The 2012 Presidential Campaign has begun.

Lord no. Not Presidential material. He'd make a good Attorney General.

As a fellow pot smoker I'd think you'd be deadset against Giuliani doing anything, with what he did with NY drug laws, enforcing the Rockefeller laws and such so hardcore.

Giuliani is the definition of a joke as a politician. The ONLY reason he was popular enough to make a run for President was because of 9/11. That's it. Personally I don't think just because you happened to be the mayor of a city that get's attacked by terrorists qualifies you for President. Especially when you're as big of a clueless jackass as Giuliani is.
He took out the mob. The fucking mob!

He changed Times Square from a red light district into a family tourist area. He made New York City saf....err.....less dangerous.
The US attorney's office is the one that used RICO to take down everyone, much like The Dark Knight. That US attorney- Rudy.

That being said, I don't give two shits about him.
I´m not into american politics but hell even I know that Palin is nothing but a joke.

Her as president ? She would represent the USA, she had to deal with the likes of Ahmadinejad, Putin and Kim Jong. She can´t handle that !!! She was fooled by some random guy pretending to be Sarkozy on the phone, she would declare war on the High-school her son just lost in Hockey to.

Can you name anyone that can deal with those guys? They're loose cannons...Even if you think you have them where you want/need them, you don't. You can't trust people like that, and they're damn near impossible to work with...
I´m not into american politics but hell even I know that Palin is nothing but a joke.

Her as president ? She would represent the USA, she had to deal with the likes of Ahmadinejad, Putin and Kim Jong. She can´t handle that !!! She was fooled by some random guy pretending to be Sarkozy on the phone, she would declare war on the High-school her son just lost in Hockey to.

Angela Merkel has some big jugs. Man, I am a horrible person, objectifying a political leader!

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