The 2012 Presidential Campaign has begun.


You don't want it with me.
Sarah Palin has resigned the governorship of Alaska, and her speech seemed to the opening salvo of a political campaign.

Mitt Romney has all but made posters and placards for his run.

The press' love affair with President Obama seems to be getting rocky.

The 2008 campaign begain in 2006, and this one seems to be getting a jump on that.

My question long till you get tired of it?
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I'm already tired of 2016's race.

I heard Mitt Romney isn't bad. He's a paleo-con, right?

Palin is laughable.
Paleo-con? Old school, fiscally responsible, non-evangelical? He's mormon.

Palin isn't laughable. Most of her duties on the campaign got edited into thirty second soundbites to make her look bad. All she wants to do is clean up corruption, which is basically what the winner in 2012 will have to do. If you don't believe me, google Inspector general fired.
You'll be able to vote in it, you should pay attention. Voting is the most important right that you have.
Paleo-con? Old school, fiscally responsible, non-evangelical? He's mormon.

Palin isn't laughable. Most of her duties on the campaign got edited into thirty second soundbites to make her look bad. All she wants to do is clean up corruption, which is basically what the winner in 2012 will have to do. If you don't believe me, google Inspector general fired.

Against gun control too? I had a republican friend that praised him...I think.

Let me clarify. Palin's chance at winning is laughable.
that girl in dragons sig should be pres
I'd sooner elect Magic Johnson as President then Mitt fucking Romney.

I may catch some shit for saying this, but I don't want a Mormon President. No offense (well yeah actually, take offense) to Mormons, but your religion is fucking ridiculious. It's one thing to believe in something like Christianity where you can't really prove if any of the things in the bible happened, but to believe some of the shit in Mormon scripture, even though it can clearly be disproven by both Science and common fucking sense, is ridiculious. If they just got rid of the hokey bullshit like the Garden of Eden was in Jackson County, Missouri then maybe I'd have more respect for them.

Yep, that's right. Ol' liberal commie pot smokin' xfear has a problem with Mormons. I'm full of surprises like that.
I'd sooner elect Magic Johnson as President then Mitt fucking Romney.

I may catch some shit for saying this, but I don't want a Mormon President. No offense (well yeah actually, take offense) to Mormons, but your religion is fucking ridiculious. It's one thing to believe in something like Christianity where you can't really prove if any of the things in the bible happened, but to believe some of the shit in Mormon scripture, even though it can clearly be disproven by both Science and common fucking sense, is ridiculious.

Yep, that's right. Ol' liberal commie pot smokin' xfear has a problem with Mormons. I'm full of surprises like that.

Nihilist. I'm surprised that you had the will to get out of bed this morning.
We'll see what happens with Obama in the next 18 months. He's done nothing but use his political capital to advance the liberal social and environmental agenda. If he doesn't do something within this time frame that pleases everyone on the political spectrum, then he'll need a miracle to not be a one-term president.
I think you're seriously underrating America's love of Obama tdigle. The guy can pretty much do absolutely nothing for the rest of his term and will most likely be re-elected. Isn't fair, but it's true. Obama is fucking God to the media and large portions of America, especially African-Americans and women.

Who's going to get more votes then Obama? Sarah Palin? Not a chance. Mitt Romney? Never. Who else is there? McCain again? Not gonna happen.
What the fuck?! There's a time-frame that will please the whole political spectrum?

TDiggity, it's not that he's advanced the socialist ideology, it's that he's chosen some of the wrong industries to socialize. Energy, I think, should be government controlled. Oil shouldn't be controlled, but the refinement and generation of power should be, much like your utility bill. Oil companies should be selling oil to the government. The medical industry, on the other hand, should not be socialized. Canadian health care is a joke. People have to wait, in pain, for years to get MRI's. There is a dramatic rise in private clinics all over the country because people would rather pay for care than wait for free.

Obama's problem is that he doesn't know how to act without complete control. The idea that someone might oppose him angers him, and causes him to act without reason. Stacking town halls is not a responsible act. He should be answering the questions given to him. Give George Bush credit for that. His answers might not have been eloquent or crowd pleasing, but he did not hide from the tough questions. Obama hides from all opposition.

And, Xfear, I don't completely disagree with your views on Mormonism. I've met a lot of Mormons, and they were very nice people with a fucked up family life. But I don't think that the views of the religion would influence his political decisions very much. He was the governor of Massachusetts, which is one of the most liberal states in the nation, and was very popular as a reformer who was very high on civil liberties.

That being said, I vote Huckabee in the primaries because I like the idea of a consumption tax. That ideal seems far fairer than taking over 50% of one's salary just because he is successful. The current tax code penalizes success and rewards laziness. I worked in a welfare office for a while, and I can tell you that the clients were living better than the employees, and that is fucked up.
It's a damn shame Obama got elected as president of the US and it will be a damn shame still and huge dissapointment if America re-elects him.

With all of that in mind, I won't be able to vote since I might not be a citizen. But if I could vote I would vote Huckabee if he decides to run. It should have been him or McCain who got elected.
I don't get the appeal of Mike Huckabee. Perhaps you can explain it to me FTS?

Either way, his chances of becoming President are zero if he continues on the Evangelical platform. America isn't going to elect an Evangelical, it's just not going to happen, not in this day and age.
The only way I'll give a damn about the election is if Ron Paul is running. That's it.

Well, maybe Bobby Jindal. He's a devout Catholic and that can sometimes cloud his judgment on some things, but he's truly a great man and I believe someone who could do wonderful things for this country, as he has for Louisiana these past few years.
The only way I'll give a damn about the election is if Ron Paul is running. That's it.

God damn right! Been supporting that man since 2006, and I always will. The only reason I voted Obama is because Paul was no longer in the running.
TDiggity, it's not that he's advanced the socialist ideology, it's that he's chosen some of the wrong industries to socialize. Energy, I think, should be government controlled. Oil shouldn't be controlled, but the refinement and generation of power should be, much like your utility bill. Oil companies should be selling oil to the government. The medical industry, on the other hand, should not be socialized. Canadian health care is a joke. People have to wait, in pain, for years to get MRI's. There is a dramatic rise in private clinics all over the country because people would rather pay for care than wait for free.

What are his two biggest claims to fame right now besides the stimulus package? His global warming bill and furthering the extension of benefits to homosexuals who work for the federal government. I'm not saying that these aren't important things, but he is essentially ignoring the big picture and focusing on extremely divisive issues that are, frankly, of very little importance to the American public-at-large.
Mike Huckabee's campaign centered around the Fair Tax, which is a consumption tax. The idea is that if people get to take home 100% of their salaries, then they will buy more. If they buy more, with a consumption tax in place, then more revenue will be gathered by the government. The IRS costs billions annually to maintain, so eliminating that antiquated bureaucracy plus adding revenue via the Fair Tax is a plus-plus for the government.

He doesn't run as an evangelical, he runs on values. There is a difference, in that evangelicals tend to preach forgiveness and spout homophobic and exclusionary statements. Huckabee, an ordained minister, is different. He is an all-inclusive theoretisist who feel that no matter what your religion, ideals like loving your neighbor, helping the less fortunate, loyalty, etc. are universal, and should influence policy. I can't disagree there. He is high on security, rated as highly as any other conservative on civil liberties, and tends to be a very reasonable judge who doesn't universally decide, but takes into account all the details of a situation. His policies in Arkansas were tough to define because of the absence of universal principles beyond values. He took a more subjective view of events, and decided based on the greater good.
X saying he voted for Obama makes me want to throw up.

Oh god not another person who thinks Obama is going to bring about a global hololcaust, jesus christ no not you ST.

The only reason I voted for Obama was because A) Ron Paul wasn't on the ticket, and B) I'd rather have Obama then McCain.

...And how could it possibly surprise you that the hippie commie pot smoking punk rock fan voted for Obama?! Who the hell would you think I'd vote for?!
What are his two biggest claims to fame right now besides the stimulus package? His global warming bill and furthering the extension of benefits to homosexuals who work for the federal government. I'm not saying that these aren't important things, but he is essentially ignoring the big picture and focusing on extremely divisive issues that are, frankly, of very little importance to the American public-at-large.

You don't have to convince me to not like President Obama. I am with you on that. I just tried to say something positive about him. I did it for shock value.
Oh god not another person who thinks Obama is going to bring about a global hololcaust, jesus christ no not you ST.

The only reason I voted for Obama was because A) Ron Paul wasn't on the ticket, B) I'd rather have Obama then McCain.

...And how could it possibly surprise you that the hippie commie pot smoking punk rock fan voted for Obama?! Who the hell would you think I'd vote for?!

Bob Barr?
Mike Huckabee's campaign centered around the Fair Tax, which is a consumption tax. The idea is that if people get to take home 100% of their salaries, then they will buy more. If they buy more, with a consumption tax in place, then more revenue will be gathered by the government. The IRS costs billions annually to maintain, so eliminating that antiquated bureaucracy plus adding revenue via the Fair Tax is a plus-plus for the government.

Sounds like you should be a fan of Ron Paul then, as he too advocates for the elimination of the IRS, as well as countless other utterly useless government agencies.

He doesn't run as an evangelical, he runs on values. There is a difference, in that evangelicals tend to preach forgiveness and spout homophobic and exclusionary statements. Huckabee, an ordained minister, is different. He is an all-inclusive theoretisist who feel that no matter what your religion, ideals like loving your neighbor, helping the less fortunate, loyalty, etc. are universal, and should influence policy. I can't disagree there. He is high on security, rated as highly as any other conservative on civil liberties, and tends to be a very reasonable judge who doesn't universally decide, but takes into account all the details of a situation. His policies in Arkansas were tough to define because of the absence of universal principles beyond values. He took a more subjective view of events, and decided based on the greater good.

What do you mean by "values"? As in moral values? Because if so, I'm not buying what he's selling. Keep your personal beliefs in morals and values to yourself, and out of your politics.

Really I don't have any problem with Huckabee. Just evangelicals in general.

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