Six Sides - Forgotten?

I don't think it really matters after all.

If you have good talent they can perform well in a 4, 6, 8 sided ring. If you have bad wrestlers they wont be better by changing the ring. So I think the product didn't suffer at all, in fact, I think it benefited TNA Wrestling in general.

Casual fans that watched TNA Wrestling might looked at the six sides ring and thought it was unprofessional, or at least, 'cheap'. The big wrestling companies all have four sides, and the reason why is because there is a rich tradition behind it. I'm not saying that TNA should erase the memory of their fans about their past in the six sided ring, because they did have great matches but I think in the long run the four sided ring will help them a lot.
I don't think it really matters after all.

If you have good talent they can perform well in a 4, 6, 8 sided ring. If you have bad wrestlers they wont be better by changing the ring. So I think the product didn't suffer at all, in fact, I think it benefited TNA Wrestling in general.

Casual fans that watched TNA Wrestling might looked at the six sides ring and thought it was unprofessional, or at least, 'cheap'. The big wrestling companies all have four sides, and the reason why is because there is a rich tradition behind it. I'm not saying that TNA should erase the memory of their fans about their past in the six sided ring, because they did have great matches but I think in the long run the four sided ring will help them a lot.

Yeah, but you have to remember that TNA during the Asylum years started in a 4 sided ring. It was only when they went to the Impact Zone until last year that they had the six sided ring. So most of the original TNA talent had already wrestled in the two types of rings. Anyways four sides ring is way better in my opinion.
Do you still miss the 6-sides? No at all. I was glad they got rid of the six-sides. I enjoyed how different it was at first, but after awhile, I just didn't care. When they changed back to the traditional four-sides, it was a breath of fresh air. Four-sides is traditional pro wrestling. The way it should be.

Looking back, was it a good idea to change to 4-sides? Yes.

Will TNA ever revert to the 6-sided ring? No. The only possibility where they would revert back, would be for a one night deal for a PPV or something, but I HIGHLY doubt it. And I hope they NEVER do.

People need to give it up already though. We will never see six-sides in TNA again and that's the way it should be. Period.
Why do people think TNA invented or discover the Hexagon Ring ?
1. TNA used the Hexagon Ring from 2004-2010 ( 6yrs )
2. AAA used the Hexagon Ring from 1992-2011 ( 19yrs )

The Hexagon was never a TNA original idea, but it may out live TNA.
I liked the six sides, it allowed the X-Division guys something different to work with. But outside of the X-Division, which is all but dead now, it didn't really matter.

When they got rid of it I was disappointed because I liked the look of it and it worked well for Cage matches but I honestly couldn't care either way at this point. It's not about what the ring looks like, it's what they guys do inside that ring that's most important. While TNA has made some horrible decisions booking and story line wise, there are always one or two solid matches on every card with or without the 6 sides.

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