
We should look for a president who is going to cut the military budget and start spending less

look at the how much america spend on military compared to every other country

Look how much our america spends on military and look how much they spend on everything else and we wonder why our economy sucks.

Over 600 billion dollars goes to the military while so much of that money could be used to fix up our economy help out the poor help the middle class. Why don't we focus more money on health care since you get treated better at Guantanamo Bay? Instead of bombing other countries we should be feeding other countries. Look what America has been doing since we went to war. Money being spent on a pointless war where innocent people have been killed. Look at all the civilians that have been killed in this war. Innocent people with children who did nothing but we say how about another 600 billion dollars. On 9/11 when they say all the people who die why don't they name anyone who was bombed in Afghanistan, every day is like 9/11

This is what that 600 billion dollars is being spent on. Do you think that kid is a terrorist?

Do you ever worry that all your future holds is cuffs and shackles?

You're a nutjob!

Why don't we spend 0 on the military budget? Real smart, dumbass.
In one thread we have 2-3 highly educated people arguing over politics. In another, we have two borderline mentally ******ed people arguing about politics.

We take all types here.
In one thread we have 2-3 highly educated people arguing over politics. In another, we have two borderline mentally ******ed people arguing about politics.

We take all types here.

Am I one of the ******ed ones?

If so, how so?
If you have to ask if your one of the ******ed ones then that means you are. Well spending 0 dollars would just be silly I did say spend less read before you ramble. Yeah I'm going to be in jail because I'm such a bad criminal I'm like scum of the earth lowest of the lows.

You leave just as dumb responses as everyone else so I'm not just singling you out. How can you just sit there clueless it's sad how you don't get it? We have a government that doesn't care for us one that is completely controlled by corporations and big banks. How can you just accept that we spend 600 billion dollars to kill people when are country is falling off a cliff. So with they you guys seem to I fit in better if I said this "go ship more troops to get killed by the way increase the budget 600 billion isn't enough".
If you have to ask if your one of the ******ed ones then that means you are. Well spending 0 dollars would just be silly I did say spend less read before you ramble. Yeah I'm going to be in jail because I'm such a bad criminal I'm like scum of the earth lowest of the lows.

You leave just as dumb responses as everyone else so I'm not just singling you out. How can you just sit there clueless it's sad how you don't get it? We have a government that doesn't care for us one that is completely controlled by corporations and big banks. How can you just accept that we spend 600 billion dollars to kill people when are country is falling off a cliff. So with they you guys seem to I fit in better if I said this "go ship more troops to get killed by the way increase the budget 600 billion isn't enough".

Your an entire post is racist and I don't believe you'd be saying such things if Obama weren't the President. I dont care what you or Nate think of me, I'm a good human being and I want the best for this country.

Obama is trying his hardest because he took over the worst country in the history and just because you can't fix hell in 3 years doesn't mean he isn't doing the right thing.

Under Obama, America will be a great and freedom nation once again. Under Romney, you might as well get the gas chambers running and I ain't even kidding. People are scurred for they lives if Romney wins as they should be.

I find voting for a president to be a waste of time two reasons why

Your either voting for a giant douche or a turd sandwich

And there is no such thing as an election politictans just buy there way into the election. Look at when Bush stole the President election from Gore. Everyone knows that Gore actually won but when your brother is the governor of Florida it's easy to steal an election, Looks like Mitt is trying to steal the election for himself. His son Tagg bought Ohio's voting machines, yes his name is really Tagg. Typical Republican move our country will go down the toilet with Mitt Romney as president.
Wow south park quotes, you are great man.

You don't vote? Do you spoil the ballot? No? Then four cars.
I never heard a more true comparison to the presidential election than that episode of South Park.

I would think that Obama is the Giant Douche

and Mitt is the Turd Sandwich

Now Mitt has Ohio's voting machines. How can we trust this man? He is working on stealing his way into the white house. I wonder if Mitt and Tagg will continue to buy more voting machines.

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