The 2012 Presidential Campaign has begun.

I've kinda said all I want to. I'll reply to X in a little bit. I gotta get high again before I type all that.

:lmao: Even when we bitterly argue, we can find something to agree on. I too am enjoying the wonders of my gravity bong. I'm thinking of naming it El Santo. 'Cause it hits that good.

If you're gonna type up a response, just start a thread in the Cigar Lounge instead replying to my post or something. That way I don't have to be bothered coming up with some new shit :lmao:

'Cause if I'm typin' up another novel...I want it to count baby.
Give us a break ST! We're not ****es you can hit up when we're stoned!

Plus I've already given you rep too recently. Thus, no rep for a few days, it won't let me.
The next person that calls me a nihilist will be gangraped. Immediately.
Yeah, barring Obama fucking up HUGE, he's a lock for 2012. People that say he's been horrible so far just make me shake my head. He's done fine so far. Not great, but not awful. If anyone believes he's the first president to do stuff that's a bit shady, you're kidding yourself. It comes with the job.

The next person that calls me a nihilist will be gangraped. Immediately.

I'd say that KB just called you a nihilist, but you and your nihilist pals can't rape the willing, you thief.
The key word in gangraped is the word gang. As in, myself and the 1989 Denver Broncos.

Slick Rick don't discriminate, bend over bitches.

:lmao: Am I really drunk or are DIAR and KB fighting over my dick?!
The key word in gangraped is the word gang. As in, myself and the 1989 Denver Broncos.

Slick Rick don't discriminate, bend over bitches.

:lmao: Am I really drunk or are DIAR and KB fighting over my dick?!
No you are not drunk, we are fighting over it! I WILL WIN!
FTS...I'm not going to read all of this thread right now, and I know I don't need to, to know you'll probably agree with me.

I think that she did this for a run at the White House. Fine. Good for her. I'll wait and see who I think is most qualified before voting for them. I may even switch my voter's reg to Republican, so I can vote in the primary. But, I hope that we (as a people) don't just vote for whoever is facing Obama, merely because we want him out of office that bad. I had said to Lee on MSN, that the GOP could run out Oscar The Grouch, and chances are, he'd beat Obama in 2012. Voters need to remember to vote for the most qualified Republican to run against Obama, and then to only vote for that person, if they truly feel they can do a better job than Obama.

I think this is why Bush won in '04. No one believed Kerry could do a better job. I voted for him, because I simply did not want 4 more years of Bush.
FTS...I'm not going to read all of this thread right now, and I know I don't need to, to know you'll probably agree with me.

I think that she did this for a run at the White House. Fine. Good for her. I'll wait and see who I think is most qualified before voting for them. I may even switch my voter's reg to Republican, so I can vote in the primary. But, I hope that we (as a people) don't just vote for whoever is facing Obama, merely because we want him out of office that bad. I had said to Lee on MSN, that the GOP could run out Oscar The Grouch, and chances are, he'd beat Obama in 2012. Voters need to remember to vote for the most qualified Republican to run against Obama, and then to only vote for that person, if they truly feel they can do a better job than Obama.

I think this is why Bush won in '04. No one believed Kerry could do a better job. I voted for him, because I simply did not want 4 more years of Bush.

NSL, I agree with you. The problem is that there are too many influences within the party. Those forces are pulling the party too far right. The country is center right, and that's why John McCain started ahead in the polls after the conventions. He is center right, but ran the worst campaign in the history of politics. Sarah Palin said some stupid things, and the media that was in the left's pocket at the time, made sure that those couple of stupid comments were all we heard. Then they make it seem like John McCain could die at any minute. That combination was killer.

I think Sarah Palin is a very good politician. I think she excites the conservatives, which always brings in money. I think she appeals to middle America. She has a handicapped child and her daughter is a single mom. This makes her a real person, which pulls in support from the middle class, but disgusts the elite. If she can bring middle America and the elite together, she wins. That is how Bush won twice.

Palin, today, basically said that she doesn't want to draw a paycheck from Alaska when she was campaigning for President. Mitt Romney basically declared the other day. Two of our hopefuls have fallen in sex scandals. Bobby Jindal hurt himself in the speech after Obama's Address to the Nation. Who is left? Huckabee and Giulliani. The question is whether the party can find someone to run a strong campaign like Karl Rove. The people who have run the party for thirty years are gone, and there was not enough preparation for that day. That is a problem.
NSL, I agree with you.

It's about time I find someone who agrees with me on this stuff...

The problem is that there are too many influences within the party. Those forces are pulling the party too far right.

You're pointing this at Rush, right? Thought so...I agree. Chris Rock said it best: "Anyone who makes up their mind before they hear the facts, is a fucking idiot." Too many people are thinking "We're Republicans, so these are our views", and vice versa for the Dems. Lewis Black then said "There needs to come a time, when the left and right look at something for what it is, and fucking agree, that it is what they are looking at." I know I quoted comedians there, but they make sense, especially Black, who needs to run for office in my mind.

The country is center right, and that's why John McCain started ahead in the polls after the conventions. He is center right, but ran the worst campaign in the history of politics.

What's really sad...Is that he was running away with the election in 2000, and dropped out. Made me seriously go :wtf: I was too young to vote, but knew he should've won.

Sarah Palin said some stupid things, and the media that was in the left's pocket at the time, made sure that those couple of stupid comments were all we heard.

While I agree, I think it was more that they made it seem like everything Obama said, or did, was fucking gospel. Like he was the second coming of Moses. << Someone sig that...Please...

Then they make it seem like John McCain could die at any minute. That combination was killer.

I'm surprised no one mentioned Joe Biden's age. He's only a few years younger. I'd also take all of McCain's life experience, over anything Biden did while running Delaware (No offense NorCal...)

I think Sarah Palin is a very good politician. I think she excites the conservatives, which always brings in money.

Money = power. Look at what they did with Obama...

I think she appeals to middle America.

Yes. Problem is, the way the economy has been, there is no "middle America". It's either rich or poor, with a very small grey area.

She has a handicapped child and her daughter is a single mom. This makes her a real person, which pulls in support from the middle class, but disgusts the elite.

I love disgusting the elite. They can all kiss my ass, and get their noses out of the air. People fuck up sometimes, and they need to get over it. Like Obama saying he loved his grandma, when in his book, he said quite the opposite.

If she can bring middle America and the elite together, she wins. That is how Bush won twice.

Well, Bush won that way the first time. He won the second time, for being better than Kerry. I would have been a better nominee than him,. He had more plot holes than a bad teen drama.

Palin, today, basically said that she doesn't want to draw a paycheck from Alaska when she was campaigning for President. Mitt Romney basically declared the other day. Two of our hopefuls have fallen in sex scandals.

I like that Palin is going to make a run. Romney still needs to win me over. i was a strong Huckabee supporter, and since Romney was so anti-Huck, I couldn't really follow what he was saying all the time. I'd like to see Huckabee make a run again. Even just as VP. And, for the record, don't use "our". I'm listed as an Independent for a reason...

Bobby Jindal hurt himself in the speech after Obama's Address to the Nation. Who is left? Huckabee and Giulliani. The question is whether the party can find someone to run a strong campaign like Karl Rove. The people who have run the party for thirty years are gone, and there was not enough preparation for that day. That is a problem.

I knew you'd get to them soon enough. I've already stated my reasons on Huck, so I'll cover Giuliani. I like Rudy. He is a good man, and did a good job with NY, even if people try and discredit him. You have to live in the city, and be a part of it to know exactly what he did for that place. It's much different than it was before he ran the show, and even if he didn't "do" anything after 9/11, he was a figurehead. A face we all knew, who we could follow. Isn't that exactly what the President is?
Two of our hopefuls have fallen in sex scandals. Bobby Jindal hurt himself in the speech after Obama's Address to the Nation. Who is left? Huckabee and Giulliani.

PLEASE tell me you don't support Giuliani FTS...please...oh Lordy please.

I'd rather have a third term of Bush then I would a single term of Giuliani. That man is a fool, and an asshole. "Hey, let's go imprison the homeless! That way our streets can be clean and spiffy for all the cameras! Human rights? What human rights? We don't need no stinkin' human rights!"
PLEASE tell me you don't support Giuliani FTS...please...oh Lordy please.

I'd rather have a third term of Bush then I would a single term of Giuliani. That man is a fool, and an asshole. "Hey, let's go imprison the homeless! That way our streets can be clean and spiffy for all the cameras! Human rights? What human rights? We don't need no stinkin' human rights!"

I just laughed SO hard. Lmao!
xfearbefore...Bringing Joy to Teenage Girls Since 2007.

Well, long before, but that's when I joined.
PLEASE tell me you don't support Giuliani FTS...please...oh Lordy please.

I'd rather have a third term of Bush then I would a single term of Giuliani. That man is a fool, and an asshole. "Hey, let's go imprison the homeless! That way our streets can be clean and spiffy for all the cameras! Human rights? What human rights? We don't need no stinkin' human rights!"

Lord no. Not Presidential material. He'd make a good Attorney General.
I´m not into american politics but hell even I know that Palin is nothing but a joke.

Her as president ? She would represent the USA, she had to deal with the likes of Ahmadinejad, Putin and Kim Jong. She can´t handle that !!! She was fooled by some random guy pretending to be Sarkozy on the phone, she would declare war on the High-school her son just lost in Hockey to.

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