Tastycles Newsletter

What if she gets the train with those two creeps from the Show signing?!
Oh! Those guys were very creepy.

Maybe the children who were with them weren't even their own children...
They wern't if you remember because they got off the tube and in the queue there were just the two of them.
Yeah, El Gingernibre thought they were part of our group at first. Social leeches I think we'll call them.

I've enjoyed being a part of the bar room community again today, maybe I should kick my girlfriend out of my house permanently.
I went to the one of the weirdest places I've ever been to in my life today - it is a disused shopping centre, but it still has cleaners and a security guard. There's a restaurant, closed down, but the tables are still in there and the menus are up. It's absolutely surreal.
I went to the one of the weirdest places I've ever been to in my life today - it is a disused shopping centre, but it still has cleaners and a security guard. There's a restaurant, closed down, but the tables are still in there and the menus are up. It's absolutely surreal.

I understand the security guards being there, the owner probably wants to keep the property untouched by criminals... but the rest is fucking weird.
It's bizarre. I went for a piss, and it had the nicest toilets I've seen for a while. Also, when I tried to open the doors of the restaurant, a guy came on the tannoy and was like "just to let you know, you are on CCTV".
I went to the one of the weirdest places I've ever been to in my life today - it is a disused shopping centre, but it still has cleaners and a security guard. There's a restaurant, closed down, but the tables are still in there and the menus are up. It's absolutely surreal.

Theres a place kind of like this in Connecticut. Its totally abandoned yet everything looks like the people were just there. Theres cars, furniture and belongings in the homes, and it just seems as if everyone vanished. I havent been there but a sibling of mine has. From her description it sounds like one of those fake communities they used for Nuclear testing.
Went to my "sister"'s house for dinner today, she's grown up, it would seem. Then got home to hearing someone in the Jazz cafe murdering one of my favourite songs, which was a disappointment.
Today's completed WZ tasks:

1) Bitched about music tournament
2) Worked out where Sam went
3) Bumped this thread knowing nobody would respond
I'm not going to tell you where he is, but I think I know. If I'm right, he'll show up wasted on a weekday evening.

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