Tastycles Newsletter

Ironically enough, I find myself doing Tim style faces in disbelief of people around me. Only there isn't a camera.
So, I was preparing for my weekend on my own, and bought beer. Got IDed for the first time in about a year, didn't have any, muchos embarrasment, but he still let me take the beer.
Yes they must see your rotting teeth, fine slacks and walkman playing The Fall's B-Sides on loop and just assume you're underage.
I think it's probably because a kit kat chunky and six beers doesn't look like the most adult of shopping lists.
So, I have mentioned my house's coundensation problem on here before I think. Today's task was cleaning the mould it left in its wake. There was a lot, and I have breathed far too much of it in to be considered safe.
The Hoff is hosting the London Raw! Maybe I can relive this again:


Only fatter.
There's a woman coming to inspectmy flat in a bit, but I also want to watch Randy Savage vs Hulk Hogan. Dare I be watching a wrestling DVD when a woman I don't know enters my home?
And if wrestling has taught you one thing, what would it be?
I couldn't risk it, I decided. Watched a programme about conspiracies presented by Danny Wallace instead. It was shit, and she didn't show up.
My first mod propaganda broadcast is on today. Obviously, not wishing to broadcast the fact I am on a wrestling forum in the University bar, I shan't be mentioning it, but I will have the show that three of you know and have not hated.

In other news, the word "Tastycles" looks even more ridiculous in bold, but I'm too attatched to change it.
My first mod propaganda broadcast is on today. Obviously, not wishing to broadcast the fact I am on a wrestling forum in the University bar, I shan't be mentioning it, but I will have the show that three of you know and have not hated.

I'll be there, as usual.

In other news, the word "Tastycles" looks even more ridiculous in bold, but I'm too attatched to change it.

I think it looks good...

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