The dirtiest player in the game.
After watching wrestling since I was 8, I stopped when WCW folded and wasn't even aware of TNA. I tuned in the first night Hogan arrived out of curiosity. My first look at the 6 sided ring had me thinking this is gonna be like another Hogan midget wrestling show that will last 3 episodes and be canceled. It just didn't look like a pro wrestling ring, it looked like a ring that would be used on a gimmick show like American Gladiators. I know you hard cores will say that's what made TNA different, but if I were flipping through the channels knowing nothing about TNA and saw a 6 sided ring, I would keep flipping. Switching to the 4 sided ring is the smartest thing Hogan has done to date. When the switch was made AJ said in an interview that it was a lot easier on the body and you got much better spring off the ropes because they were longer. Bottom line: TNA looks like a real pro wrestling promotion to those who haven't seen it before.