7 Months Gone Of The Six Sided Ring

I didn't think it mattered untiI attended a TNA house show just before they took it overseas and left it there. Six sides means six posts and for fans looking straight on or up to the ring it was just 2 more obstructions to your view. Also when wrestlers use the ropes for momentum there always had to a realignment(extra step) to square up for ring crossing manuevers a second delay that took away from the fluidity of the match. It kept a good match from being a great match.
Also a four sided ring works much better for traditional 4 man tag team wrestling match scenarios like when a beaten guy or gal is fighting to get to the corner for a tag.
As mentioned before, the 6 sided ring looked gimmicy. With the 4 sided ringt TNA looks more like a legitimate wrestling orginization. The action off the longer ropes is much better too. Going to 4 sides was Hogans first move, and it was a good one. Say what you want but TNA just keeps getting better.
The lack of young stars being pushed? Really? Are we back to that cliche again?:

Hardly a cliche when almost all of the wrestlers in a certain promotion that can be legitimately labeled stars are old enough to qualify for the senior citizens discount at the local Sizzler.

Yeah let's play along with you for a second and just imagine that MCMG, Rob Terry, Beer Money, Ink Ink, Jay Lethal, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Anderson, Pope, Kazarian, Kendrick, Doug Williams, Samoa Joe, and Abyss aren't being pushed. Yeah those guys aren't being pushed. They're all being buried by Hogan's big leg drop. :rolleyes:

Rob Terry is beyond terrible, he isn't over with fans and definitely can't be called a "star" by any stretch. Just because he was saddled with a prop championship for 6 months doesn't mean he's a star or anymore over than he was prior to winning it. Ink Inc's push has pretty much stopped and they haven't been seen in close to a month, Matt Morgan is quickly being relegated to jobber status, Anderson has a single lame catchphrase and his win over Matt Morgan last Thursday was literally the first match he's won since February, The Pope has been out of action for months and has cut a single promo and wrestled a single match that he lost, Kendrick is absolutely irrelevant and was made to look like an impotent bitch by Kevin Nash last Thursday, Samoa Joe is being booked in random and ultimately meaningless matches and hasn't had a significant feud in TNA throughout the entire year and Abyss is every bit as lame as he used to be only he's now carries around a 2x4 with nails in it that he thinks is his girlfriend. As to the Guns and Beer Money, they're four of the wrestlers that've made TNA watchable for most of this year. Kazarian is also someone that's largely irrelevant at this point and if he does manage to get over, it will be because he'd be surrounded by much more talented wrestlers. Kazarian is quickly on his way to becoming the Lex Luger of Fortune. Doug Williams is also one of the only bright spots in the X-Divisiion in a very long time but he was also made to look largely irrelevant by Kevin Nash last week. Nash took out the guy that took him out with the casual ease of brushing off a fly, which doesn't do Williams any favors either. As I said in my original post, TNA is pushing some wrestlers that are outright weak while some of the more talented ones are being left to rot basically.
It's sad to see some of these responses. It seems that no matter what is being talked about with TNA...the detractors will constantly bring up the "young guys aren't being pushed! Hogan is holding them back!" dead horse that has been beaten into dust.

People are constantly looking for anything to complain about these days. If people who hated TNA before - hated the 6 sided ring? They now pretend they "miss" it because it's gone. It's becoming tiresome.

As for the younger guys not getting any pushes. The older guys certainly aren't holding the titles. RVD is right now only because it was negotiated in his contract and I think hiring RVD was entirely unnecessary and set them back in a way. It certainly wasn't "Hogan's idea" that RVD win the title right away and hold it for a long time. It's all in the negotiations and contracts with some of the veterans. I'm willing to believe, like myself, that if they had it their way - RVD wouldn't have won ANY title except perhaps the X Division one for a very short period of time. There's no reason for him to be World Champion right now. Everybody knows this...including Hogan. The only person who doesn't know this...is RVD himself...which is why he negotiated it in the first place.

This "blame everything on Hogan and Bischoff" routine is getting old. They're doing the best they can with what they have. They don't have Ted Turner's money to use any longer and they don't have the resources WWE has either. You can't compare the two. It's apples and oranges. They also don't want to create another ECW either. It's been done and ECW never made it past a 3rd rate small market product that didn't last more than 9 years anyway. I don't think TNA is shooting for an ECW like run...but they also know they're not going to wake up and be the WWE or old WCW overnight either. It's a process that people should be patient with. Although, it's 2010 and people can't be patient anymore. Everybody wants results immediately. Unfortunately.
It's Damn Real you want one reason why TNA needs the six sided ring back and not the four sided ring well it's recognition its the only thing TNA is complain at not having enough. The six sided ring put TNA on the map because it was new and the fans who wanted to see something more than WWE watched TNA. Now it has the four sided ring and now it feels like WCW and WWE its nothing new and the six sided ring is different.

I personally think the Six sided ring should be in TNA because it annoyed me Hogan/Bishoff took it away because they wanted WCW 2.0 and Monday night war 2.0 which everybody new they would fail but they tried so I applaud TNA for having guts.
It's Damn Real you want one reason why TNA needs the six sided ring back and not the four sided ring well it's recognition its the only thing TNA is complain at not having enough. The six sided ring put TNA on the map because it was new and the fans who wanted to see something more than WWE watched TNA. Now it has the four sided ring and now it feels like WCW and WWE its nothing new and the six sided ring is different.

I personally think the Six sided ring should be in TNA because it annoyed me Hogan/Bishoff took it away because they wanted WCW 2.0 and Monday night war 2.0 which everybody new they would fail but they tried so I applaud TNA for having guts.

That's not the kind of recognition they want though. They don't want to be recognized for having a different ring than every single other wrestling promotion of the past. That's a pretty drastic change that traditionalists literally won't like and won't give a chance...while having a traditional 4-sided ring won't necessarily drive anybody away at all. Sure it's "different" and separates itself from WWE but that's not what they need. They need to separate themselves with perhaps a pay-per-view with the 6 sided ring. Not a mandatory 6 sided ring at all times.

Where are you getting this WCW 2.0 garbage? I don't get it. Why do people say this? They try and get TNA some recognition by bringing in a few known veterans and all of the sudden it's ONLY because they want to remake WCW. No, sorry to disappoint you but that's exactly what is NOT happening.

TNA doesn't need a different ring in order to separate themselves from WWE. First they need to establish themselves anyway...then they can tweek things to separate themselves from their competition. Adding new ideas to separate yourself from "soon-to-be" competition isn't the answer right now.

Improve your current product to a point where you are satisfied...and THEN you can tweek things here and there to make yourself stand out. Like I said, having a pay-per-view with the 6 sided ring, IMO, would be a great idea. Having the 6 sided ring every single day of the week is not a great idea.
It's Damn Real you want one reason why TNA needs the six sided ring back and not the four sided ring well it's recognition its the only thing TNA is complain at not having enough. The six sided ring put TNA on the map because it was new and the fans who wanted to see something more than WWE watched TNA. Now it has the four sided ring and now it feels like WCW and WWE its nothing new and the six sided ring is different.

I personally think the Six sided ring should be in TNA because it annoyed me Hogan/Bishoff took it away because they wanted WCW 2.0 and Monday night war 2.0 which everybody new they would fail but they tried so I applaud TNA for having guts.

So what you are saying is gimmick recognition, even in the event it provides a more difficult working environment for half your roster is more important than establishing an actual identity otherwise? Yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense – about as much as a shit-flavored lollipop.

Also, a four-sided ring is only indicative of the WWE, all of a sudden? What, they're "copying" Vince again? Vince created the four-sided ring? It's his copyrighted creation? Please, man – your point is moot.

So, again, like I've said before, and I'll say it again now – anyone who thinks TNA needs six-sides back, tell me one thing the six-sided ring provides that a four-sided ring can't. One. That's it. One single, solitary aspect that can't be duplicated and I'll rescind my argument that it was little more than a gimmick designed to try to steal some of the same success the octagon did for the UFC and modern cage-fighting syndicates.

Until then, my point stands – six-sides was little more than a gimmick designed to try to steal some of the same success the octagon did for the UFC and modern cage-fighting syndicates.
I think they should make Xplosion an all x-division show and bring the x-division tittle over there and have only it be fought over. They should also have a 6-sided ring.
I think it might really make it a success, who agrees?
I really don't miss the 6-sided ring one bit. I really thought I did. I thought that was what gave TNA its edge, and made it unique. But I realized it was just their talented roster, and creative match formulas. I will say I think using the smaller ring is a bad idea, but the Impact Zone just can't handle anything bigger. And that's pretty much the problem. They need to get the heck out of Universal Studios. Now, they don't need to be using the Allstate Arena in Chicago or anything, but they need the full sized official ring, and they need room to move around on the outside. The can barely do outside moves, and it's severely limiting the quality of the high flying matches, in my opinion. I'm glad TNA went 4-sided, but they need a bigger area to really make it take effect.

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