The 4-sided ring vs 6-sided ring Discussion thread

I know it doesn't hinder the wrestlers, it does hinder most of their matches (Six Sides Of Steel, Lethal Lockdown, other cage match variants, The Steel Asylum). They can still fix up these structures to suit a 4-sided ring. But what I was trying to say is that it makes it different from the WWE. Having a 4-sided ring could make them a part of the crowd. One of the others. TNA stands out from the indies and WWE because it has a unique product. Fast paced ring action, edgy stories and prominent divisions. I for one think that the six-sided ring is another thing that sets it apart and makes it stand out.

When I first learned of TNA, I became curious about it because of the peculiar ring and eventually I became a fan. I'm not saying without it, TNA will die. But I do think it has become a part of TNA's identity. For me, it would be a shame to see it go.

But just how far will that "hinder" even last? That's my point. Yeah, we'll all miss it the first few weeks, but once the first PPV has passed, I find it difficult to believe that anyone will still be clamoring about how a particular match would be better in the six-sided ring as opposed to the four. The only wrestlers who really even use the six-sided ring well are the X-Division guys, and they're not even carrying the show anymore – the heavyweights are. The focus is much more now on guys like Lashley, Styles, Daniels, Joe, Angle, Wolfe, etc. These guys aren't the ones performing death-defying maneuvers off every facet of the ring – they're the ones who let their real mat-work & ring psychology drive the match.

The gimmick behind "six sides" of steel is no different than the one behind a standard four-sided cage match.

The gimmick behind lethal lockdown is still based around a four-post ring (watch the match again – there are four pillars, not six).

The gimmick behind The Steel Asylum is no different were the ring to have four sides instead of six.
It is an interesting thought and would really be not all that surprising if it happened. However, I think the six sided ring is one of the things that gave TNA its identity in the early days. Sure it really doesn't serve that big pf a purpose in the large scheme of things but it does bring a uniqueness to TNA. That being said, if Hogan wants it gone then it will get gone. What Hogan wants, Hogan gets, that has been proven in every promotion the man has worked for. So heres goodbye to the six sided ring and hello to the new TNAWWE.
It is an interesting thought and would really be not all that surprising if it happened. However, I think the six sided ring is one of the things that gave TNA its identity in the early days. Sure it really doesn't serve that big pf a purpose in the large scheme of things but it does bring a uniqueness to TNA. That being said, if Hogan wants it gone then it will get gone. What Hogan wants, Hogan gets, that has been proven in every promotion the man has worked for. So heres goodbye to the six sided ring and hello to the new TNAWWE.

But that's just it, man – they didn't actually use the six-sided ring as part of their original identity. The Asylum used a four-sided ring, and the six-sided ring is only associated with the product as it pertains to it's television broadcast of iMPACT! and PPV's since 2005. Yes, I realize that's four years worth of history we're talking about potentailly erasing, but again jumping back to my point from the OP – if that's something TNA is willing to do, Hogan is the way to do it. They've been jabbering on and on about "changes" in TNA, so if Hogan is the reason, the reason is legitimate, and it can't be looked at as them simply bailing on something that wasn't working (I'm not saying it wasn't, I'm just speaking hypothetically).

WCW used a four-sided ring. Were they WCWWWF because of it?
I'm a Hulkamaniac through and through, I don't disagree with Hogan, but I don't fully agree either. The Six Sided ring is a symbol of TNA, like the Octagon to UFC. But like the Octogon, it would not matter if it was in a circle, the best moves are seen on the matt. Majority of the matches in TNA does not take advantage of the ring. There is nothing done in that ring that can't be done in a 4 sided ring, other than being able to accommodate more Tag teams in each corner. I think a story line needs to be written, with Hogan making that very Statement, AJ and others can argue against it, and Hogan will say convince me, show me what makes this ring so great. And hopefully they create great matches to make the ring special, but I doubt it. because 90% of the matches don't showcase the ring at all as being anything special.
I don't really care one way or the other. The ring can stay or it can be changed, but TNA's ring has nothing to do with whether or not I'm going to care about the product that TNA puts out.

It's beyond fickle to base like or dislike, interest or noninterest in a wrestling company based upon the size and or shape of its wrestling ring and I simply do not see how this is going to affect TNA's ratings one way or the other. I also very very very much doubt that the shape of TNA's ring has been what's kept millions of American wrestling fans from watching TNA Impact on Spike for the past 4 years.
We all know TNA utilizes a six sided ring for their company. But you gotta ask yourself. Now that the Heavyweights are the center of the company and the X Division plays a secondary role, what's the reason to continue with the six sides?

The original idea behind it was to use it in benefit of the company's X Division. A division of wrestler's who excel in the high flying, fast paced style of "lucha libre mexicana". It worked great and gave the company a unique flavor. However it wasn't the most important trait.

As of late, the heavyweights have taken center stage and Hogan is contamplating the elimination of said trait.

* The X Division benefits from it, as its shape allows the use of more high flying maneuvers from different angles.

* Superheavyweights like Kevin Nash and Abyss benefit from this ring as well, as they don't have to travel much in order to come in contact with an opponent. It can semengly mask their lack of speed because they don't have to run too much from one turnbuckle to the other, therefor allowing them to keep a quicker pace.

* Superheavyweights such as Hernandez benefits greatly from the ring as well. His athletism allows him to even perform several high risk moves (Springboard shoulder tackle, SuperMex Splash, Suicide dive, etc.). Like the X division, he can hit these moves from many more angles.

* It keeps the overall performance of the wrestlers fastpaced. The style TNA has been known for.


* Technical wrestlers tend to keep the action slow and steady. In a six sided ring the opponent will always be close to the ropes whenever he's cought in a submission.

* Many Superheavyweights use their strengh when wrestling. Inside a six sided ring, said wrestler will have a more limited space toss his opponent, therefor limiting his movement in terms of offense.

These are my pro's and con's. My question if you agree with them or not. I am NOT asking if TNA should scrap the six sided ring.
I personally think its a good idea, it's unique, if UFC can have an octagon why can't TNA use a six sided ring.
I think the TNA six sided ring has become a trade mark, I do agree that most of the talent could switch easily between the two and I think it would do have little affect on the talent but as far as TNA's image goes, the X division focuses on this tighter ring and TNA's action is synonymous with it, I think it would be a mistake to drastically change TNA's image like that.
What the fuck kis with everyone bitching about the ring? It's unique to TNA, and has become part of their identity. There's absolutely no reason to complain about it, and there's no need to change it.

TNA had a four-sided ring when they started, and knew they needed something different to stand out. The 6-sided ring was that difference. It's allowed guys like Daniels and AJ to break out and be their own style of wrestler, and has allowed for more gimmick matches than you could imagine.
Well if the ring had more prestige and background to it, I would say, yes, Keep the six side, it's new it's revolutionary. But they have barely have had huge main events that make me scream with amazement of the six-sides. Overall Hogan wants to get TNA off to a good start with traditional wrestling and story lines, and getting rid of gimmick ring will help them out.

If TNA produced die-hard matches that make people enjoy professional wrestling, then ex WWE talent trying to put on a show in six sided ring, we wouldn't be loosing the six-side ring.

I said it time and time again, the six sided ring is a much different and faster style of wrestling. Now, if they wanted to have two rings, that might be a different story. :O)
TNA having a 6 sided ring is NOT being original, it is NOT exclusive to TNA, in Mexico they have been using 6 sided rings before TNA was even around. Get a clue people.
TNA having a 6 sided ring is NOT being original, it is NOT exclusive to TNA, in Mexico they have been using 6 sided rings before TNA was even around. Get a clue people.

And for all of us that live in the USA, and have seen fuck shit to do with Mexican wrestling, the 6-sided ring is unique and original. So, your point is null.

The ring separates TNA from WWE and other companies because no one has it. Why go back to the standard ring, and fall in line with everyone else? TNA is the alternative, and revels in it...No need to change what's working.
And for all of us that live in the USA, and have seen fuck shit to do with Mexican wrestling, the 6-sided ring is unique and original. So, your point is null.

The ring separates TNA from WWE and other companies because no one has it. Why go back to the standard ring, and fall in line with everyone else? TNA is the alternative, and revels in it...No need to change what's working.

I agree. Here in the USA we have WWE and TNA as the main federations we are familiar with. All 3 of WWE's shows use the same ring. TNA has its 6 sided ring and that sets it apart immediately from any WWE show. It catches viewers who might be flipping the channels. "Hey, a 6 sided ring? What the heck is this?" They might say, and decided to watch it a bit. BAM, new fan.

Off topic, but this is my 300th post. Ok, back on topic now.

TNA's 6 sided ring is awesome because it makes them unique and sets them apart from WWE. The old saying goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". That can be said for this situation as well. I really hope TNA never get rid of the 6 sided ring.
Why go back to the standard ring, and fall in line with everyone else? TNA is the alternative, and revels in it...No need to change what's working

If I were rebooting TNA from the ground up, I would go back to the four sided ring, because "our ring has more sides!" isn't really the contrast I'd use to sell people on the product. Be different when you can sell different as superior. Otherwise, why bother?

Changing the ring will not make much difference, by itself.

Scratch that--any difference. No one will stop watching because of a four-sided ring, and no one will start watching because of a four-sided ring.
Is anyone else going to be extremely pissed if Hogan comes in, and the ring is gone? If he's not actually stepping in the ring (as he says :rolleyes:), then what would be the purpose of changing the ring?

TNA and that ring just go together...They were literally going nowhere until they got the ring, and now they're trying to go somewhere by possibly changing it...It all just pisses me off...
I actually think changing the ring back would be a GOOD idea. People are saying it's good because it's what's unique about the company. People do NOT tune in to watch TNA because it has a 6 sided ring. They want compelling stories and great wrestling and hot women. You will never hear someone say "wow the wrestling sucks, the storylines are stupid, and the women need a bag over their head but by god the ring is different, I should watch it"

I recall a few years ago, I was flipping through the channels at 3 a.m., I flip to a channel where there were 2 guys wrestling in a 4 sided wrestling ring. I had no clue who the 2 guys in the ring were (it was for a local promotion) but I knew WHAT they were doing. Wrestling. So me being the wrestling fan I am, I stopped the channel and watched the match. It was intriguing so I watched a few more weeks until the show stopped. That is the mentality people are going to have. If they flip and see a 6 sided ring, they won't know what it is and there is a possibility they won't care and continue to flip the channels. They could think it's a mixed martial arts contest or something. We want some things different but we also crave some things to be the same. It's refreshing. That's why we get so behind catch phrases. There is a comfort to keeping some things the same.
Getting rid of the 6-sided ring is the best idea I've heard out of the TNA organization since I started watching. I've hoped for this since day 1 as I am not a fan of the current set up at all.

A 4-sided ring will give wrestlers more room to work with, less awkwardness on irish whips, more bounce, and give the matches a better flow. Some say the 6 sided ring is what makes TNA unique...I say it makes TNA look more like a cheap rip off because it tells me they are trying so hard to be different from the WWE, that they've gotten rid of one of the basic tools used in pro wrestling.

Go to the traditional ring and how much better the product looks.
The six sided ring is symbolic for only three promotions world wide. Those three are TNA, UWF, and AAA.

TNA just so happens to be the biggest promotion out of the three that uses it. It's a unique twist to the old school four sided ring. It also allows for more teams to be in tag matches. Not to mention, along with the X-Division, the six-sided ring has been put there to show that nobody in wrestling is the same.

I've been inside the UWF six sided ring, and believe me, the feeling of being able to do anything with those two extra sides is amazing. Not to mention, the way that the ropes are tightened gives the highflyers better springs, and better springs equals better spots. Better spots equal more fans who love highflying. More fans of high flying gets the X-Division back to its glory.

Not to mention, let's not forget that TNA's not the only one to have stupid rings... remember that ring that spun in WCW? The same ring that was thought of by Bischoff... The same Bischoff that has his finger up Hogans rear end. So if you ask me, Hogan's just being ******ed and doing anything to get viewers.
TNAs six sided ring actually helps to distinguish them from the WWE which is what they should be doing to attract new viewers.

I think the six sided ring is useful for certain gimmick matches like the Ultimate X and the Lethal Lockdown matches so i'm all for it.

If Hogan actually is the reason behind the loss of the six sided ring in TNA anytime soon then fans would have a right to complain.
The six-sided ring is the only thing that doesn'T make them look like an indy fed right now so why take that away from them. Hogan want to take that away because he doesn't want to adapt and learn how to work inside that ring. I Six sided ring might expose the fact that he not able to deliver the goods anymore, that's the real reason why he wants to take away the six-sided ring.

The ratings won'T change if they get rid of the six-sided ring at all because even with Hogan, it's still will be look upon as and indy fed. The only way TNA will be able to get better ratings in be look upon has a legit fed is to get out of the IMPACT Zone, especially for PPV but that another subject for another thread. Until TNA decides to get out of the IMPACT Zone, i say keep the six-sided ring because that the only thing they got left that actually make them look more then just another indy fed.
A 4-sided ring will give wrestlers more room to work with, less awkwardness on irish whips, more bounce, and give the matches a better flow.

:headscratch: What the hell are you talking about? The 6-sided ring has a ton more space than a 4-sided ring. Each side is 2 feet shorter than the WWE ring, but there's still 6 sides, rather than 4. How would there be more space in a smaller ring?

There is no awkwardness on Irish whips. I have no clue what you mean. What match are you watching, where there's any awkwardness?

As far as a better flow, you're just wrong. You take the X Division matches, and place them in a 4-sided ring, and you get absolutely no flow. They don't have the angles to work off, and they don't have the extra space for getting speed going, and getting more than 3 guys going with spots.
I don't think the ring itself is the problem. It's poorly trained camera men thats the problem. If you have ever noticed during a WWE broadcast, the camera VERY RARELY gets the entire ring from side to side in one shot, even though it could. This is done on purpose to give the ring a sense of depth and being bigger than it really is. WCW and now TNA are notorious for getting the entire ring in one shot. The problem with this you ask? It makes the entire show seem low budget. It comes off more as Smokey Mountain Wrestling than a show getting ready to go head to head with WWE. If the camera crew would take more professional angles of the action, you'd never know WWE had more money than TNA. It's a small thing that can go along way to making or breaking a show.
When I first started watching TNA I kind of wished they had a 4 sided ring, because I thought it would somehow make TNA feel more like a big time company. There is the occasional awkwardness in Irish whips, or springing off the ropes, but switching back to a 4 sided ring would probably cause some awkwardness too.

Now I don't care one little bit how many sides the ring has. I feel complaining about it either way makes you seems pretty idiotic( no offense anybody lol). The number of sides in the ring shouldn't matter AT ALL. Let the wrestlers employed by TNA vote on it, if its that big of a deal.
Please, oh please go back to the traditional squared circle. For some reason, I could never get into TNA because of that ring. I felt it was too gimmicky. Makes wrestling seem even more less serious, if that is possible. Non wrestling fans look at TNA, see the ring and laugh their ass off. Not exactly the norm from WWF days. If TNA goes back to old school, I will start watching TNA religiously. Before, I can count on my hands how many times I've seen a TNA show.
Let's make this whole debate a lot simpler. Who is TNA's most well known "homegrown" wrestler? AJ Styles. What makes AJ so phenomenal? His speed, agility, and athleticism.

The extra angles, the added turnbuckles, the gimmick matches borne from the ring...they all made AJ Styles who he is. He was good in the four-sided ring, but he became the star in the six-sided ring. You take that ring away, he immediately comes down a peg, and that drags the entire company down with him.

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