Obama Vs Romney. Full State by State predictions.

You mean the kind he had four years ago, before citizens united and the rise of the Tea Party fanatics that HATE Romney? It's not as cut and dry as you're making it out to be.

Citezens United was the winner of a supreem court descision allowing unlimmited funding of money through secret donors who can remain aynonomous as long as they are not registered lobbiest. That means Wall street money. and most of that is going to romney. Karl Rove's group "american cross-roads" is the biggest of all and is firmly behind romney, along with the rest of the establishment. KB... Who is the Republican nominee going to be? all the money and organization says romney. I WAS DEFENDING YOU MY LIBERAL BROTHER!
I have trouble taking advice on logistics from a person who cannot spell the word correctly.

Imagine that I am a doctor, and I'm prescribing you medication for pneumonia, only on the prescription I write "4 numonya". Would you trust me?

i would rather mis-spell a word that mis-diagnose. You have no business handi caping the race with your Ron paul predictions.
Citezens United was the winner of a supreem court descision allowing unlimmited funding of money through secret donors who can remain aynonomous as long as they are not registered lobbiest. That means Wall street money. and most of that is going to romney. Karl Rove's group "american cross-roads" is the biggest of all and is firmly behind romney, along with the rest of the establishment. KB... Who is the Republican nominee going to be? all the money and organization says romney. I WAS DEFENDING YOU MY LIBERAL BROTHER!

You're either great at sarcasm or really stupid. I haven't figured out which yet.
i would rather mis-spell a word that mis-diagnose. You have no business handi caping the race with your Ron paul predictions.

President Barack Obama brought socialist, interventionist, corporative American empire closer to it's downfall. He has done a good job, as far as Bill Lesnar is concerned. Bill Lesnar hopes that he will win a second term.


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