Ahh, but Sly's example did not say that the entire cost of the car was contained within that 10 dollars, just the car itself, with no mention of maintenance, fuel, insurance, or anything like that.
Because those things are irrelevant. You're just focusing on them because otherwise you've got nothing to refute the point with.
So, you can't assume that all of the other costs were rolled into it. Sly's example dealt with the purchase of the automobile itself, and the automobile only. I am only going by what was given in the scenario, you are assuming what wasn't there.
Actually you can. The hypothetical scenario isn't about the economics of running the damn cars. It's a simplified analogy about the distribution of wealth. The impact to the finances of a car company is the same if ten people buy one car as one person buying ten. However, the person who has ten cars has far more cars than he will ever want or need.
Or to put it another way, 400 people having the same combined wealth as 150 million. Oh I know that the scaling is off in Sly's example but it's still understandable.
Okay, so disprove it. If it's so pathetic, it should be rather easy.
The point --> .

you ^^^
This is a graphic representation of you and the example. I can't disprove what you're saying because you're talking about something entirely different. Instead of arguing about the distribution of wealth you're arguing about running a car, nitpicking at irrelevant details and missing the entire point. Or to demonstrate using my own example.
A hospital has $100 to spend on its renal patients. For that money it can give one patient a kidney transplant or put 10 patients on dialysis. Which should it do?
Me: They should put 10 patients on dialysis because that way they're saving the lives of 10 people rather than just 1.
You: They should give one patient a new kidney because dialysis isn't going to fix their failed kidneys whereas a new kidney would. This means they're going to have to keep coming back and having dialysis while the guy with the new kidney wouldn't. The job of a hospital is to make sick people better, not keep people alive.
Yes, you have a point, but you're also overlooking the point that is trying to be made and focussing on shit that doesn't matter to substantiate the point you're trying to make.
There is no point to miss.
Yet somehow you managed to.