Tavaris Jackson - Minnesota Vikings savior....or not...


Excellence of Execution
Told ya, KB.

3 points for the Vikings. Jackson was 15-30, for 118 yards and 1 INT.

Guess that answers why Favre was still playing, huh?
Nah, not really. Favre likely would have gotten destroyed by them anyway. Granted I can't prove that of couse.
I never said he was great (I don't think, could be wrong). I said that given how Favre had been playing and all the injuries and the results the team had been having that Jackson should get a shot as he couldn't do much worse.
The Vikings need to get a veteran qb in the offseason. Carson Palmer could be available if Cincy cuts ties with him. Donovann McNabb could work if the Skins decide to cut him. They can still be very good with a competent quarterback.
Favre playing hurt WOULD HAVE gotten destroyed, Favre healthy prolly would have been able to do something though, that being said if my $20 mil. QB says he thinks he can go, I'm still starting him, paying a guy $20 mil to sit his ass on the bench when he is able to play would just be ******ed, Favre is a legend fans will pay to watch him just so they can say they saw him play live, even if he is playing like shit
Based upon Minnesota's stellar showing thus far this year, safe to say that tonight's result would not have been much different even if Favre was playing. They simply haven't been a playoff team this year for several reasons. The question is, is Favre done for good now? Will he play again this year, and will he be back anywhere next year? I predict, and hope, it's no on both counts. Better to go with Jackson and lose, but build for the future, rather than continue with Favre, lose anyway, and be screwed in the future.

Clearly Jackson will not be the saviour this year, but hopefully he's the future for the Purple People Eaters. He just needs some time, some patience on everyone's part, and the ability to step out of Favre's shadow. Like Aaron Rodgers.
Jackson has had time, and patience, the simple truth is he's just not that good, as I said in another thread Tavaris Jackson, shitty starter, good back-up

Wilf is going to want a big name back at QB, that could mean Min. trying to work out a trade for Vick or Kolb, or trying to pick up someone like Palmer, or McNabb if they get cut as Big Sexy mentioned earlier
Vick's not going anywhere. Kolb probably will get traded but I really don't think he's very good so Minny would be making a mistake by trying to get him.
Vick's not going anywhere. Kolb probably will get traded but I really don't think he's very good so Minny would be making a mistake by trying to get him.

The other thing I thought, and I don't think it's very likely but they could try and trade someone, or a couple picks to Carolina and try to get the first pick overall, then draft Luck or Cam Newton, though as I said I don't think that's what they're looking to do, nor do I think they would even try

I see them trying to grab a vet with name value
The other thing I thought, and I don't think it's very likely but they could try and trade someone, or a couple picks to Carolina and try to get the first pick overall, then draft Luck or Cam Newton, though as I said I don't think that's what they're looking to do, nor do I think they would even try

I see them trying to grab a vet with name value

I think they're going to go the veteran route but if they do go with a first round qb they may not have to trade up. Depending on how the rest of the season goes and draft workouts go, someone like Cam Newton could still be around when the Vikes pick. If the season ended today they would be somewhere between 8-13 depending on coin flips and tie breakers.
The other thing I thought, and I don't think it's very likely but they could try and trade someone, or a couple picks to Carolina and try to get the first pick overall, then draft Luck or Cam Newton, though as I said I don't think that's what they're looking to do, nor do I think they would even try

I see them trying to grab a vet with name value

Minnesota would fall no worse than 13th overall if the season ended right now, depending on how things worked out. And no higher than 8th overall, if they drew the top billing from the worst of the 5 win teams.

That being said.. The only teams out of those 13 that have potential in taking either Cam Newton or Andrew Luck are..

Bengals, Bills, Titans, Cardinals or Niners.

Unless you ask Jimmy Johnson, :suspic: who believes Carolina will take Andrew Luck #1 overall and apparently wash away all of last year's picks of Clausen, Pike, and Edwards (QB turned WR turned back QB)

Honestly, the Titans, Niners and Cardinals are the only three out of that list that I truly think would take Newton/Luck if they had the chance. As much as Palmer sucks, I don't think the Bengals will cut ties. And with as decent as Fitz has played, I believe the Bills would give him a starting chance.

EDIT: Sorry BS, didn't noticed you explained the draft spot. I just seen the first page.
Because that would be a bullshit way to keep a streak going and it would take away its integrity.

Okay.. I'm gonna be the one to say it.. (keep in mind, I'm not disagreeing that it'd be cheap and whatknot)

He should have. He's a Grandfather still playing a game that people 5-10 years younger than him gave up on. Ever since pretty much week 7, if not sooner, the Season has been over and quite possibly (especially now) Favre's career.

The only thing he had left was a starting streak. 297. 3 away from an even 300. Why not just finish it up and stop at that even 300. Integrity? He will forever be one of the greatest QBs in the history of the league and yet still one of the most shit on guys for never retiring. I doubt coming out, handing the ball off - maybe taking ONE throw, then leaving.. would've changed much.

Yeah, it'd be a shitty way to do it, and obviously Favre isn't about getting cheap stats like that (otherwise he would have, I'm sure) but to be honest.. he should have. 297.. such an incredible stat, but ultimately one that will forever make you think.. really.. 3 away from 300 and you just couldn't fucking suck it up?
It sucks he couldn't keep the streak alive but all good things must come to an end. Going out for one snap takes away from the integrity of the streak, it takes away from Favre's character, and it would be nothing but a negative. By sitting out he still had one of the most impressive, if not the most impressive iron man streak in the history of sports. By taking a snap and then going to the bench that great streak becomes tainted.
Plus if Favre were to do that the media would be all over how egotistical he is and how much attention he seeks. It would have been a mess. With that said the Vikes need a QB. I'm a big fan of TJack, but he isn't gonna get us anywhere. He isn't a guy that is gonna lead a team. He is a guy who can make a start or two when needed, but his best role is that of a backup QB. What we need to do in the offseason is get a veteran QB or hopefully land one of the big 4 potential QBs in the draft (Locker, Mallet, Luck, Newton).
Minnesota needs to draft a first round QB. They haven't done it in forever (if they ever have), and none of the top guys that will be available in FA will be serviceable enough to warrant giving the starting job to outright (Palmer, McNabb, etc).

I'd say draft a guy, and then sign a veteran backup (maybe even a Palmer or McNabb).
Minnesota needs to draft a first round QB. They haven't done it in forever (if they ever have), and none of the top guys that will be available in FA will be serviceable enough to warrant giving the starting job to outright (Palmer, McNabb, etc).

I'd say draft a guy, and then sign a veteran backup (maybe even a Palmer or McNabb).

Last QB we drafted in the 1st round was Daunte Culpepper and he turned out quite nicely for us until his knees got fucked up and he became shit. I'm all for drafting a QB and signing a veteran. Looking at the options it seems like Palmer or McNabb would be the best bets if they are cut. Other than that Chad Pennington might be the best guy who isn't under contract next year that'll be available. Maybe Shaun Hill.
Last QB we drafted in the 1st round was Daunte Culpepper and he turned out quite nicely for us until his knees got fucked up and he became shit. I'm all for drafting a QB and signing a veteran. Looking at the options it seems like Palmer or McNabb would be the best bets if they are cut. Other than that Chad Pennington might be the best guy who isn't under contract next year that'll be available. Maybe Shaun Hill.
I feared saying Pennington, because I get accused of being a homer too much. But yes, if he comes back and is healthy, then it would be a good move. I don't think he's coming back, and even still I don't think he'd want to to go Minnesota (he's a family man and lives in the south).

I think the best move though would be to draft a QB in the first round, then sign Palmer (who should be cut by Cincy, cause it obviously isn't working out there anymore). Then give Palmer the starting job with the other guy waiting to take the job if Palmer doesn't work. If it does, then the guy learns from him for a year. If it doesn't, then you put the kid in.
Shaun Hill isn't a free agent so he is out of the question. If a guy like Cam Newton or Ryan Mallet falls to the Vikes in the 1st then it wouldn't be a bad idea to grab one of them, however, if the top 3 qbs are gone then the Vikes should not take a quarterback. I firmly believe that Jake Locker has bust written all over him and the Vikings should avoid him at all costs. If Locker is the only one left then just wait until a later round to get a quarterback.
Yeah, the Vikings need another Joe Webb on their roster. I don't want to see them wait until a later round.

What I'm pissed off about is the Vikings getting robbed of a home game this season as soon as they start gaining momentum for maybe a Wild Card bid. Ford Field I was saying being a neutral field for them really wasn't even that it was just a bunch of Lions fans booing them. What a god damn joke.

Us true Viking fans don't deserve this. We have had so many solid teams and yet we never win a thing. Other teams with just stumble into the Super Bowl and win. I can't believe how hard we cheer and they work for nothing. It's astounding.
Yeah, the Vikings need another Joe Webb on their roster. I don't want to see them wait until a later round.

What I'm pissed off about is the Vikings getting robbed of a home game this season as soon as they start gaining momentum for maybe a Wild Card bid. Ford Field I was saying being a neutral field for them really wasn't even that it was just a bunch of Lions fans booing them. What a god damn joke.

Us true Viking fans don't deserve this. We have had so many solid teams and yet we never win a thing. Other teams with just stumble into the Super Bowl and win. I can't believe how hard we cheer and they work for nothing. It's astounding.

Buffalo Bills fans say hello.
I remember almost adding the Buffalo Bills fans to that comment, but then I realized they haven't been good the last 15 years.
I remember almost adding the Buffalo Bills fans to that comment, but then I realized they haven't been good the last 15 years.

4 straight Superbowl appearances with nothing to show for it. A decade of worthlessness. The most die-hard fan base are the Bills and they deserve some form of success more so then any other team.

Vikes don't. They sold out to try and win a title and it failed. Sucks for them.

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