Mitt Romney fullly crosses into realm of pathological liar; Democrats following?


Excellence of Execution
Mitt Romney blamed President Barack Obama for mischaracterizing his positions and forcing him to spend more time fund-raising, as the GOP presidential candidate looked to turn around his campaign trajectory and end a difficult week. ...

"He's trying to fool people into thinking that I think things that I don't," Romney told reporters on his campaign charter plane. ...

"He says I was in favor of liquidating the automobile industry - nothing could be further from the truth… He says I'm in favor of lowering taxes on wealthy people. No I'm not," Romney said, and he criticized Democratic campaign commercials. "He keeps running these things even though he knows they're wrong and saying them in rallies even though he knows they're wrong."

I thought the fact that Obama is forcing Romney to spend more time fund-raising was hilarious.

But I have to love how Romney says he's not in favor of lowering taxes on wealthy people, when I watched him just last night on 60 Minutes say he wants to reduce the upper rate on taxes from 35% to 28%, as well as reduce the capital gains tax, which is how he (and many other wealthy people) makes most of his income. Mitt Romney has officially crossed over to pathological liar.

As for the Democrats:

One week after the release of hidden camera clips of Mitt Romney from a private fundraiser rocked the race for the White House, the Obama campaign is using the controversial comments in a new television commercial that they say will start running Monday.

In the 30 second ad, the narrator gets straight to the point, saying “Mitt Romney attacked 47% of Americans who pay no income tax, including veterans, the elderly and disabled."...

One of the clips is incorporated in the new spot. “My job is not to worry about those people,” Romney says while standing at the podium.

The narrator then asks viewers “doesn’t the President have to worry about everyone?”

Congratulations Democrats, you now have your "You didn't build that moment" to shamelessly misrepresent and lie about.
It is hardly surprising. No sane person can actually keep all the nonsense you have to pretend to believe to try and get elected as a Republican straight nowadays. That should have been the first warning sign on Bush. Hopefully people remember that when Paul Ryan runs.

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