as long as Triple H is still bangin' the boss's daughter. THE END.
I think Jeff Hardy will not ever be "allowed" to have a decent title reign because of how much damage he has done to his reputation and his career. he has taken drugs and has had alot of personal issues in his life. Is this the guy that us fans want to see lead the company? Is this the man we want to see our kids to look upto?

The reason WWE won't let Jeff become champion, especially WWE champion is because he has let them down in the past. That is the most prestigious title in the WWE and personally i can't see Jeff getting that anytime soon either.

Hardy fans do find it difficult to understand the reasons Jeff won't become champion. They seem to think anything he does outside of wresling won't have an affect in what happens during his tenur in the WWE. NEWSFLASH it will. How can his fans expect Jeff to be champ after he has taken drugs and has had other issues?

Jeff as the OP said had a few decent wins and matches. His feud of the year for me was against Randy Orton, that was a great feud and they had a few great matches. Jeff has had many good feuds but unfortunately the writers and Jeff himself have been unable to build on them with what has gone on in his personal life and with him getting suspended twice

I don't think Hardy has reached "the pinncale" of his career, Hardy is still young and is a huge talent that has'nt been allowed by himself to have a sustained run of good feuds and matches.

I am Hardy fan but unlike most i grasp the concept to why he will never get title win simply because of what has gone on with him. I hope he does get the trust of the fans back and the WWE creative team. Hardy himself needs to do alot to get himself back where he was a few years ago along with his Brother Matt
How can his fans expect Jeff to be champ after he has taken drugs and has had other issues?

Hey, you ever hear of this guy Randy Orton? He supposedly did some stuff like that himself and has since become WWE Champion two times. Not that this is saying anything against Orton, it just goes to show you that if there's enough to earn on making this or that risky worker a champion, WWE might be willing to let it go.

Sure, Orton's alleged "misbehavin's" involving substance stuff was before the WWE started to crack down on their quite obvious backstage substance problems, but it's happened bunches of times throughout history.
Hey, you ever hear of this guy Randy Orton? He supposedly did some stuff like that himself and has since become WWE Champion two times. Not that this is saying anything against Orton, it just goes to show you that if there's enough to earn on making this or that risky worker a champion, WWE might be willing to let it go.

Sure, Orton's alleged "misbehavin's" involving substance stuff was before the WWE started to crack down on their quite obvious backstage substance problems, but it's happened bunches of times throughout history.

Randy Orton has at least taken responsibility and acknowledged that he had an attitude problem that led to most of his suspensions. An attitude that he got because he was pushed too quickly and the WWE fed into his ego with the undeserved push he received at the beginning of his career. Call it growing pains, but Orton has at least acknolwedged, and with him settling down with a serious relationship, it looks like Orton has finally "gotten it.

Hardy on the other hand still won't acknowledge that he has a problem, and this was as recent as six months ago. He's simply put, a stoner that doesn't think what he does is a problem. You can't get threw to people like that, and I doubt that now into his 30's the man is going to make a serious effort to change. Randy Orton has had his problems, but Hardy's list is much more impressive and longer then Ortons.
He is the most over superstar right now, and has been for a long time. Look at the reaction he gets, never any boo's. Just constant cheering. And I understand how you could say he dosen't need the belt, because he'd be as over as he is now without it, but the fans are behind him and want him to become WWE Champion. Not saying that alone merits him being champion, but time after time when he comes close it takes a toll on the fans, in regards that we're getting fed up. You could say that he dosen't need the belt, but then again, you can say that he does.

Orton failing tests still means they risked giving him the belt. With his behavior issues, they could have given him the belt and he could completly screw up his title reign because he didn't care, and just not bother with it. Do as little as possible to get by. But what did he do? Had a memorable reign as WWE Champion and had countless good matches. My point is the risk paid off, which could happen with Hardy. Granted, his strikes were for drugs which is a bigger issue. If he fails another test he's gone, and thats a HUGE, HUGE mark against the company. So why bother? Because it's worth the risk for one of the greatest moments in wrestling history.

Why wouldn't they save it for WrestleMania? I think they'd give him the win at 'Mania just because it would be a huge, memorable win. Again, the risk factor comes into it big time, but him winning the title at say Cyber Sunday wouldn't be as special as at WrestleMania. Heck, even SummerSlam would do for me. Either one of the two, because they're the 2 biggest PPVs that the WWE has. It deserves a big stage.

but, he doesnt. Are you going to cheer for him less becuase he doesnt have the title?? are the emo girls gonna cheer for him less?? No. and No. And can you honestly tell me he will be MORE over if he got the belt?? No. So thats three negatives there. So there is zero benefit of putting the title on him. Then there are the risks of him fucking up, and blowing the main event, and the WWE having the man holding their most important title being FIRED becuase he is a dope head. You think they are gonna take that risk since what happened with Benoit and Eddie, and with how they purposely push people just to suspend them for image concious reasons?? Hell fucking no. its very very simple Risk/reward scale that Hardy marks refuse to see.

How many times does this need to be addressed. did you read the rest of my post, or just quote the part you wanted to address.One more time, lets cover 6 years younger than Hady, and had attitude issues, from being a spoiled brat, and got suspended for STEROIDS not DOPE. Its a mountain of difference. Jeff Hardy is an ADDICT not a guy juicing so he looks bigger. Hardy doesnt acknowledge he even has a problem, and refused to go to rehab. this guy is in his fucking 30s. He doesnt "get it" and if he doesnt by now, he most likely never will. For these reasons, comparing Orton's situation to Hardy's is absurd and laughable. Its such a reach. Think about what your saying.

Why wouldnt they save it for Mania??? Ok so you have your biggest PPV EVER IN THE HISTORY OF YOUR COMPANY. And you have a guy who is one fuck up away from being FIRED. Are you going to promote your WM main event to be THAT GUY wrestling for the belt, when he doesnt even admit he has a problem, and has not even acted like he cared?? Were he could get FIRED a week before your most publicized event of the year?? Or FOREVER up until this point??? you know how much of a fucking PR nightmare that would be?? You would book this?? Please say yes, and destroy and credibility you could ever have. Its simply totally absurd.
I'm a massive Jeff Hardy fan and carnt wait for the moment he wins the ''big one'' but to say hes gonna win it at Wrestlemania is nothing more than fools hope. His chance has come and gone this year, hopefully he can stay clean and prove that he can be trusted with the title and maybe he can win it next year. I think they should have given him it at no mercy for a couple of months but this is how it is.

The best i can hope for at Wrestlemania is for Jeff to be involved in Money In The Bank and hopefully win that. I Dont understand why people are saying he doesnt deserve it, you can see massive improvement in his in ring abilty his promos are still not good but are starting to get better (guarrenteed there never gonna be anything near as good as The Rock's or Edges) but he is improving. i just hope he can stay clean
Jeff Hardy is in almost a similar situation as Chris Benoit. And yes, I admit that the in ring pressures can be very large for almost any man. Seeing what happened with Benoit, WWE most likely won't place Hardy as their top dog in the immediate future. If he's stabilized for a year and a half or so, they'll probably start to push him, slightly, seeing the outcome, and if he's rooting back to the mood prior to his suspension again, WWE might even release him in the future.
i rekon if jeff does win the title it shuld be in one of his specialty matches like a ladder or tlc match. i dont really think he's got that many moves in a normal match. luv watchin him with the ladders though.
he culd be ecw champ for a while. i'd lyk to see the hardcore championship bak. he culd get that. lol
but, he doesnt. Are you going to cheer for him less becuase he doesnt have the title?? are the emo girls gonna cheer for him less?? No. and No. And can you honestly tell me he will be MORE over if he got the belt?? No. So thats three negatives there. So there is zero benefit of putting the title on him. Then there are the risks of him fucking up, and blowing the main event, and the WWE having the man holding their most important title being FIRED becuase he is a dope head. You think they are gonna take that risk since what happened with Benoit and Eddie, and with how they purposely push people just to suspend them for image concious reasons?? Hell fucking no. its very very simple Risk/reward scale that Hardy marks refuse to see.

How many times does this need to be addressed. did you read the rest of my post, or just quote the part you wanted to address.One more time, lets cover 6 years younger than Hady, and had attitude issues, from being a spoiled brat, and got suspended for STEROIDS not DOPE. Its a mountain of difference. Jeff Hardy is an ADDICT not a guy juicing so he looks bigger. Hardy doesnt acknowledge he even has a problem, and refused to go to rehab. this guy is in his fucking 30s. He doesnt "get it" and if he doesnt by now, he most likely never will. For these reasons, comparing Orton's situation to Hardy's is absurd and laughable. Its such a reach. Think about what your saying.

Why wouldnt they save it for Mania??? Ok so you have your biggest PPV EVER IN THE HISTORY OF YOUR COMPANY. And you have a guy who is one fuck up away from being FIRED. Are you going to promote your WM main event to be THAT GUY wrestling for the belt, when he doesnt even admit he has a problem, and has not even acted like he cared?? Were he could get FIRED a week before your most publicized event of the year?? Or FOREVER up until this point??? you know how much of a fucking PR nightmare that would be?? You would book this?? Please say yes, and destroy and credibility you could ever have. Its simply totally absurd.

I don't see the risk of his blowing the main event up. If he tests positive again, they'll put him in the main event and have him drop the belt before they fire him. I don't see how he would harm the company. If they release him after the main event you think he's going to ruin, they'll wait a week, announce that former WWE champion Jeff Hardy has been released and future endeavor him. We'll know what happened, but he'll never be mentioned again. The ushers will confiscate Jeff Hardy signs, and the only remined will be a few T-Shirts.

The WWE is still positioning him for a title run, and I think he should get it. Jeff, HHH, and Jericho carried the WWE through the absences of Undertaker, Edge, Cena, and Orton. Putting the belt on him from Survivor Series through the Rumble would be nothing but an atta boy and then he would be free to do whatever for a while without having the new targer fanbase (12-20 year-olds) put off by the fact that their boy puts on the most exciting matches, but can't seem to get on top. He obviously has HHH's blessing, or else HHH wouldn't be involved with him at all, much less every week for a year plus.

The Jeff Hardy saga has become more interesting lately. His search for the belt has become quite interesting. Wondering if he will get it makes me watch Smackdown. The story is the best one in the WWE right now. The addition of Kozlov makes it better.
but, he doesnt. Are you going to cheer for him less becuase he doesnt have the title?? are the emo girls gonna cheer for him less?? No. and No. And can you honestly tell me he will be MORE over if he got the belt?? No. So thats three negatives there. So there is zero benefit of putting the title on him. Then there are the risks of him fucking up, and blowing the main event, and the WWE having the man holding their most important title being FIRED becuase he is a dope head. You think they are gonna take that risk since what happened with Benoit and Eddie, and with how they purposely push people just to suspend them for image concious reasons?? Hell fucking no. its very very simple Risk/reward scale that Hardy marks refuse to see.

Why wouldnt they save it for Mania??? Ok so you have your biggest PPV EVER IN THE HISTORY OF YOUR COMPANY. And you have a guy who is one fuck up away from being FIRED. Are you going to promote your WM main event to be THAT GUY wrestling for the belt, when he doesnt even admit he has a problem, and has not even acted like he cared?? Were he could get FIRED a week before your most publicized event of the year?? Or FOREVER up until this point??? you know how much of a fucking PR nightmare that would be?? You would book this?? Please say yes, and destroy and credibility you could ever have. Its simply totally absurd.

Right, I'll admit that there are many negatives with putting the belt on Hardy. True, he could get fired right before his match, or right after. It would be a nightmare for PR, because having to explain that to the press when they already think the wrestling business is filled with steriods and is a serious problem, would be a horrible diliema for the WWE. But, IF Hardy could stay clean, surely the WWE would reap the benefits. Ok, so maybe they don't put the belt on him at WrestleMania, say they keep him waiting. See if he can go a year without taking anything, surely then there is a smaller risk of him doing anything like that? Obviously there is still a huge risk, but if he can go a year without taking anything then surely he should be able to control himself, obviously, this may not be the case and he could still wind up taking drugs.

And I know no-one forced him to take drugs, that was his stupid choice, but I remember him saying around January before his match with Orton at the Royal Rumble, he said in an interview that his entire body was fucked and the schedule was getting the better of him. Spine problems, joint problems, knee problems and everything else. He said he just only got back from 15 days on tour, and then had to go to RAW and only got 1 day off that week. The WWE needs to realise that wrestlers aren't machines, and they need more time off. If Hardy got that little bit of extra time off, maybe he wouldn't feel the need to take drugs to make himself feel better?
I dont no why but there is one thing that hhh said to jeff a month or two ago on SD that has stuck in my head. if i'm not mistaken it was the SD episode after Unforgiven and the championship scramble. HHH was telling Jeff that "reaching for that brass ring" and getting so close but never fully reaching it was "the story of his life". and that is so true. It has been the story of most of his career in WWE. He nearly won the title against Taker in 2002 and since then they have always teased a main-event push for jeff by constantly puting him in No. 1 contender matches and title matches and having him loose them. This past year has been no different. I could go on about how many times he has come close in his career, but i really cant be bothered. But so many times he has come soo close.

It was fine when he came close in the scramble match, that built up his credibility because he came so close. I didnt mind when he lost at No Mercy again because it gave him more credibility. At Cyber Sunday when Jeff lost i started to think that WWE were pushing it a bit with the 'close but no cigar' angle. if you've read the spoilers then you'd know that it's a triple threat match at Survivor Series for the wwe championship with HHH, Hardy and Koslov. If Jeff doesnt win this or at least gets screwed out of the title then his credibility has been damaged beyond repair. a challenger cant loose 4 times in a row to a champion. It does more bad than good.

What's next for Hardy. I would like to think that creative would have the sense to put the belt on Hardy at Survivor Series at least for a month just so that Hardy doesnt have unrepairable damage done to his credibility. If that doesnt happen then i'm thinking he will just keep quiet until WM25 where he will win MITB and a title run will be in sight for him between somewhere between WM25 and WM26.
First i'Ve got to say that i'm a huge fans of Jeff Hardy and i've been for years. He'S one of the most talented wrestler in the WWE but having said that, i got to say that Jeff HArdy will never win ''The Big One''. Not because he'S isn'T over because he is, not because WWE management doesn'T want to push him to that level because i'm sure they want to but because of Jeff HArdy. I did a commentary on this subject earlier in the year but it applies to what going on with Jeff right now. The thing with Jeff is that even as over as he his, mentally, he doesn'T want to be successful. Everytime he'S one the verge of winning the wwe championship and becoming a main event level star, something happens and he screws up. The last time that happen was before wrestlemania. He was supposed to get a push of a lifetime and then 2 weeks before wrestlemania he gets suspended. Now let move on to 8 months later, reports that Jeff Hardy was found unconscious in the stairwell of the hotel were he was staying. I don'T now if it's a work or not but if it'S not i hope that this is not drug related because this is pretty the last thing Jeff or the WWE needs right now. But it'S kinda of funny that just went Jeff was getting close to winning the WWE championship, something weird happens to him.

So in a nutshell, what'S next for Jeff Hardy fans??? I don'T know right now, if what was reported on is a work then maybe we got a shot of seeing him with the championship, if it'S not then let'S just hope that it isn'T drug related and they're not force to fire him because if that happens, you can bet that TNA will pick him up in a heartbeat.
It's really (unfortunately) this simple... if this is not a work, don't ever plan on seeing Jeff Hardy with the WWE Title and don't plan on seeing him in WWE much longer. I am having a SS party with some friends tonight and my personal opinion was that Jeff was finally going to walk out the big winner. I have nothing to back that up because I haven't watched Smackdown since it got moved to MNTV because I don't get it in my area, but it would have been his 2nd ppv in a row in a title match. I thought that said something. However, there's a house show in State College PA next Sat. night where they are advertising HHH vs. Big Show for the title. But we all know that's subject to change in the blink of an eye. But I digress... It's truly sad to see what's happened to Jeff Hardy over the past year. Especially if this is not a work. I don't believe it is a work because most Jeff Hardy fans (casual and "insider") know the situation that Jeff is in with his 2 strikes. WWE would not post that on their website if it wasn't something serious, especially with the time of 4 AM and with SS not even 24 hours away with Jeff as a player in a marquee match. Again, I'll say I don't believe it's a work, but even I hope (because I'm not the world's biggest JH fan) that this is not drug related because as a fan, I've seen Jeff transfrom from a jobber in the mid/late 90's before the Hardys got their huge push into this megastar that is adored by his fans. If this is it for Jeff, it will be truly sad to see Triple H's metaphor about Hardy being just one rung away from the top be a sad reality.
This better be false of him being rushed because i am sick of tired of hearing him and drugs. He had a second chance and he wastes it? Come on does he not see what is happening to other wrestlers? I know that he has to play second fiddle against HHH and lose because we can't have HHH lose the belt (which i do want to see). If this is real I hope he makes it and realize how close he was. Should his trip be his or not his fault it should be a wake up call for him.
All of you internet fans who are crying and whining that "Triple H is burying Jeff Hardy" need to, in the words of Chris Jericho, Shut The Hell Up!

How is anyone else not getting the fact that Jeff Hardy is getting the royal treatment here? He is being treated insanely well - maybe better than he deserves. He isn't being "misused" or "buried." And Triple H isn't screwing him, rather, Triple H is legitimizing him.

Look at it this way - a year ago, internet fans were bitching that feuds went too fast and didn't develop. Cena vs Edge was the only strong, long-term feud we had. WWE was running out of options for long-term title programs.

And from out of nowhere, Jericho / Michaels began, and it's the feud of the year. It has built up well, took time, and made us interested in what would develop each week. And, of course, the matches delivered.

Now, rather than slap the WWE Title on Hardy to get a cheap pop out of the fans, the powers that be are making Hardy TRULY CHASE the belt. HHH is established as the better of the two, and roadblocks keep coming up preventing Hardy from winning. (i.e. Edge) Folks, Jeff Hardy is getting a long-term title build up that will legitimize him as a champion.

Beyond that, they are building Hardy to a championship status the SAME WAY they did Triple H. Upper-mid card star for years, proven connection with the crowd, overcome by sickness resulting from being SO CLOSE for SO LONG, but not "winning the big one." WWF dropped the ball with Jericho's first WCW Title Reign, they won't make that same mistake now.

If - and when - Hardy wins the WWE Title, it will be SO MUCH MORE SATISFYING, because we all had to wait for it. And you know who is largely responsible for that feeling of accomplishment Hardy fans will have at the end of it all?

Triple H.
First thing's first, I've never understood the terminology "___ is getting buried by ___". If McMahon thought Jeff Hardy was better for the company, he'd be the champion. There is no such thing as anyone being 'buried' in the industry. McMahons main objective is to gain viewers and therefore money. Those he thinks will do that get the title. It's as simple as that.

As for Jeff Hardy, it has been annoying me recently that people have been complaining about the way this is going. Who else gets this much time with one of the biggest stars of the last decade? Being beaten by Triple H is NOT something bad. He's not being made to look weak. Looking weak would be losing to Funaki every week. Working with Triple H, regardless of the result, will make you gain a lot. Hardy is being pushed more than almost any star right now.

I agree with almost everything from the above post. Another reason this feud is so long is that WWE want to know they can trust Hardy. Putting the belt on someone with 2(?) strikes on the Wellness Policy isn't the safest thing they could do. The longer Hardy keeps going, and proves he can work well with the best without the need for drugs, the more chance he has of being the champion.
I'm a huge Hardy fan and I agree 100%. Triple H may not be just rolling over and letting Hardy get a clean pin, but he is taking the time and effort to work a solid program with him. Triple H is the top guy and Hardy for the last few months have been working with him. Also it should be noted that Hardy has been in the mainevent scene and since he has been in these matches with HHH he is now seen as a legit maineventer. Although I do wish Hardy would get the title soon, the WWE is deciding to not just put the title on him for the sake of it(CM Punk)but rather make sure Hardy is 100% ready in the fans eyes to hold the belt. The WWE is at the very least investing their time on Hardy and now with the Edge feud they seem to have a real vision for him unlike Punk's reign where it seemed they really had no idea what they were going to do with him.
I agree completely. When you see most matches against trips, he beats everyone seemingly with ease. With Jeff he is actually letting him get close, which will lead to his title run. He is being treated better then half the wrestlers on the roster, and every Jeff fan should be thanking everyone for that.

Jeff is also lucky because he has two strikes against him right now. He is lucky to still be here let alone being treated so good. Many can argue he doesn't deserve all this for this reason, and that argument can be a very valid one.

So to all the Jeff fans who think he isn't being treated good I really hope you read this thread and remember how good he is actually being treated.
All of you internet fans who are crying and whining that "Triple H is burying Jeff Hardy" need to, in the words of Chris Jericho, Shut The Hell Up!

How is anyone else not getting the fact that Jeff Hardy is getting the royal treatment here? He is being treated insanely well - maybe better than he deserves. He isn't being "misused" or "buried." And Triple H isn't screwing him, rather, Triple H is legitimizing him.

Look at it this way - a year ago, internet fans were bitching that feuds went too fast and didn't develop. Cena vs Edge was the only strong, long-term feud we had. WWE was running out of options for long-term title programs.

First things first, if anyone doesn't recognize that Jeff Hardy screwed Jeff Hardy, they are an idiot. It has nothing to do with Triple H, Vince McMahon, or anyone else, it was nothing but Jeff Hardy being an unrepenting addict, a 30 year old pretending that he's still a teenager. It's Jeff Hardy, on Jeff Hardy, plain and simple. I'm not a Triple H fan, but he doesn't deserve the shit end of the stick on the Jeff Hardy burying stick.

And from out of nowhere, Jericho / Michaels began, and it's the feud of the year. It has built up well, took time, and made us interested in what would develop each week. And, of course, the matches delivered.!

Well there's a nice loaded comment coming from the forums biggest Jericho fan, and I'll be sure to be leading the charge against this over rated boring feud in the end of the year awards. All of the matches delivered, hardly. Feud of the year was on Smackdown, and was Edge vs. Taker, and it was leaps and bounds better then anything Jericho and Michaels put on. If you want to watch a good Jericho/Michaels match, watch Wrestlemania 19.

Now, rather than slap the WWE Title on Hardy to get a cheap pop out of the fans, the powers that be are making Hardy TRULY CHASE the belt. HHH is established as the better of the two, and roadblocks keep coming up preventing Hardy from winning. (i.e. Edge) Folks, Jeff Hardy is getting a long-term title build up that will legitimize him as a champion.

Beyond that, they are building Hardy to a championship status the SAME WAY they did Triple H. Upper-mid card star for years, proven connection with the crowd, overcome by sickness resulting from being SO CLOSE for SO LONG, but not "winning the big one." WWF dropped the ball with Jericho's first WCW Title Reign, they won't make that same mistake now.

If - and when - Hardy wins the WWE Title, it will be SO MUCH MORE SATISFYING, because we all had to wait for it. And you know who is largely responsible for that feeling of accomplishment Hardy fans will have at the end of it all?

Triple H.

Triple H, hardly. Again, you don't legitimize a wrestler by letting him beat you twice with a roll up. Shawn Michaels put Jeff Hardy over earlier this year, by, 1) putting on a helluva match, 2) lying on his back and taking Hardy's finishing manuever, and 3) continue to lie on said back while the referee makes a pin fall in a definitive victory. Triple H will have nothign to do with Jeff Hardy winning the title, that will be on the creative team. Until triple H takes a swanton and a 3 count, he should get zero credit for Jeff Hardy.

People are tired of Hardy vs. Triple H, because we've seen this match at least a half a dozen times on pay per view in the last calendar year. We had Armageddon last year, No Way Out this year, the Championship Scramble, No Mercy, Cyber Sunday, Survivor Series. Honestly, how many more times do we want to see this match take place? Nothing wrong with long feuds, but to have essentially the same result each time is a bore.

If Jeff Hardy wins the WWE title, then the backlash if, no when, he strikes out and is fired from the company will be on the WWE. If they want to risk a 2 time abuser, minus his walk out of the comapny in 2002, and his walk out of TNA in 2005, winning their world championship, go on ahead. When Hardy makes a fool of them, it will be on them and every hardy supporter.
Hmmm, this is an interesting thread, but I don't know if I agree with IC totally though. Jeff Hardy's main event push is interesting to say the very least. The guy has come along greatly over the past year and he really shown me he has what it takes to one day win a WWE Championship. Like Shocky said, it's Jeff Hardy himself that has prevented Hardy from winning the big one. Triple H has had good matches with him in the past few months, but without losing to him it really doesn't help Jeff's credibility a great deal.

I am well aware that Hardy has beaten Triple H twice, but via roll up. Winning by a roll up only gives a superstar a "fluke" win. This is not what Jeff Hardy needs in order to truly get over as a legitimate main eventer. I must admit, this whole Hardy WWE Title chasing angle they have going, as made me enjoy Smackdown so much more. A slow long term build is always the best way to go. It's why John Cena and Batista have become more successful than Bobby Lashley and Goldberg. However, one could argue whether or not Jeff deserves to hold the title as it will be a great risk if he were to win the title.

However as much as I love his current push, other fans may have an issue with the fact that if he does win the title at a later date, it won't have the same effect with the crowd. I say this because I thought that Jeff had the perfect opportunity at Survivor Series. He was booked going into his match as looking strong as he defeated the Undertaker and Triple H himself in consequetive weeks. The fans were really getting behind him and his more edgier character worked very well, but yet he wasn't even in the match when Survivor Series took place. A wasted opportunity there.

If Jeff keeps on losing title matches, the fans will become less interested in him. This will result in a lesser reaction when he does win the title, as the fans won't care as much. I do think a long and steady push to the top is what makes a superstar become a legitimate main eventer. But a overlong push, could completely ruin a certain superstars credibility. I really do hope Jeff Hardy wins the WWE Title one day, whether it happens or not is still yet to be determined.
who's complaining. seriously i have not seen any one on this forum complain about jeff being ripped off because of hhh. anyways to what i think.

jeff hardy having a great year. one of the best years any one is having right now. and with what triple h is doing is great. he is making jeff look really strong and himself as strong has he his. e.g. jeff hardy pins triple h at armageddon with a roll up. jeff looses by 1 second in the scamble, jeff gets pinn by triple h at no mercy by a roll up and then jeff pins triple h by a roll up to make it into teh title match at survivor series. see the pattern. roll ups is a good way to make weak people look strong and strong people stay strong. triple h is doing the right thing with jeff. that is all i have to say.
WWE is doing the right thing.

Hardy has very little mic skills, fans would get bored as him fast as champion.

On the flip side, Hardy is insanely over due to his unique look and long standing fan base. This makes him a brilliant choice as a face to CHASE the belt. The fans will constantly pay for each PPV he is in the Main Event because "this might be the night he wins". If WWE were to just give him the title back at Unforgiven or No Mercy when he first fought for it, there'd be no more money to be made off the chase. It'd be over.

A smart move by WWE would be to have Hardy go over in the Main Event of WrestleMania against either Edge or a heel Triple H, only to have the Money In The Bank winner come out and use his championship shot against Hardy to win the belt.

This would allow Hardy to be legitimized as GOOD enough to hold the belt, since he did win it once and only lost it due to having to wrestle twice. This way the novelty of the chase wouldn't wear off, since the fans would know since he's won it once, he could do it again. Hardy could keep chasing the belt.

Bottom line, the chase is greater than the actual title reign. Thus it will make more money.
I love Jeff to death man, but he's not going anywhere anytime soon. If he can stay clean for like Idk, 5 years or so, he may get the gold someday! Great guy, ooses charisma, and is over like you won't believe, but Vince has no faith. Sad really, but that's the story of Jeff Hardy...
I totally agree with Argyle. Jeff Hardy is a much better chaser than a Champion. People will keep paying for his merch, his headlining ppv matches etc as long as he's still trying to get to the top of the mountain. He didn't even get the title in TNA. Granted he wasn't there that long, but he wasn't champ either. I honestly want to see Hardy with the title at least once. One good classic match that he can go over big at a big ppv against a huge heel opponent. I think this whole Edge coming back to win the title is a big setup for Hardy to win the title at WM25. What better place for him to win it? Then let him run with it for 2-3 months and see how ratings are and ppv buys are with him headlining. But capitalize on it. Make him defend it in a ladder match, a tlc match or something of that nature and try to make people buy. I think Triple H has seen his last somewhat lengthy title reign. I understand he's the boss's son-in-law and yadda yadda yadda, but if one man does not need to ever wear that title again for more than 3 months, it's Triple H. Was there really a need for him to have the title for 7 months? No. But I digress. Hardy does deserve one title run even though it is rather risky with his past behavior. If he gets it at WM, I will love it because who else is worthy on Smackdown? Triple H doesn't need it, I don't believe The Undertaker even wants it because he doesn't want the schedule that comes with it. Let Hardy go over Edge at WM and give them a nice rivalry because we haven't seen them one on one ever that I can remember. At least not in a meaningful fued. After Hardy, have Big Show dismantle him at a ppv months down the line and give Show a big heel title run. He deserves one again in my book. Have Hardy or Triple H win it back. If it's Hardy, let a heel Triple H or edge beat him for it more months down the line. This would be another huge set-up about 2 years from now for a big win for a... wait for it.... FACE MVP. You get the fans behind a guy like that, I think MVP could really run with it. If not MVP, give it to a FACE Kennedy. Those 2 guys have more charisma than any superstars that haven't been around for a large amount of time. Now granted the draft will move those faces around slightly obvioiusly in the next 2 years, but I think my rough plan is a damn good one. The only difference I would make with it is PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send MVP to Raw. Anyway... Hardy does deserve it, at least once. We all know he would have had it by now had he not screwed up last year prior to WM24 because he was set to win the MITB match and that we know is an eventual title win for whoever brings down the briefcase. So that's my rant. Oh yeah... somewhere in my plan that I layed out above... please give Shelton Benjamin a couple title shots to see how he operates in a main event slot because I would love to see him headline some ppvs as would everybody else considering he is the most athletic superstar on the roster.

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