A Year Since it's Been Gone; Would You Want the Six-Sided Ring Back?

I like the six-sided ring. It gave the X-division guys more stuff to bounce off of, and made the Ultimate X Match and Six Sides of Steel matches look awesome. Also, it annoyed the WWE fanboys who claim not to watch TNA anyway.

Or maybe they should invest in an octagon, with MMA being so popular, and both feds making some subtle and some not-so-subtle nods to it...maybe instead of looking like WWE, they should look like UFC.
Simple fact of the matter is, TNA faces far more pressing and important issues than the number of sides on their wrestling rings. I cannot imagine why people could really care one way or another about whether they feature 4 sides on their rings or 6.

If the in ring product does not get better, if the back stage segments don't start making more sense, or if the story lines don't dramatically improve, people aren't going to care if the ring has four sides, six sides, or if they are competing in a cardboard box.

If they continue to be preoccupied with WWE, yet continue to be schooled by them, and continue to lose talent to them, the aesthetics of the ring will be irrelevant. TNA just lost Kevin Nash and Booker T to the big leagues. Rumours are swirling that Sting is about to follow in two weeks time (although I personally still don't believe this to be the case). Angle's contract expires in August. Jeff Hardy's legal woes are still hovering. Matt Hardy is still fat and irrelevant. Anderson is still injury prone. You would have to worry that patience may be wearing thin for such guys as Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, or RVD. I think if I was affiliated with TNA, I would be far more concerned with factors such as these, and less so with a dozen TNA marks sitting in the front row chanting about six sides.
This is a tough one.

I dunno if it's bothered anyone else, and I may get flak for being nit-picking, but the turnbuckles on the current ring really annoy me. They just look like the same ones from the 6-sided ring and don't really fit as well. It's maybe also because they are quite wide and the ring, as has been mentioned, is a bit small for a 4-sided ring. As I said, I'm probably nit-picking.

What would be good to see would be the finals of this X-Division championship tournament take place in the 6-sided ring as a nice gesture to the glory days of the X Division. However as both the Bucks are in the final and haven't worked (as far as I know) in a 6-sided ring could be a big hindrance.
If it were to come back, I would prefer it if it were just for the X Division guys as it suits them a lot more and could potentially draw names from Mexico for another 'World Cup' thing they did a few years ago. However to just have it for the X Division guys would probably mean having it as an Xplosion exclusive which could have it's drawbacks; less exposure on Impact, could be seen as relegating rather than enhancing the X Division, having all the high-fliers on one show is perhaps niche marketing.

So maybe not seeing it back permanently, but it means a lot to those who have been watching TNA for a while so it would be nice to see it now and again.

It's a pointless gimmick that brought nothing to the company that the company didn't already have. NWA-TNA wrestled in a four-sided ring for years, and the same X Division performed (admirably, might I add) there as they did in that six-sided spectacle that only had six sides to be gimmicky for gimmicks sake.

It's gone. It's dead. Let it go.
I bet if the WWE debuts a Six-side ring at a PPV people on here would mark out.

I don't understand some of the people that post on this board. I mean come on what tuned me into TNA was the six sides and the faster pace of wrestling.Now that they slowed it down and tried to mirror WWE with stories and what not and people hate it.Give TNA and the fans a break. TNA can't win for losing with most people on this board.

Can someone tell me what is professional as far as wrestling rings go?

People are just used to the WWE and the four sides, that it nothing more than people afraid to move to another direction.

To be honest the quality of matches has gone down since they changed the ring to four sides.Six sides did really let some people on TNA roster shine.I say bring back the six-sides.Stupid marks will always find something to complain about.


They (Marks) bash TNA, because they can't follow a story that makes a person actually think.Oh! No! they need a replay becuase their brain can't afford to think a week back.They bash TNA for hiring veterans good or bad but if the go back to WWE then that's a different story.Really!Really!Really?

TNA was a different kind of wrestling and that is what I loved about it wasn't the WWE which treat you like your mindless.

People bash TNA because of it's stories, but tell me why is Cena feuding with someone else besides Punk.Why is Punk feuding with Orton all of a sudden?

How can Nexus not defeat Santino and Koz, but there a group to be reckoned with?

Why was Husky laying on all four just waiting for 5min to receive a boot to the head from Orton? Couldn't he just roll out the ring?

Why is there a laptop that controls matches almost instantly as soon as the action happens?Please explain to me how that works logically?They bash TNA for stories but WWE has a laptop as GM and that's OK.REALLY?

TNA is TNA ,so bring back SIX SIDES!
maybe baseball can change and be played on a triangle field?

maybe football can change and be played on a circle field?


how long has professional wrestling been around? as far as I remember it has always been done in a 4 sided ring. that's wrestling.

you could use the AFL(Arena Football League) as an example. it is not played on the same size/type of field as the NFL, but it's still football. if you want to be different just for being different then fine, but if you ever want TNA to grow and be seriously compared to the WWE ..then being different just to be different is not the way to go.

it was nice in the beginning when TNA was young/unknown and wanted to give wrestling fans a reason to watch them instead of/along with the WWE.
ok folks lets break this down as simple as possible, when tna started they had a 4 sided ring like every american wrestling company in history. SO where did the 6 sided ring come from lets try AAA in mexico folks. TNA was signing many mexican wrestlers from AAA so TNA copy AAA, so how can the 6 sided ring be a TNA original when it started in AAA. But folks I have a news flash i think the 6sided ring may be dead for ever i was watching AAA on 2/6/2011 AND GUEST what i saw yes the famouse 4 sided ring this the 1st time AAA use a 4 sided ring since I believe early 2000's. RIP 6 sided ring
This is simple. If the workers can handle the ring, I say return it. It is called gimmicky and makes the place seem unprofessional by complete subjectivity as it looks just as pro as any televised, international promotion. Fact is, when I think of TNA..I think of Styles, Daniels, and Joe in a 6 sided ring. The reason TNA marks rail SO hard against people who are against the rings, is that from what we see the change only came around due to old, wasted talent pulling strings.

All this whining over tradition and how it was is confusing. Lemme guess, Nash should still be main eventing? Come on, people. Things change, and evolve. Going backwards is rarely progressive.
Nope... Not even a little bit.

Sure, it was a nice alteration to the norm that got TNA over in the beginning. People would reference it as the first thing they would say to you when they asked you if you knew what TNA was and that was fine. However, TNA is a legitimate wrestling company and a 4-sided ring is so much more professional looking and there really cannot be anything said more about that. Since day one, wrestling has been done in a four-sided ring and that is the way it should be. There is less scope for botches and it just looks correct from a casual viewers point of view.

In terms of separating TNA from the crowd, I guess a lot of people will miss it but TNA has so many more attributes to make them different from the Indy promotions of the United States and they should be bragging about those. The six-sided ring is dead and buried and that is the way it should stay, I think.
FUCK NO!!!!!

I have no desire to see the 6 sided ring back. When TNA first started guess what kind of ring it was thats right it was 4 sided. I also know some wrestling fans that I told watch TNA when they had the 6 sided ring and they told to me that it looked ******ed and why don't they just use a regular 4 sided ring. The 6 sided ring was good but I don't miss it all it because it does not MATTER one bit. TNA has bigger problems that should and need to be addressed before worrying about something as inconsequential as how many sides the Ring has.
Idk why you guys honestly bash on TNA so much, it's like you guys can't make up your mind on what you guys want. Me honestly i'm with those who want six sides back! Honestly I think what TNA's problem is their trying to follow the IWC interest but their dealing with a bunch of marks who themselves don't know what they want to see in wrestling. You guys argue that the story inside the ring has gone down the product has gone down have you guys thought to think that what made TNA was their X-division noone had seen anything like it. It was more fast paced and there were several out there that could really shine in the ring. Before Hogan and Bichoff went off and changed things who really argued about the look of the ring, it was new it was something different it gave more to the fans to enjoy. TNA critics are so quick to bash that their not the WWE but yet they have so many reasons to bash the WWE but yet still find hornswoggle entertaining, love Santino's cobra. I mean really TNA is it's own product and WWE is it's own.
I bet if the WWE debuts a Six-side ring at a PPV people on here would mark out.

I don't understand some of the people that post on this board. I mean come on what tuned me into TNA was the six sides and the faster pace of wrestling.Now that they slowed it down and tried to mirror WWE with stories and what not and people hate it.Give TNA and the fans a break. TNA can't win for losing with most people on this board.

Can someone tell me what is professional as far as wrestling rings go?

People are just used to the WWE and the four sides, that it nothing more than people afraid to move to another direction.

To be honest the quality of matches has gone down since they changed the ring to four sides.Six sides did really let some people on TNA roster shine.I say bring back the six-sides.Stupid marks will always find something to complain about.


They (Marks) bash TNA, because they can't follow a story that makes a person actually think.Oh! No! they need a replay becuase their brain can't afford to think a week back.They bash TNA for hiring veterans good or bad but if the go back to WWE then that's a different story.Really!Really!Really?

TNA was a different kind of wrestling and that is what I loved about it wasn't the WWE which treat you like your mindless.

People bash TNA because of it's stories, but tell me why is Cena feuding with someone else besides Punk.Why is Punk feuding with Orton all of a sudden?

How can Nexus not defeat Santino and Koz, but there a group to be reckoned with?

Why was Husky laying on all four just waiting for 5min to receive a boot to the head from Orton? Couldn't he just roll out the ring?

Why is there a laptop that controls matches almost instantly as soon as the action happens?Please explain to me how that works logically?They bash TNA for stories but WWE has a laptop as GM and that's OK.REALLY?

TNA is TNA ,so bring back SIX SIDES!

I agree with you on this one chrome people i have no clue why people on here are so biased to the wwe i mean sure TNA has made its mistakes like hiring the drugged out hardy boys or hogan and bischoff but so has the wwe i mean seriously like chrome said husky harris and randy orton that punt took way to long and lets face it the GM laptop is without a doubt the stupidest thing in the past 6 or so years so wwe fan boys why is it ok to bash TNA for its mistakes but over look the wwe mistakes? its a double standard but to answer the thread i prefer six sides it made matches better because there were more spots for ultimate x and the x division in general and lets face it x division made TNA
I personally really liked the 6 sided ring but I don't think we will ever see it back.

I went to the UK tour at Wembley this year and was sitting right behind to the ring bell assistant and JB. Before the show began some of the ring technicians were doing some final tests to the ring and I asked one of them about the 6 sided ring and if we will ever see it again. He explained to me that there was a lot more tension on the ropes than on the 4 sided ring and most of the wrestlers didn't like this for various reasons. He said to me that his not heard of any plans at this time for it to return but if we do it would be at a PPV return. He did go into some more detail about it but I can't really remember what he said. Main reason though was to do with the tension of the ropes and how long they are.

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