Breaking News - Mitt Romney claims to have paid taxes

Ahh, but Sly's example did not say that the entire cost of the car was contained within that 10 dollars, just the car itself, with no mention of maintenance, fuel, insurance, or anything like that.

Because those things are irrelevant. You're just focusing on them because otherwise you've got nothing to refute the point with.

So, you can't assume that all of the other costs were rolled into it. Sly's example dealt with the purchase of the automobile itself, and the automobile only. I am only going by what was given in the scenario, you are assuming what wasn't there.

Actually you can. The hypothetical scenario isn't about the economics of running the damn cars. It's a simplified analogy about the distribution of wealth. The impact to the finances of a car company is the same if ten people buy one car as one person buying ten. However, the person who has ten cars has far more cars than he will ever want or need.

Or to put it another way, 400 people having the same combined wealth as 150 million. Oh I know that the scaling is off in Sly's example but it's still understandable.

Okay, so disprove it. If it's so pathetic, it should be rather easy.

The point --> .

you ^^^

This is a graphic representation of you and the example. I can't disprove what you're saying because you're talking about something entirely different. Instead of arguing about the distribution of wealth you're arguing about running a car, nitpicking at irrelevant details and missing the entire point. Or to demonstrate using my own example.

A hospital has $100 to spend on its renal patients. For that money it can give one patient a kidney transplant or put 10 patients on dialysis. Which should it do?

Me: They should put 10 patients on dialysis because that way they're saving the lives of 10 people rather than just 1.

You: They should give one patient a new kidney because dialysis isn't going to fix their failed kidneys whereas a new kidney would. This means they're going to have to keep coming back and having dialysis while the guy with the new kidney wouldn't. The job of a hospital is to make sick people better, not keep people alive.

Yes, you have a point, but you're also overlooking the point that is trying to be made and focussing on shit that doesn't matter to substantiate the point you're trying to make.

There is no point to miss.

Yet somehow you managed to.
Барбоса;4073499 said:
You mean you do not care that maybe that candidate has made through nefarious or unfair means? Not saying that Romney does (even if I do find it reprehensible that the rich pay a lower tax rate) but it is still important.

When actual evidence is presented beyond "Harry Reid heard it from a guy who heard it from a guy", maybe. Until then, no. Basically, there has to be actual evidence of wrongdoing. This whole Romney tax issue has been nothing but a wild goose chase so far. When and if evidence surfaces that suggests Romney has actually engaged in illegal activities, I will consider it. Until then, it's just wishful speculation only. If evidence surfaces that Romney is a tax cheat, that he illegally hid money to reduce his tax burden, that he broke the law, then fuck him. But as long as he is playing by the rules, why should I give a damn?

My concern lies with the law, not the amount of his wealth. As long as there is no evidence that even remotely indicates Romney broke any tax laws whatsoever, that he didn't fully abide with the law when preparing his taxes, then my interest in the issue is non-existent. Burden of proof, man. Burden of proof. Right now, there is none. It's as simple as that.
That's great if people all contributed equally too. But they don't. Some people work their asses off, some people spend their entire lives living off of others. Why do they deserve an equal share of the wealth when they are unwilling to share equally in the work required to obtain it?


This is a junior doctor. Until a couple of years ago, they were expected to work seven consecutive 13 hour night shifts. That's a 91 hour week spent on the wards. Their pay: £21,000.


This is Mitt Romney. He has been (by his own admission) unemployed for two years. He is worth at least $190 million.

Who exactly is working their ass off here Davi?
Was she forced to go into nursing? Was she ignorant of the amount of time it would take? Was she unaware of the accepted pay that nurses make? She made a choice to go into nursing, she chose the hours, she chose the pay. Why should I be heartbroken over the fact that she exercised her freedom and choseto be a nurse? Am I supposed to feel sorry because she made a decision to go to nursing school? Should I be jealous of Mitt Romney's wealth because he chose to study business, a career path that generally provides a greater chance to enhance one's wealth and I didn't? I made my choices in life to study what I studied, it was my decisions in life that are responsible for the salary I currently earn. Mitt Romney successfully ran the Olympics. I know I couldn't have. He has skills that I don't. If that means he makes a shitload of money, so be it. I refuse to play the victim card and blame anyone else for my lack of wealth other than myself. If Mitt Romney is wealthy, iI applaud him for being successful, not scorn him out of jealousy that I am not. Success is not a disease. Maybe the nurse should consider an alternative form of employment if she is unhappy with her salary. Learn some new, more marketable skills. Why should I feel sorry for someone who is doing exactly what she trained to do? It was her choice to be a nurse, wasn't it?
of course I was, lol

I figured as much. I have much more respect for your intelligence than some of what you posted there. That is a compliment.
Sly was offering a red herring argument that is completely irrelevant to the discussion of whether or not Mitt Romney paid his taxes.
No I didn't. I offered an illustration on the importance of distribution of wealth.
Was she forced to go into nursing? Was she ignorant of the amount of time it would take? Was she unaware of the accepted pay that nurses make? She made a choice to go into nursing, she chose the hours, she chose the pay. Why should I be heartbroken over the fact that she exercised her freedom and choseto be a nurse? Am I supposed to feel sorry because she made a decision to go to nursing school? Should I be jealous of Mitt Romney's wealth because he chose to study business, a career path that generally provides a greater chance to enhance one's wealth and I didn't? I made my choices in life to study what I studied, it was my decisions in life that are responsible for the salary I currently earn. Mitt Romney successfully ran the Olympics. I know I couldn't have. He has skills that I don't. If that means he makes a shitload of money, so be it. I refuse to play the victim card and blame anyone else for my lack of wealth other than myself. If Mitt Romney is wealthy, iI applaud him for being successful, not scorn him out of jealousy that I am not. Success is not a disease. Maybe the nurse should consider an alternative form of employment if she is unhappy with her salary. Learn some new, more marketable skills. Why should I feel sorry for someone who is doing exactly what she trained to do? It was her choice to be a nurse, wasn't it?

You were talking about people working their asses off like it is supposed to mean something. He provided an example where someone works much harder than someone else and is not rewarded nearly as well. Personally I think both of your arguments are silly.

Here are my issues:

1. Romney has only returned two years of tax returns, it is common for presidential candidates to release far more (inlcuding his father). It makes me question his character or that he is hiding something he doesn't want to explain.
2. What Romney has provided shows that Romney pays a lower percentage of his earnings in income taxes than many people that make far less. While it may not be illegal it shows that the tax code is giving people a competitive advantage based on how they make their money. I don't like the effect this has on society.
3. Romney has put money offshore in the Cayman Islands and Bahamas in order to avoid paying taxes on it. That is not exactly presidential behavior.
4. Under Ryan's tax plans Romney would pay less than 1% in income taxes. More competitive advantage provided by the federal government to a group of people who make money in a different way than the rest of us.

So congratulations, Harry Reid is an idiot. Doesn't change the fact that I don't trust Romney or believe in his policies (which I am sure he will make clear to us as soon as we elect him).

Of course none of this matters unless you live in Florida and are over 18, where your vote actually matters. Everyone PM Pancake your political leanings.
I have to agree with GSB here. I will never understand why people are so mad about someone they "know" using the tax code to get thousands back that they become convinced that the system they really want is one where people they don't know get millions back. At least there is a chance that **** might suck your dick and buy you a steak afterwards.

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